Forráskód Böngészése

Merge remote-tracking branch 'yudao/master' into dhb52_master

dhb52 1 éve
41 módosított fájl, 1438 hozzáadás és 803 törlés
  1. 2 2
  2. 8 6
  3. 4 0
  4. 3 3
  5. 7 0
  6. 1 1
  7. 5 0
  8. 78 0
  9. 47 0
  10. 142 0
  11. 104 0
  12. 1 1
  13. 64 0
  14. 131 0
  15. 99 0
  16. 7 3
  17. 31 1
  18. 0 5
  19. 5 0
  20. 2 1
  21. 2 0
  22. 151 147
  23. 4 1
  24. 10 4
  25. 31 49
  26. 3 5
  27. 127 240
  28. 15 25
  29. 7 22
  30. 9 34
  31. 27 14
  32. 8 9
  33. 102 40
  34. 5 26
  35. 1 1
  36. 41 25
  37. 125 73
  38. 3 7
  39. 3 58
  40. 9 0
  41. 14 0

+ 2 - 2

@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ NODE_ENV=development
 # 请求路径
 # 上传路径
 # 接口前缀

+ 8 - 6

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  * @Author: zyna
  * @Date: 2023-11-05 13:34:41
- * @LastEditTime: 2023-11-11 16:20:19
+ * @LastEditTime: 2023-11-26 20:47:04
  * @FilePath: \yudao-ui-admin-vue3\src\api\crm\contact\index.ts
  * @Description:
@@ -22,13 +22,15 @@ export interface ContactVO {
   id: number
   parentId: number
   qq: number
-  webchat: string
+  wechat: string
   sex: number
-  policyMakers: boolean
+  master: boolean
   creatorName: string
   updateTime?: Date
   createTime?: Date
-  customerName: string
+  customerName: string,
+  areaName: string,
+  ownerUserName: string
 // 查询crm联系人列表
@@ -60,6 +62,6 @@ export const deleteContact = async (id: number) => {
 export const exportContact = async (params) => {
   return await{ url: `/crm/contact/export-excel`, params })
-export const simpleAlllist = async () => {
-  return await request.get({ url: `/crm/contact/simpleAlllist` })
+export const simpleAllList = async () => {
+  return await request.get({ url: `/crm/contact/simple-all-list` })

+ 4 - 0

@@ -62,3 +62,7 @@ export const deleteCustomer = async (id: number) => {
 export const exportCustomer = async (params) => {
   return await{ url: `/crm/customer/export-excel`, params })
+export const queryAllList = async () => {
+  return await request.get({ url: `/crm/customer/query-all-list` })

+ 3 - 3

@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ export interface PermissionVO {
   bizType: number | undefined // Crm 类型
   bizId: number | undefined // Crm 类型数据编号
   level: number | undefined // 权限级别
-  deptName?: string // 部门名称 // 岗位名称数组 TODO @puhui999:数组?
+  deptName?: string // 部门名称
   nickname?: string // 用户昵称
-  postNames?: string // 岗位名称数组 TODO @puhui999:数组?
+  postNames?: string[] // 岗位名称数组
   createTime?: Date
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ export const getPermissionList = async (params) => {
 // 新增团队成员
 export const createPermission = async (data: PermissionVO) => {
-  return await{ url: `/crm/permission/add`, data })
+  return await{ url: `/crm/permission/create`, data })
 // 修改团队成员权限级别

+ 7 - 0

@@ -73,6 +73,13 @@ export function getCouponTemplatePage(params: PageParam) {
+// 获得优惠劵模板分页
+export function getCouponTemplateList(ids: number[]) {
+  return request.get({
+    url: `/promotion/coupon-template/list?ids=${ids}`
+  })
 // 导出优惠劵模板 Excel
 export function exportCouponTemplateExcel(params: PageParam) {
   return request.get({

+ 1 - 1

@@ -26,6 +26,6 @@ export const getUserPage = (query) => {
 // 同步公众号粉丝
 export const syncUser = (accountId) => {
-    url: '/mp/tag/sync?accountId=' + accountId
+    url: '/mp/user/sync?accountId=' + accountId

+ 5 - 0

@@ -35,3 +35,8 @@ export const updateNotice = (data: NoticeVO) => {
 export const deleteNotice = (id: number) => {
   return request.delete({ url: '/system/notice/delete?id=' + id })
+// 推送公告
+export const pushNotice = (id: number) => {
+  return{ url: '/system/notice/push?id=' + id })

+ 78 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+import * as CouponTemplateApi from '@/api/mall/promotion/coupon/couponTemplate'
+import { CouponTemplateValidityTypeEnum, PromotionDiscountTypeEnum } from '@/utils/constants'
+import { floatToFixed2 } from '@/utils'
+import { formatDate } from '@/utils/formatTime'
+// 优惠值
+export const CouponDiscount = defineComponent({
+  name: 'CouponDiscount',
+  props: {
+    coupon: {
+      type: CouponTemplateApi.CouponTemplateVO
+    }
+  },
+  setup(props) {
+    const coupon = as CouponTemplateApi.CouponTemplateVO
+    // 折扣
+    let value = coupon.discountPercent + ''
+    let suffix = ' 折'
+    // 满减
+    if (coupon.discountType === PromotionDiscountTypeEnum.PRICE.type) {
+      value = floatToFixed2(coupon.discountPrice)
+      suffix = ' 元'
+    }
+    return () => (
+      <div>
+        <span class={'text-20px font-bold'}>{value}</span>
+        <span>{suffix}</span>
+      </div>
+    )
+  }
+// 优惠描述
+export const CouponDiscountDesc = defineComponent({
+  name: 'CouponDiscountDesc',
+  props: {
+    coupon: {
+      type: CouponTemplateApi.CouponTemplateVO
+    }
+  },
+  setup(props) {
+    const coupon = as CouponTemplateApi.CouponTemplateVO
+    // 使用条件
+    const useCondition = coupon.usePrice > 0 ? `满${floatToFixed2(coupon.usePrice)}元,` : ''
+    // 优惠描述
+    const discountDesc =
+      coupon.discountType === PromotionDiscountTypeEnum.PRICE.type
+        ? `减${floatToFixed2(coupon.discountPrice)}元`
+        : `打${coupon.discountPercent}折`
+    return () => (
+      <div>
+        <span>{useCondition}</span>
+        <span>{discountDesc}</span>
+      </div>
+    )
+  }
+// 有效期
+export const CouponValidTerm = defineComponent({
+  name: 'CouponValidTerm',
+  props: {
+    coupon: {
+      type: CouponTemplateApi.CouponTemplateVO
+    }
+  },
+  setup(props) {
+    const coupon = as CouponTemplateApi.CouponTemplateVO
+    const text =
+      coupon.validityType === CouponTemplateValidityTypeEnum.DATE.type
+        ? `有效期:${formatDate(coupon.validStartTime, 'YYYY-MM-DD')} 至 ${formatDate(
+            coupon.validEndTime,
+            'YYYY-MM-DD'
+          )}`
+        : `领取后第 ${coupon.fixedStartTerm} - ${coupon.fixedEndTerm} 天内可用`
+    return () => <div>{text}</div>
+  }

+ 47 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+import { ComponentStyle, DiyComponent } from '@/components/DiyEditor/util'
+/** 商品卡片属性 */
+export interface CouponCardProperty {
+  // 列数
+  columns: number
+  // 背景图
+  bgImg: string
+  // 文字颜色
+  textColor: string
+  // 按钮样式
+  button: {
+    // 颜色
+    color: string
+    // 背景颜色
+    bgColor: string
+  }
+  // 间距
+  space: number
+  // 优惠券编号列表
+  couponIds: number[]
+  // 组件样式
+  style: ComponentStyle
+// 定义组件
+export const component = {
+  id: 'CouponCard',
+  name: '优惠券',
+  icon: 'ep:ticket',
+  property: {
+    columns: 1,
+    bgImg: '',
+    textColor: '#E9B461',
+    button: {
+      color: '#434343',
+      bgColor: ''
+    },
+    space: 0,
+    couponIds: [],
+    style: {
+      bgType: 'color',
+      bgColor: '',
+      marginBottom: 8
+    } as ComponentStyle
+  }
+} as DiyComponent<CouponCardProperty>

+ 142 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+  <el-scrollbar class="z-1 min-h-30px" wrap-class="w-full" ref="containerRef">
+    <div
+      class="flex flex-row text-12px"
+      :style="{
+        gap: `${}px`,
+        width: scrollbarWidth
+      }"
+    >
+      <div
+        class="box-content"
+        :style="{
+          background: property.bgImg
+            ? `url(${property.bgImg}) 100% center / 100% 100% no-repeat`
+            : '#fff',
+          width: `${couponWidth}px`,
+          color: property.textColor
+        }"
+        v-for="(coupon, index) in couponList"
+        :key="index"
+      >
+        <!-- 布局1:1列-->
+        <div v-if="property.columns === 1" class="m-l-16px flex flex-row justify-between p-8px">
+          <div class="flex flex-col justify-evenly gap-4px">
+            <!-- 优惠值 -->
+            <CouponDiscount :coupon="coupon" />
+            <!-- 优惠描述 -->
+            <CouponDiscountDesc :coupon="coupon" />
+            <!-- 有效期 -->
+            <CouponValidTerm :coupon="coupon" />
+          </div>
+          <div class="flex flex-col justify-evenly">
+            <div
+              class="rounded-20px p-x-8px p-y-2px"
+              :style="{
+                color: property.button.color,
+                background: property.button.bgColor
+              }"
+            >
+              立即领取
+            </div>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+        <!-- 布局2:2列-->
+        <div
+          v-else-if="property.columns === 2"
+          class="m-l-16px flex flex-row justify-between p-8px"
+        >
+          <div class="flex flex-col justify-evenly gap-4px">
+            <!-- 优惠值 -->
+            <CouponDiscount :coupon="coupon" />
+            <div>{{ }}</div>
+          </div>
+          <div class="flex flex-col">
+            <div
+              class="h-full w-20px rounded-20px p-x-2px p-y-8px text-center"
+              :style="{
+                color: property.button.color,
+                background: property.button.bgColor
+              }"
+            >
+              立即领取
+            </div>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+        <!-- 布局3:3列-->
+        <div v-else class="flex flex-col items-center justify-around gap-4px p-4px">
+          <!-- 优惠值 -->
+          <CouponDiscount :coupon="coupon" />
+          <div>{{ }}</div>
+          <div
+            class="rounded-20px p-x-8px p-y-2px"
+            :style="{
+              color: property.button.color,
+              background: property.button.bgColor
+            }"
+          >
+            立即领取
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </el-scrollbar>
+<script setup lang="ts">
+import { CouponCardProperty } from './config'
+import * as CouponTemplateApi from '@/api/mall/promotion/coupon/couponTemplate'
+import { CouponDiscount } from './component'
+import {
+  CouponDiscountDesc,
+  CouponValidTerm
+} from '@/components/DiyEditor/components/mobile/CouponCard/component'
+/** 商品卡片 */
+defineOptions({ name: 'CouponCard' })
+// 定义属性
+const props = defineProps<{ property: CouponCardProperty }>()
+// 商品列表
+const couponList = ref<CouponTemplateApi.CouponTemplateVO[]>([])
+  () =>,
+  async () => {
+    if ( > 0) {
+      couponList.value = await CouponTemplateApi.getCouponTemplateList(
+    }
+  },
+  {
+    immediate: true,
+    deep: true
+  }
+// 手机宽度
+const phoneWidth = ref(375)
+// 容器
+const containerRef = ref()
+// 滚动条宽度
+const scrollbarWidth = ref('100%')
+// 优惠券的宽度
+const couponWidth = ref(375)
+// 计算布局参数
+  () => [, phoneWidth, couponList.value.length],
+  () => {
+    // 每列的宽度为:(总宽度 - 间距 * (列数 - 1))/ 列数
+    couponWidth.value =
+      (phoneWidth.value * 0.95 - * ( - 1)) /
+    // 显示滚动条
+    scrollbarWidth.value = `${
+      couponWidth.value * couponList.value.length +
+ * (couponList.value.length - 1)
+    }px`
+  },
+  { immediate: true, deep: true }
+onMounted(() => {
+  // 提取手机宽度
+  phoneWidth.value = containerRef.value?.wrapRef?.offsetWidth || 375
+<style scoped lang="scss"></style>

+ 104 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+  <ComponentContainerProperty v-model="">
+    <el-form label-width="80px" :model="formData">
+      <el-card header="优惠券列表" class="property-group" shadow="never">
+        <div
+          v-for="(coupon, index) in couponList"
+          :key="index"
+          class="flex items-center justify-between"
+        >
+          <el-text size="large" truncated>{{ }}</el-text>
+          <el-text type="info" truncated>
+            <span v-if="coupon.usePrice > 0">满{{ floatToFixed2(coupon.usePrice) }}元,</span>
+            <span v-if="coupon.discountType === PromotionDiscountTypeEnum.PRICE.type">
+              减{{ floatToFixed2(coupon.discountPrice) }}元
+            </span>
+            <span v-else> 打{{ coupon.discountPercent }}折 </span>
+          </el-text>
+        </div>
+        <el-form-item label-width="0">
+          <el-button @click="handleAddCoupon" type="primary" plain class="m-t-8px w-full">
+            <Icon icon="ep:plus" class="mr-5px" /> 添加
+          </el-button>
+        </el-form-item>
+      </el-card>
+      <el-card header="优惠券样式" class="property-group" shadow="never">
+        <el-form-item label="列数" prop="type">
+          <el-radio-group v-model="formData.columns">
+            <el-tooltip class="item" content="一列" placement="bottom">
+              <el-radio-button :label="1">
+                <Icon icon="fluent:text-column-one-24-filled" />
+              </el-radio-button>
+            </el-tooltip>
+            <el-tooltip class="item" content="二列" placement="bottom">
+              <el-radio-button :label="2">
+                <Icon icon="fluent:text-column-two-24-filled" />
+              </el-radio-button>
+            </el-tooltip>
+            <el-tooltip class="item" content="三列" placement="bottom">
+              <el-radio-button :label="3">
+                <Icon icon="fluent:text-column-three-24-filled" />
+              </el-radio-button>
+            </el-tooltip>
+          </el-radio-group>
+        </el-form-item>
+        <el-form-item label="背景图片" prop="bgImg">
+          <UploadImg v-model="formData.bgImg" height="80px" width="100%" class="min-w-160px" />
+        </el-form-item>
+        <el-form-item label="文字颜色" prop="textColor">
+          <ColorInput v-model="formData.textColor" />
+        </el-form-item>
+        <el-form-item label="按钮背景" prop="button.bgColor">
+          <ColorInput v-model="formData.button.bgColor" />
+        </el-form-item>
+        <el-form-item label="按钮文字" prop="button.color">
+          <ColorInput v-model="formData.button.color" />
+        </el-form-item>
+        <el-form-item label="间隔" prop="space">
+          <el-slider
+            v-model=""
+            :max="100"
+            :min="0"
+            show-input
+            input-size="small"
+            :show-input-controls="false"
+          />
+        </el-form-item>
+      </el-card>
+    </el-form>
+  </ComponentContainerProperty>
+  <!-- 优惠券选择 -->
+  <CouponSelect ref="couponSelectDialog" v-model:multiple-selection="couponList" />
+<script setup lang="ts">
+import { CouponCardProperty } from './config'
+import { usePropertyForm } from '@/components/DiyEditor/util'
+import * as CouponTemplateApi from '@/api/mall/promotion/coupon/couponTemplate'
+import { floatToFixed2 } from '@/utils'
+import { PromotionDiscountTypeEnum } from '@/utils/constants'
+import CouponSelect from '@/views/mall/promotion/coupon/components/CouponSelect.vue'
+// 优惠券卡片属性面板
+defineOptions({ name: 'CouponCardProperty' })
+const props = defineProps<{ modelValue: CouponCardProperty }>()
+const emit = defineEmits(['update:modelValue'])
+const { formData } = usePropertyForm(props.modelValue, emit)
+// 优惠券列表
+const couponList = ref<CouponTemplateApi.CouponTemplateVO[]>([])
+const couponSelectDialog = ref()
+// 添加优惠券
+const handleAddCoupon = () => {
+  () => couponList.value,
+  () => {
+    formData.value.couponIds = =>
+  }
+<style scoped lang="scss"></style>

+ 1 - 1

@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ export interface ProductCardFieldProperty {
 export const component = {
   id: 'ProductCard',
   name: '商品卡片',
-  icon: 'system-uicons:carousel',
+  icon: 'fluent:text-column-two-left-24-filled',
   property: {
     layoutType: 'oneColBigImg',
     fields: {

+ 64 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+import { ComponentStyle, DiyComponent } from '@/components/DiyEditor/util'
+/** 商品卡片属性 */
+export interface ProductListProperty {
+  // 布局类型:双列 | 三列 | 水平滑动
+  layoutType: 'twoCol' | 'threeCol' | 'horizSwiper'
+  // 商品字段
+  fields: {
+    // 商品名称
+    name: ProductListFieldProperty
+    // 商品价格
+    price: ProductListFieldProperty
+  }
+  // 角标
+  badge: {
+    // 是否显示
+    show: boolean
+    // 角标图片
+    imgUrl: string
+  }
+  // 上圆角
+  borderRadiusTop: number
+  // 下圆角
+  borderRadiusBottom: number
+  // 间距
+  space: number
+  // 商品编号列表
+  spuIds: number[]
+  // 组件样式
+  style: ComponentStyle
+// 商品字段
+export interface ProductListFieldProperty {
+  // 是否显示
+  show: boolean
+  // 颜色
+  color: string
+// 定义组件
+export const component = {
+  id: 'ProductList',
+  name: '商品栏',
+  icon: 'fluent:text-column-two-24-filled',
+  property: {
+    layoutType: 'twoCol',
+    fields: {
+      name: { show: true, color: '#000' },
+      price: { show: true, color: '#ff3000' }
+    },
+    badge: { show: false, imgUrl: '' },
+    borderRadiusTop: 8,
+    borderRadiusBottom: 8,
+    space: 8,
+    spuIds: [],
+    style: {
+      bgType: 'color',
+      bgColor: '',
+      marginLeft: 8,
+      marginRight: 8,
+      marginBottom: 8
+    } as ComponentStyle
+  }
+} as DiyComponent<ProductListProperty>

+ 131 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+  <el-scrollbar class="z-1 min-h-30px" wrap-class="w-full" ref="containerRef">
+    <!-- 商品网格 -->
+    <div
+      class="grid overflow-x-auto"
+      :style="{
+        gridGap: `${}px`,
+        gridTemplateColumns,
+        width: scrollbarWidth
+      }"
+    >
+      <!-- 商品 -->
+      <div
+        class="relative box-content flex flex-row flex-wrap overflow-hidden bg-white"
+        :style="{
+          borderTopLeftRadius: `${property.borderRadiusTop}px`,
+          borderTopRightRadius: `${property.borderRadiusTop}px`,
+          borderBottomLeftRadius: `${property.borderRadiusBottom}px`,
+          borderBottomRightRadius: `${property.borderRadiusBottom}px`
+        }"
+        v-for="(spu, index) in spuList"
+        :key="index"
+      >
+        <!-- 角标 -->
+        <div
+          v-if=""
+          class="absolute left-0 top-0 z-1 items-center justify-center"
+        >
+          <el-image fit="cover" :src="property.badge.imgUrl" class="h-26px w-38px" />
+        </div>
+        <!-- 商品封面图 -->
+        <el-image fit="cover" :src="spu.picUrl" :style="{ width: imageSize, height: imageSize }" />
+        <div
+          :class="[
+            'flex flex-col gap-8px p-8px box-border',
+            {
+              'w-[calc(100%-64px)]': columns === 2,
+              'w-full': columns === 3
+            }
+          ]"
+        >
+          <!-- 商品名称 -->
+          <div
+            v-if=""
+            class="truncate text-12px"
+            :style="{ color: }"
+          >
+            {{ }}
+          </div>
+          <div>
+            <!-- 商品价格 -->
+            <span
+              v-if=""
+              class="text-12px"
+              :style="{ color: property.fields.price.color }"
+            >
+              ¥{{ spu.price }}
+            </span>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </el-scrollbar>
+<script setup lang="ts">
+import { ProductListProperty } from './config'
+import * as ProductSpuApi from '@/api/mall/product/spu'
+/** 商品卡片 */
+defineOptions({ name: 'ProductList' })
+// 定义属性
+const props = defineProps<{ property: ProductListProperty }>()
+// 商品列表
+const spuList = ref<ProductSpuApi.Spu[]>([])
+  () =>,
+  async () => {
+    spuList.value = await ProductSpuApi.getSpuDetailList(
+  },
+  {
+    immediate: true,
+    deep: true
+  }
+// 手机宽度
+const phoneWidth = ref(375)
+// 容器
+const containerRef = ref()
+// 商品的列数
+const columns = ref(2)
+// 滚动条宽度
+const scrollbarWidth = ref('100%')
+// 商品图大小
+const imageSize = ref('0')
+// 商品网络列数
+const gridTemplateColumns = ref('')
+// 计算布局参数
+  () => [, phoneWidth, spuList.value.length],
+  () => {
+    // 计算列数
+    columns.value = === 'twoCol' ? 2 : 3
+    // 每列的宽度为:(总宽度 - 间距 * (列数 - 1))/ 列数
+    const productWidth =
+      (phoneWidth.value - * (columns.value - 1)) / columns.value
+    // 商品图布局:2列时,左右布局 3列时,上下布局
+    imageSize.value = columns.value === 2 ? '64px' : `${productWidth}px`
+    // 根据布局类型,计算行数、列数
+    if ( === 'horizSwiper') {
+      // 单行显示
+      gridTemplateColumns.value = `repeat(auto-fill, ${productWidth}px)`
+      // 显示滚动条
+      scrollbarWidth.value = `${
+        productWidth * spuList.value.length + * (spuList.value.length - 1)
+      }px`
+    } else {
+      // 指定列数
+      gridTemplateColumns.value = `repeat(${columns.value}, auto)`
+      // 不滚动
+      scrollbarWidth.value = '100%'
+    }
+  },
+  { immediate: true, deep: true }
+onMounted(() => {
+  // 提取手机宽度
+  phoneWidth.value = containerRef.value?.wrapRef?.offsetWidth || 375
+<style scoped lang="scss"></style>

+ 99 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+  <ComponentContainerProperty v-model="">
+    <el-form label-width="80px" :model="formData">
+      <el-card header="商品列表" class="property-group" shadow="never">
+        <SpuShowcase v-model="formData.spuIds" />
+      </el-card>
+      <el-card header="商品样式" class="property-group" shadow="never">
+        <el-form-item label="布局" prop="type">
+          <el-radio-group v-model="formData.layoutType">
+            <el-tooltip class="item" content="双列" placement="bottom">
+              <el-radio-button label="twoCol">
+                <Icon icon="fluent:text-column-two-24-filled" />
+              </el-radio-button>
+            </el-tooltip>
+            <el-tooltip class="item" content="三列" placement="bottom">
+              <el-radio-button label="threeCol">
+                <Icon icon="fluent:text-column-three-24-filled" />
+              </el-radio-button>
+            </el-tooltip>
+            <el-tooltip class="item" content="水平滑动" placement="bottom">
+              <el-radio-button label="horizSwiper">
+                <Icon icon="system-uicons:carousel" />
+              </el-radio-button>
+            </el-tooltip>
+          </el-radio-group>
+        </el-form-item>
+        <el-form-item label="商品名称" prop="">
+          <div class="flex gap-8px">
+            <ColorInput v-model="" />
+            <el-checkbox v-model="" />
+          </div>
+        </el-form-item>
+        <el-form-item label="商品价格" prop="">
+          <div class="flex gap-8px">
+            <ColorInput v-model="formData.fields.price.color" />
+            <el-checkbox v-model="" />
+          </div>
+        </el-form-item>
+      </el-card>
+      <el-card header="角标" class="property-group" shadow="never">
+        <el-form-item label="角标" prop="">
+          <el-switch v-model="" />
+        </el-form-item>
+        <el-form-item label="角标" prop="badge.imgUrl" v-if="">
+          <UploadImg v-model="formData.badge.imgUrl" height="44px" width="72px">
+            <template #tip> 建议尺寸:36 * 22 </template>
+          </UploadImg>
+        </el-form-item>
+      </el-card>
+      <el-card header="商品样式" class="property-group" shadow="never">
+        <el-form-item label="上圆角" prop="borderRadiusTop">
+          <el-slider
+            v-model="formData.borderRadiusTop"
+            :max="100"
+            :min="0"
+            show-input
+            input-size="small"
+            :show-input-controls="false"
+          />
+        </el-form-item>
+        <el-form-item label="下圆角" prop="borderRadiusBottom">
+          <el-slider
+            v-model="formData.borderRadiusBottom"
+            :max="100"
+            :min="0"
+            show-input
+            input-size="small"
+            :show-input-controls="false"
+          />
+        </el-form-item>
+        <el-form-item label="间隔" prop="space">
+          <el-slider
+            v-model=""
+            :max="100"
+            :min="0"
+            show-input
+            input-size="small"
+            :show-input-controls="false"
+          />
+        </el-form-item>
+      </el-card>
+    </el-form>
+  </ComponentContainerProperty>
+<script setup lang="ts">
+import { ProductListProperty } from './config'
+import { usePropertyForm } from '@/components/DiyEditor/util'
+import SpuShowcase from '@/views/mall/product/spu/components/SpuShowcase.vue'
+// 商品卡片属性面板
+defineOptions({ name: 'ProductListProperty' })
+const props = defineProps<{ modelValue: ProductListProperty }>()
+const emit = defineEmits(['update:modelValue'])
+const { formData } = usePropertyForm(props.modelValue, emit)
+<style scoped lang="scss"></style>

+ 7 - 3

@@ -107,11 +107,15 @@ export const PAGE_LIBS = [
     extended: true,
     components: ['ImageBar', 'Carousel', 'TitleBar', 'VideoPlayer', 'Divider', 'MagicCube']
-  { name: '商品组件', extended: true, components: ['ProductCard'] },
+  { name: '商品组件', extended: true, components: ['ProductCard', 'ProductList'] },
     name: '会员组件',
     extended: true,
-    components: ['UserCard', 'OrderCard', 'WalletCard', 'CouponCard']
+    components: ['UserCard', 'UserOrder', 'UserWallet', 'UserCoupon']
-  { name: '营销组件', extended: true, components: ['Combination', 'Seckill', 'Point', 'Coupon'] }
+  {
+    name: '营销组件',
+    extended: true,
+    components: ['CombinationCard', 'SeckillCard', 'PointCard', 'CouponCard']
+  }
 ] as DiyComponentLibrary[]

+ 31 - 1

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-  <ElDialog v-model="showSearch" :show-close="false" title="菜单搜索">
+  <ElDialog v-if="isModal" v-model="showSearch" :show-close="false" title="菜单搜索">
@@ -17,11 +17,34 @@
+  <div v-else class="custom-hover" @click.stop="showTopSearch = !showTopSearch">
+    <Icon icon="ep:search" />
+    <el-select
+      filterable
+      :reserve-keyword="false"
+      remote
+      placeholder="请输入菜单内容"
+      :remote-method="remoteMethod"
+      class="overflow-hidden transition-all-600"
+      :class="showTopSearch ? 'w-220px ml2' : 'w-0'"
+      @change="handleChange"
+    >
+      <el-option v-for="item in options" :key="item.value" :label="item.label" :value="item.value" />
+    </el-select>
+  </div>
 <script lang="ts" setup>
+  isModal: {
+    type: Boolean,
+    default: true
+  }
 const router = useRouter() // 路由对象
 const showSearch = ref(false) // 是否显示弹框
+const showTopSearch = ref(false) // 是否显示顶部搜索框
 const value: Ref = ref('') // 用户输入的值
 const routers = router.getRoutes() // 路由对象
@@ -50,14 +73,21 @@ function remoteMethod(data) {
 function handleChange(path) {
   router.push({ path })
+  hiddenTopSearch();
+function hiddenTopSearch() {
+  showTopSearch.value = false
 onMounted(() => {
   window.addEventListener('keydown', listenKey)
+  window.addEventListener('click', hiddenTopSearch)
 onUnmounted(() => {
   window.removeEventListener('keydown', listenKey)
+  window.removeEventListener('click', hiddenTopSearch)
 // 监听 ctrl + k

+ 0 - 5

@@ -74,11 +74,6 @@ const emits = defineEmits<{
 /** 触发时间范围选中事件 */
 const emitDateRangePicker = async () => {
-  // 开始与截止在同一天的, 折线图出不来, 需要延长一天
-  if (DateUtil.isSameDay(times.value[0], times.value[1])) {
-    // 前天
-    times.value[0] = DateUtil.formatDate(dayjs(times.value[0]).subtract(1, 'd'))
-  }
   emits('change', times.value)

+ 5 - 0

@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import { Screenfull } from '@/layout/components/Screenfull'
 import { Breadcrumb } from '@/layout/components/Breadcrumb'
 import { SizeDropdown } from '@/layout/components/SizeDropdown'
 import { LocaleDropdown } from '@/layout/components/LocaleDropdown'
+import RouterSearch from '@/components/RouterSearch/index.vue'
 import { useAppStore } from '@/store/modules/app'
 import { useDesign } from '@/hooks/web/useDesign'
@@ -25,6 +26,9 @@ const hamburger = computed(() => appStore.getHamburger)
 // 全屏图标
 const screenfull = computed(() => appStore.getScreenfull)
+// 搜索图片
+const search = computed(() =>
 // 尺寸图标
 const size = computed(() => appStore.getSize)
@@ -61,6 +65,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
           {screenfull.value ? (
             <Screenfull class="custom-hover" color="var(--top-header-text-color)"></Screenfull>
           ) : undefined}
+          {search.value ? (<RouterSearch isModal={false} />) : undefined}
           {size.value ? (
             <SizeDropdown class="custom-hover" color="var(--top-header-text-color)"></SizeDropdown>
           ) : undefined}

+ 2 - 1

@@ -437,5 +437,6 @@ export default {
     btn_zoom_in: '放大',
     btn_zoom_out: '缩小',
     preview: '预览'
-  }
+  },
+  'OAuth 2.0': 'OAuth 2.0' // 避免菜单名是 OAuth 2.0 时,一直 warn 报错

+ 2 - 0

@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ interface AppState {
   uniqueOpened: boolean
   hamburger: boolean
   screenfull: boolean
+  search: boolean
   size: boolean
   locale: boolean
   message: boolean
@@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ export const useAppStore = defineStore('app', {
       uniqueOpened: true, // 是否只保持一个子菜单的展开
       hamburger: true, // 折叠图标
       screenfull: true, // 全屏图标
+      search: true, // 搜索图标
       size: true, // 尺寸图标
       locale: true, // 多语言图标
       message: true, // 消息图标

+ 151 - 147

@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
  * 数据字典工具类
-import { useDictStoreWithOut } from '@/store/modules/dict'
-import { ElementPlusInfoType } from '@/types/elementPlus'
+import {useDictStoreWithOut} from '@/store/modules/dict'
+import {ElementPlusInfoType} from '@/types/elementPlus'
 const dictStore = useDictStoreWithOut()
@@ -13,51 +13,51 @@ const dictStore = useDictStoreWithOut()
  * @returns {*|Array} 数据字典数组
 export interface DictDataType {
-  dictType: string
-  label: string
-  value: string | number | boolean
-  colorType: ElementPlusInfoType | ''
-  cssClass: string
+    dictType: string
+    label: string
+    value: string | number | boolean
+    colorType: ElementPlusInfoType | ''
+    cssClass: string
 export const getDictOptions = (dictType: string) => {
-  return dictStore.getDictByType(dictType) || []
+    return dictStore.getDictByType(dictType) || []
 export const getIntDictOptions = (dictType: string): DictDataType[] => {
-  const dictOption: DictDataType[] = []
-  const dictOptions: DictDataType[] = getDictOptions(dictType)
-  dictOptions.forEach((dict: DictDataType) => {
-    dictOption.push({
-      ...dict,
-      value: parseInt(dict.value + '')
+    const dictOption: DictDataType[] = []
+    const dictOptions: DictDataType[] = getDictOptions(dictType)
+    dictOptions.forEach((dict: DictDataType) => {
+        dictOption.push({
+            ...dict,
+            value: parseInt(dict.value + '')
+        })
-  })
-  return dictOption
+    return dictOption
 export const getStrDictOptions = (dictType: string) => {
-  const dictOption: DictDataType[] = []
-  const dictOptions: DictDataType[] = getDictOptions(dictType)
-  dictOptions.forEach((dict: DictDataType) => {
-    dictOption.push({
-      ...dict,
-      value: dict.value + ''
+    const dictOption: DictDataType[] = []
+    const dictOptions: DictDataType[] = getDictOptions(dictType)
+    dictOptions.forEach((dict: DictDataType) => {
+        dictOption.push({
+            ...dict,
+            value: dict.value + ''
+        })
-  })
-  return dictOption
+    return dictOption
 export const getBoolDictOptions = (dictType: string) => {
-  const dictOption: DictDataType[] = []
-  const dictOptions: DictDataType[] = getDictOptions(dictType)
-  dictOptions.forEach((dict: DictDataType) => {
-    dictOption.push({
-      ...dict,
-      value: dict.value + '' === 'true'
+    const dictOption: DictDataType[] = []
+    const dictOptions: DictDataType[] = getDictOptions(dictType)
+    dictOptions.forEach((dict: DictDataType) => {
+        dictOption.push({
+            ...dict,
+            value: dict.value + '' === 'true'
+        })
-  })
-  return dictOption
+    return dictOption
@@ -67,12 +67,12 @@ export const getBoolDictOptions = (dictType: string) => {
  * @return DictDataType 字典对象
 export const getDictObj = (dictType: string, value: any): DictDataType | undefined => {
-  const dictOptions: DictDataType[] = getDictOptions(dictType)
-  for (const dict of dictOptions) {
-    if (dict.value === value + '') {
-      return dict
+    const dictOptions: DictDataType[] = getDictOptions(dictType)
+    for (const dict of dictOptions) {
+        if (dict.value === value + '') {
+            return dict
+        }
-  }
@@ -83,117 +83,121 @@ export const getDictObj = (dictType: string, value: any): DictDataType | undefin
  * @return 字典名称
 export const getDictLabel = (dictType: string, value: any): string => {
-  const dictOptions: DictDataType[] = getDictOptions(dictType)
-  const dictLabel = ref('')
-  dictOptions.forEach((dict: DictDataType) => {
-    if (dict.value === value + '') {
-      dictLabel.value = dict.label
-    }
-  })
-  return dictLabel.value
+    const dictOptions: DictDataType[] = getDictOptions(dictType)
+    const dictLabel = ref('')
+    dictOptions.forEach((dict: DictDataType) => {
+        if (dict.value === value + '') {
+            dictLabel.value = dict.label
+        }
+    })
+    return dictLabel.value
 export enum DICT_TYPE {
-  USER_TYPE = 'user_type',
-  COMMON_STATUS = 'common_status',
-  SYSTEM_TENANT_PACKAGE_ID = 'system_tenant_package_id',
-  TERMINAL = 'terminal', // 终端
-  // ========== SYSTEM 模块 ==========
-  SYSTEM_USER_SEX = 'system_user_sex',
-  SYSTEM_MENU_TYPE = 'system_menu_type',
-  SYSTEM_ROLE_TYPE = 'system_role_type',
-  SYSTEM_DATA_SCOPE = 'system_data_scope',
-  SYSTEM_NOTICE_TYPE = 'system_notice_type',
-  SYSTEM_OPERATE_TYPE = 'system_operate_type',
-  SYSTEM_LOGIN_TYPE = 'system_login_type',
-  SYSTEM_LOGIN_RESULT = 'system_login_result',
-  SYSTEM_SMS_CHANNEL_CODE = 'system_sms_channel_code',
-  SYSTEM_SMS_TEMPLATE_TYPE = 'system_sms_template_type',
-  SYSTEM_SMS_SEND_STATUS = 'system_sms_send_status',
-  SYSTEM_SMS_RECEIVE_STATUS = 'system_sms_receive_status',
-  SYSTEM_ERROR_CODE_TYPE = 'system_error_code_type',
-  SYSTEM_OAUTH2_GRANT_TYPE = 'system_oauth2_grant_type',
-  SYSTEM_MAIL_SEND_STATUS = 'system_mail_send_status',
-  SYSTEM_NOTIFY_TEMPLATE_TYPE = 'system_notify_template_type',
-  SYSTEM_SOCIAL_TYPE = 'system_social_type',
-  // ========== INFRA 模块 ==========
-  INFRA_BOOLEAN_STRING = 'infra_boolean_string',
-  INFRA_JOB_STATUS = 'infra_job_status',
-  INFRA_JOB_LOG_STATUS = 'infra_job_log_status',
-  INFRA_API_ERROR_LOG_PROCESS_STATUS = 'infra_api_error_log_process_status',
-  INFRA_CONFIG_TYPE = 'infra_config_type',
-  INFRA_CODEGEN_TEMPLATE_TYPE = 'infra_codegen_template_type',
-  INFRA_CODEGEN_FRONT_TYPE = 'infra_codegen_front_type',
-  INFRA_CODEGEN_SCENE = 'infra_codegen_scene',
-  INFRA_FILE_STORAGE = 'infra_file_storage',
-  // ========== BPM 模块 ==========
-  BPM_MODEL_CATEGORY = 'bpm_model_category',
-  BPM_MODEL_FORM_TYPE = 'bpm_model_form_type',
-  BPM_TASK_ASSIGN_RULE_TYPE = 'bpm_task_assign_rule_type',
-  BPM_PROCESS_INSTANCE_STATUS = 'bpm_process_instance_status',
-  BPM_PROCESS_INSTANCE_RESULT = 'bpm_process_instance_result',
-  BPM_TASK_ASSIGN_SCRIPT = 'bpm_task_assign_script',
-  BPM_OA_LEAVE_TYPE = 'bpm_oa_leave_type',
-  // ========== PAY 模块 ==========
-  PAY_CHANNEL_CODE = 'pay_channel_code', // 支付渠道编码类型
-  PAY_ORDER_STATUS = 'pay_order_status', // 商户支付订单状态
-  PAY_REFUND_STATUS = 'pay_refund_status', // 退款订单状态
-  PAY_NOTIFY_STATUS = 'pay_notify_status', // 商户支付回调状态
-  PAY_NOTIFY_TYPE = 'pay_notify_type', // 商户支付回调状态
-  PAY_TRANSFER_STATUS = 'pay_transfer_status', // 转账订单状态
-  PAY_TRANSFER_TYPE = 'pay_transfer_type', // 转账订单状态
-  // ========== MP 模块 ==========
-  MP_AUTO_REPLY_REQUEST_MATCH = 'mp_auto_reply_request_match', // 自动回复请求匹配类型
-  MP_MESSAGE_TYPE = 'mp_message_type', // 消息类型
-  // ========== MALL - 会员模块 ==========
-  MEMBER_POINT_BIZ_TYPE = 'member_point_biz_type', // 积分的业务类型
-  MEMBER_EXPERIENCE_BIZ_TYPE = 'member_experience_biz_type', // 会员经验业务类型
-  // ========== MALL - 商品模块 ==========
-  PRODUCT_UNIT = 'product_unit', // 商品单位
-  PRODUCT_SPU_STATUS = 'product_spu_status', //商品状态
-  PROMOTION_TYPE_ENUM = 'promotion_type_enum', // 营销类型枚举
-  // ========== MALL - 交易模块 ==========
-  EXPRESS_CHARGE_MODE = 'trade_delivery_express_charge_mode', //快递的计费方式
-  TRADE_AFTER_SALE_STATUS = 'trade_after_sale_status', // 售后 - 状态
-  TRADE_AFTER_SALE_WAY = 'trade_after_sale_way', // 售后 - 方式
-  TRADE_AFTER_SALE_TYPE = 'trade_after_sale_type', // 售后 - 类型
-  TRADE_ORDER_TYPE = 'trade_order_type', // 订单 - 类型
-  TRADE_ORDER_STATUS = 'trade_order_status', // 订单 - 状态
-  TRADE_ORDER_ITEM_AFTER_SALE_STATUS = 'trade_order_item_after_sale_status', // 订单项 - 售后状态
-  TRADE_DELIVERY_TYPE = 'trade_delivery_type', // 配送方式
-  BROKERAGE_ENABLED_CONDITION = 'brokerage_enabled_condition', // 分佣模式
-  BROKERAGE_BIND_MODE = 'brokerage_bind_mode', // 分销关系绑定模式
-  BROKERAGE_BANK_NAME = 'brokerage_bank_name', // 佣金提现银行
-  BROKERAGE_WITHDRAW_TYPE = 'brokerage_withdraw_type', // 佣金提现类型
-  BROKERAGE_RECORD_BIZ_TYPE = 'brokerage_record_biz_type', // 佣金业务类型
-  BROKERAGE_RECORD_STATUS = 'brokerage_record_status', // 佣金状态
-  BROKERAGE_WITHDRAW_STATUS = 'brokerage_withdraw_status', // 佣金提现状态
-  // ========== MALL - 营销模块 ==========
-  PROMOTION_DISCOUNT_TYPE = 'promotion_discount_type', // 优惠类型
-  PROMOTION_PRODUCT_SCOPE = 'promotion_product_scope', // 营销的商品范围
-  PROMOTION_COUPON_TEMPLATE_VALIDITY_TYPE = 'promotion_coupon_template_validity_type', // 优惠劵模板的有限期类型
-  PROMOTION_COUPON_STATUS = 'promotion_coupon_status', // 优惠劵的状态
-  PROMOTION_COUPON_TAKE_TYPE = 'promotion_coupon_take_type', // 优惠劵的领取方式
-  PROMOTION_ACTIVITY_STATUS = 'promotion_activity_status', // 优惠活动的状态
-  PROMOTION_CONDITION_TYPE = 'promotion_condition_type', // 营销的条件类型枚举
-  PROMOTION_BARGAIN_RECORD_STATUS = 'promotion_bargain_record_status', // 砍价记录的状态
-  PROMOTION_COMBINATION_RECORD_STATUS = 'promotion_combination_record_status', // 拼团记录的状态
-  PROMOTION_BANNER_POSITION = 'promotion_banner_position', // banner 定位
-  // ========== CRM - 客户管理模块 ==========
-  CRM_RECEIVABLE_CHECK_STATUS = 'crm_receivable_check_status',
-  CRM_RETURN_TYPE = 'crm_return_type',
-  CRM_CUSTOMER_INDUSTRY = 'crm_customer_industry',
-  CRM_CUSTOMER_LEVEL = 'crm_customer_level',
-  CRM_CUSTOMER_SOURCE = 'crm_customer_source',
-  CRM_PRODUCT_STATUS = 'crm_product_status'
+    USER_TYPE = 'user_type',
+    COMMON_STATUS = 'common_status',
+    SYSTEM_TENANT_PACKAGE_ID = 'system_tenant_package_id',
+    TERMINAL = 'terminal', // 终端
+    // ========== SYSTEM 模块 ==========
+    SYSTEM_USER_SEX = 'system_user_sex',
+    SYSTEM_MENU_TYPE = 'system_menu_type',
+    SYSTEM_ROLE_TYPE = 'system_role_type',
+    SYSTEM_DATA_SCOPE = 'system_data_scope',
+    SYSTEM_NOTICE_TYPE = 'system_notice_type',
+    SYSTEM_OPERATE_TYPE = 'system_operate_type',
+    SYSTEM_LOGIN_TYPE = 'system_login_type',
+    SYSTEM_LOGIN_RESULT = 'system_login_result',
+    SYSTEM_SMS_CHANNEL_CODE = 'system_sms_channel_code',
+    SYSTEM_SMS_TEMPLATE_TYPE = 'system_sms_template_type',
+    SYSTEM_SMS_SEND_STATUS = 'system_sms_send_status',
+    SYSTEM_SMS_RECEIVE_STATUS = 'system_sms_receive_status',
+    SYSTEM_ERROR_CODE_TYPE = 'system_error_code_type',
+    SYSTEM_OAUTH2_GRANT_TYPE = 'system_oauth2_grant_type',
+    SYSTEM_MAIL_SEND_STATUS = 'system_mail_send_status',
+    SYSTEM_NOTIFY_TEMPLATE_TYPE = 'system_notify_template_type',
+    SYSTEM_SOCIAL_TYPE = 'system_social_type',
+    // ========== INFRA 模块 ==========
+    INFRA_BOOLEAN_STRING = 'infra_boolean_string',
+    INFRA_JOB_STATUS = 'infra_job_status',
+    INFRA_JOB_LOG_STATUS = 'infra_job_log_status',
+    INFRA_API_ERROR_LOG_PROCESS_STATUS = 'infra_api_error_log_process_status',
+    INFRA_CONFIG_TYPE = 'infra_config_type',
+    INFRA_CODEGEN_TEMPLATE_TYPE = 'infra_codegen_template_type',
+    INFRA_CODEGEN_FRONT_TYPE = 'infra_codegen_front_type',
+    INFRA_CODEGEN_SCENE = 'infra_codegen_scene',
+    INFRA_FILE_STORAGE = 'infra_file_storage',
+    // ========== BPM 模块 ==========
+    BPM_MODEL_CATEGORY = 'bpm_model_category',
+    BPM_MODEL_FORM_TYPE = 'bpm_model_form_type',
+    BPM_TASK_ASSIGN_RULE_TYPE = 'bpm_task_assign_rule_type',
+    BPM_PROCESS_INSTANCE_STATUS = 'bpm_process_instance_status',
+    BPM_PROCESS_INSTANCE_RESULT = 'bpm_process_instance_result',
+    BPM_TASK_ASSIGN_SCRIPT = 'bpm_task_assign_script',
+    BPM_OA_LEAVE_TYPE = 'bpm_oa_leave_type',
+    // ========== PAY 模块 ==========
+    PAY_CHANNEL_CODE = 'pay_channel_code', // 支付渠道编码类型
+    PAY_ORDER_STATUS = 'pay_order_status', // 商户支付订单状态
+    PAY_REFUND_STATUS = 'pay_refund_status', // 退款订单状态
+    PAY_NOTIFY_STATUS = 'pay_notify_status', // 商户支付回调状态
+    PAY_NOTIFY_TYPE = 'pay_notify_type', // 商户支付回调状态
+    PAY_TRANSFER_STATUS = 'pay_transfer_status', // 转账订单状态
+    PAY_TRANSFER_TYPE = 'pay_transfer_type', // 转账订单状态
+    // ========== MP 模块 ==========
+    MP_AUTO_REPLY_REQUEST_MATCH = 'mp_auto_reply_request_match', // 自动回复请求匹配类型
+    MP_MESSAGE_TYPE = 'mp_message_type', // 消息类型
+    // ========== MALL - 会员模块 ==========
+    MEMBER_POINT_BIZ_TYPE = 'member_point_biz_type', // 积分的业务类型
+    MEMBER_EXPERIENCE_BIZ_TYPE = 'member_experience_biz_type', // 会员经验业务类型
+    // ========== MALL - 商品模块 ==========
+    PRODUCT_UNIT = 'product_unit', // 商品单位
+    PRODUCT_SPU_STATUS = 'product_spu_status', //商品状态
+    PROMOTION_TYPE_ENUM = 'promotion_type_enum', // 营销类型枚举
+    // ========== MALL - 交易模块 ==========
+    EXPRESS_CHARGE_MODE = 'trade_delivery_express_charge_mode', //快递的计费方式
+    TRADE_AFTER_SALE_STATUS = 'trade_after_sale_status', // 售后 - 状态
+    TRADE_AFTER_SALE_WAY = 'trade_after_sale_way', // 售后 - 方式
+    TRADE_AFTER_SALE_TYPE = 'trade_after_sale_type', // 售后 - 类型
+    TRADE_ORDER_TYPE = 'trade_order_type', // 订单 - 类型
+    TRADE_ORDER_STATUS = 'trade_order_status', // 订单 - 状态
+    TRADE_ORDER_ITEM_AFTER_SALE_STATUS = 'trade_order_item_after_sale_status', // 订单项 - 售后状态
+    TRADE_DELIVERY_TYPE = 'trade_delivery_type', // 配送方式
+    BROKERAGE_ENABLED_CONDITION = 'brokerage_enabled_condition', // 分佣模式
+    BROKERAGE_BIND_MODE = 'brokerage_bind_mode', // 分销关系绑定模式
+    BROKERAGE_BANK_NAME = 'brokerage_bank_name', // 佣金提现银行
+    BROKERAGE_WITHDRAW_TYPE = 'brokerage_withdraw_type', // 佣金提现类型
+    BROKERAGE_RECORD_BIZ_TYPE = 'brokerage_record_biz_type', // 佣金业务类型
+    BROKERAGE_RECORD_STATUS = 'brokerage_record_status', // 佣金状态
+    BROKERAGE_WITHDRAW_STATUS = 'brokerage_withdraw_status', // 佣金提现状态
+    // ========== MALL - 营销模块 ==========
+    PROMOTION_DISCOUNT_TYPE = 'promotion_discount_type', // 优惠类型
+    PROMOTION_PRODUCT_SCOPE = 'promotion_product_scope', // 营销的商品范围
+    PROMOTION_COUPON_TEMPLATE_VALIDITY_TYPE = 'promotion_coupon_template_validity_type', // 优惠劵模板的有限期类型
+    PROMOTION_COUPON_STATUS = 'promotion_coupon_status', // 优惠劵的状态
+    PROMOTION_COUPON_TAKE_TYPE = 'promotion_coupon_take_type', // 优惠劵的领取方式
+    PROMOTION_ACTIVITY_STATUS = 'promotion_activity_status', // 优惠活动的状态
+    PROMOTION_CONDITION_TYPE = 'promotion_condition_type', // 营销的条件类型枚举
+    PROMOTION_BARGAIN_RECORD_STATUS = 'promotion_bargain_record_status', // 砍价记录的状态
+    PROMOTION_COMBINATION_RECORD_STATUS = 'promotion_combination_record_status', // 拼团记录的状态
+    PROMOTION_BANNER_POSITION = 'promotion_banner_position', // banner 定位
+    // ========== CRM - 客户管理模块 ==========
+    CRM_RECEIVABLE_CHECK_STATUS = 'crm_receivable_check_status',
+    CRM_RETURN_TYPE = 'crm_return_type',
+    CRM_CUSTOMER_INDUSTRY = 'crm_customer_industry',
+    CRM_CUSTOMER_LEVEL = 'crm_customer_level',
+    CRM_CUSTOMER_SOURCE = 'crm_customer_source',
+    CRM_PRODUCT_STATUS = 'crm_product_status',
+    // ========== CRM - 数据权限模块 ==========
+    CRM_BIZ_TYPE = 'crm_biz_type', // 数据模块类型
+    CRM_PERMISSION_LEVEL = 'crm_permission_level' // 用户数据权限类型

+ 4 - 1

@@ -335,5 +335,8 @@ export function getDateRange(
   beginDate: dayjs.ConfigType,
   endDate: dayjs.ConfigType
 ): [string, string] {
-  return [dayjs(beginDate).startOf('d').toString(), dayjs(endDate).endOf('d').toString()]
+  return [
+    dayjs(beginDate).startOf('d').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'),
+    dayjs(endDate).endOf('d').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')
+  ]

+ 10 - 4

@@ -19,9 +19,14 @@
       <el-form-item label="权限级别" prop="level">
         <el-radio-group v-model="formData.level">
-          <!-- TODO @puhui999:搞个字典配置?然后这里 remove 掉负责人 -->
-          <el-radio :label="CrmPermissionLevelEnum.READ">只读</el-radio>
-          <el-radio :label="CrmPermissionLevelEnum.WRITE">读写</el-radio>
+          <template
+            v-for="dict in getIntDictOptions(DICT_TYPE.CRM_PERMISSION_LEVEL)"
+            :key="dict.value"
+          >
+            <el-radio v-if="dict.value != CrmPermissionLevelEnum.OWNER" :label="dict.value">
+              {{ dict.label }}
+            </el-radio>
+          </template>
@@ -34,7 +39,8 @@
 <script lang="ts" setup>
 import * as UserApi from '@/api/system/user'
 import * as PermissionApi from '@/api/crm/permission'
-import { CrmPermissionLevelEnum } from './index'
+import { DICT_TYPE, getIntDictOptions } from '@/utils/dict'
+import { CrmPermissionLevelEnum } from '@/views/crm/components/index'
 defineOptions({ name: 'CrmPermissionForm' })

+ 31 - 49
src/views/crm/components/CrmTeamList.vue → src/views/crm/components/CrmPermissionList.vue

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
   <!-- 操作栏 -->
   <el-row justify="end">
-    <el-button type="primary" @click="handleAdd">
+    <el-button type="primary" @click="openForm">
       <Icon class="mr-5px" icon="ep:plus" />
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
       <Icon class="mr-5px" icon="ep:edit" />
-    <el-button @click="handleRemove">
+    <el-button @click="handleDelete">
       <Icon class="mr-5px" icon="ep:delete" />
@@ -30,45 +30,32 @@
     <el-table-column align="center" label="岗位" prop="postNames" />
     <el-table-column align="center" label="权限级别" prop="level">
       <template #default="{ row }">
-        <el-tag>{{ getLevelName(row.level) }}</el-tag>
+        <dict-tag :type="DICT_TYPE.CRM_PERMISSION_LEVEL" :value="row.level" />
     <el-table-column :formatter="dateFormatter" align="center" label="加入时间" prop="createTime" />
-  <CrmPermissionForm ref="crmPermissionFormRef" />
+  <CrmPermissionForm ref="permissionFormRef" @success="getList" />
 <script lang="ts" setup>
-// TODO @puhui999:改成 CrmPermissionList
 import { dateFormatter } from '@/utils/formatTime'
 import { ElTable } from 'element-plus'
 import * as PermissionApi from '@/api/crm/permission'
 import { useUserStoreWithOut } from '@/store/modules/user'
 import CrmPermissionForm from './CrmPermissionForm.vue'
 import { CrmPermissionLevelEnum } from './index'
+import { DICT_TYPE } from '@/utils/dict'
-defineOptions({ name: 'CrmTeam' })
+defineOptions({ name: 'CrmPermissionList' })
 const message = useMessage() // 消息
 const props = defineProps<{
-  bizType: number
-  bizId: number
+  bizType: number // 模块类型
+  bizId: number // 模块数据编号
 const loading = ref(true) // 列表的加载中
-const list = ref<PermissionApi.PermissionVO[]>([
-  // TODO 测试数据
-  {
-    id: 1, // 数据权限编号
-    userId: 1, // 用户编号
-    bizType: 1, // Crm 类型
-    bizId: 1, // Crm 类型数据编号
-    level: 1, // 权限级别
-    deptName: '研发部门', // 部门名称
-    nickname: '芋道源码', // 用户昵称
-    postNames: '全栈开发工程师', // 岗位名称数组
-    createTime: new Date()
-  }
-]) // 列表的数据
+const list = ref<PermissionApi.PermissionVO[]>([]) // 列表的数据
 /** 查询列表 */
 const getList = async () => {
@@ -83,40 +70,28 @@ const getList = async () => {
     loading.value = false
-// TODO @puhui999:字典格式化
- * 获得权限级别名称
- * @param level 权限级别
- */
-const getLevelName = computed(() => (level: number) => {
-  switch (level) {
-    case CrmPermissionLevelEnum.OWNER:
-      return '负责人'
-    case CrmPermissionLevelEnum.READ:
-      return '只读'
-    case CrmPermissionLevelEnum.WRITE:
-      return '读写'
-    default:
-      break
-  }
-// TODO @puhui999:空行稍微注意下哈;一些注释补齐下;
-const multipleSelection = ref<PermissionApi.PermissionVO[]>([])
+const multipleSelection = ref<PermissionApi.PermissionVO[]>([]) // 选择的团队成员
 const handleSelectionChange = (val: PermissionApi.PermissionVO[]) => {
   multipleSelection.value = val
-// TODO @puhui999:一些变量命名,看看有没可能跟列表界面的 index.vue 保持他统一的风格;
-const crmPermissionFormRef = ref<InstanceType<typeof CrmPermissionForm>>()
+const permissionFormRef = ref<InstanceType<typeof CrmPermissionForm>>() // 权限表单 Ref
+ * 编辑团队成员
+ */
 const handleEdit = () => {
   if (multipleSelection.value?.length === 0) {
   const ids = multipleSelection.value?.map((item) =>
-  crmPermissionFormRef.value?.open('update', props.bizType, props.bizId, ids)
+  permissionFormRef.value?.open('update', props.bizType, props.bizId, ids)
-const handleRemove = async () => {
+ * 移除团队成员
+ */
+const handleDelete = async () => {
   if (multipleSelection.value?.length === 0) {
@@ -129,11 +104,18 @@ const handleRemove = async () => {
-const handleAdd = () => {
-  crmPermissionFormRef.value?.open('create', props.bizType, props.bizId)
+ * 添加团队成员
+ */
+const openForm = () => {
+  permissionFormRef.value?.open('create', props.bizType, props.bizId)
-const userStore = useUserStoreWithOut()
+const userStore = useUserStoreWithOut() // 用户信息缓存
+ * 退出团队
+ */
 const handleQuit = async () => {
   const permission = list.value.find(
     (item) => item.userId === && item.level === CrmPermissionLevelEnum.OWNER

+ 3 - 5

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import CrmTeam from './CrmTeamList.vue'
+import CrmPermissionList from './CrmPermissionList.vue'
 enum CrmBizTypeEnum {
   CRM_LEADS = 1, // 线索
@@ -9,9 +9,7 @@ enum CrmBizTypeEnum {
 enum CrmPermissionLevelEnum {
-  OWNER = 1, // 负责人
-  READ = 2, // 读
-  WRITE = 3 // 写
+  OWNER = 1 // 负责人
-export { CrmTeam, CrmBizTypeEnum, CrmPermissionLevelEnum }
+export { CrmPermissionList, CrmBizTypeEnum, CrmPermissionLevelEnum }

+ 127 - 240

@@ -1,170 +1,131 @@
-  <Dialog :title="dialogTitle" v-model="dialogVisible" :width="800">
-    <el-form
-      ref="formRef"
-      :model="formData"
-      :rules="formRules"
-      label-width="130px"
-      v-loading="formLoading"
-      :inline="true"
-    >
-      <el-form-item label="姓名" prop="name">
-        <el-input v-model="" placeholder="请输入姓名" />
-      </el-form-item>
-      <el-form-item label="负责人" prop="ownerUserId">
-        <el-select
-          v-model="ownerUserList"
-          placeholder="请选择负责人"
-          multiple
-          value-key="id"
-          lable-key="nickname"
-          @click="openOwerForm('open')"
-        >
-          <el-option
-            v-for="item in ownerUserList"
-            :key=""
-            :label="item.nickname"
-            :value="item"
-          />
-        </el-select>
-      </el-form-item>
-      <!-- TODO 芋艿:封装成一个组件 -->
-      <el-form-item label="客户名称" prop="customerName">
-        <el-popover
-          placement="bottom"
-          :width="600"
-          trigger="click"
-          :teleported="false"
-          :visible="showCustomer"
-          :offset="10"
-        >
-          <template #reference>
-            <el-input
-              placeholder="请选择"
-              @click="openCustomerSelect"
-              v-model="formData.customerName"
-            />
-          </template>
-          <el-table :data="list" ref="multipleTableRef" @select="handleSelectionChange">
-            <el-table-column label="选择" type="selection" width="55" />
-            <el-table-column width="100" property="id" label="编号" />
-            <el-table-column width="150" property="name" label="客户名称" />
-            <el-table-column label="客户来源" align="center" prop="source" width="100">
-              <template #default="scope">
-                <dict-tag :type="DICT_TYPE.CRM_CUSTOMER_SOURCE" :value="scope.row.source" />
-              </template>
-            </el-table-column>
-            <el-table-column label="客户等级" align="center" prop="level" width="120">
-              <template #default="scope">
-                <dict-tag :type="DICT_TYPE.CRM_CUSTOMER_LEVEL" :value="scope.row.level" />
-              </template>
-            </el-table-column>
-          </el-table>
-          <!-- 分页 -->
-          <el-row :gutter="20">
-            <el-col>
-              <Pagination
-                :total="total"
-                v-model:page="queryParams.pageNo"
-                v-model:limit="queryParams.pageSize"
-                @pagination="getList"
-                layout="sizes, prev, pager, next"
-              />
-            </el-col>
-          </el-row>
-          <el-row :gutter="20">
-            <el-col :span="10" :offset="13">
-              <el-button @click="selectCustomer">确认</el-button>
-              <el-button @click="showCustomer = false">取消</el-button>
-            </el-col>
-          </el-row>
-        </el-popover>
-      </el-form-item>
-      <el-form-item label="性别" prop="sex">
-        <el-select v-model="" placeholder="请选择">
-          <el-option
-            v-for="dict in getIntDictOptions(DICT_TYPE.SYSTEM_USER_SEX)"
-            :key="dict.value"
-            :label="dict.label"
-            :value="dict.value"
-          />
-        </el-select>
-      </el-form-item>
-      <el-form-item label="手机号" prop="mobile">
-        <el-input v-model="" placeholder="请输入手机号" />
-      </el-form-item>
-      <el-form-item label="座机" prop="telephone">
-        <el-input v-model="formData.telephone" placeholder="请输入座机" style="width: 215px" />
-      </el-form-item>
-      <el-form-item label="邮箱" prop="email">
-        <el-input v-model="" placeholder="请输入邮箱" />
-      </el-form-item>
-      <el-form-item label="QQ" prop="qq">
-        <el-input v-model="formData.qq" placeholder="请输入QQ" style="width: 215px" />
-      </el-form-item>
-      <el-form-item label="微信" prop="webchat">
-        <el-input v-model="formData.webchat" placeholder="请输入微信" />
-      </el-form-item>
-      <el-form-item label="下次联系时间" prop="nextTime">
-        <el-date-picker
-          v-model="formData.nextTime"
-          type="date"
-          value-format="x"
-          placeholder="选择下次联系时间"
-        />
-      </el-form-item>
-      <el-form-item label="地址" prop="address">
-        <el-input v-model="formData.address" placeholder="请输入地址" />
-      </el-form-item>
-      <el-form-item label="直属上级" prop="parentId">
-        <el-select v-model="formData.parentId" placeholder="请选择">
-          <el-option
-            v-for="item in allContactList"
-            :key=""
-            :label=""
-            :value=""
-            :disabled=" =="
-          />
-        </el-select>
-      </el-form-item>
-      <el-form-item label="职位" prop="post">
-        <el-input v-model="" placeholder="请输入职位" />
-      </el-form-item>
-      <el-form-item label="是否关键决策人" prop="policyMakers" style="width: 400px">
-        <el-radio-group v-model="formData.policyMakers">
-          <el-radio
-            v-for="dict in getBoolDictOptions(DICT_TYPE.INFRA_BOOLEAN_STRING)"
-            :key="dict.value"
-            :label="dict.value"
-          >
-            {{ dict.label }}
-          </el-radio>
-        </el-radio-group>
-      </el-form-item>
-      <el-form-item label="备注" prop="remark">
-        <el-input v-model="formData.remark" placeholder="请输入备注" />
-      </el-form-item>
+  <Dialog :title="dialogTitle" v-model="dialogVisible" :width="820">
+    <el-form ref="formRef" :model="formData" :rules="formRules" label-width="110px" v-loading="formLoading">
+      <el-row :gutter="20">
+        <el-col :span="12">
+          <el-form-item label="姓名" prop="name">
+            <el-input input-style="width:190px;" v-model="" placeholder="请输入姓名" />
+          </el-form-item>
+        </el-col>
+        <el-col :span="12">
+          <el-form-item label="负责人" prop="ownerUserId">
+            <el-select v-model="formData.ownerUserId" placeholder="请选择负责人" value-key="id" lable-key="nickname">
+              <el-option v-for="item in userList" :key="" :label="item.nickname" :value="" />
+            </el-select>
+          </el-form-item>
+        </el-col>
+      </el-row>
+      <el-row>
+        <el-col :span="12">
+          <el-form-item label="客户名称" prop="customerName">
+            <el-select v-model="formData.customerId" placeholder="请选择客户" value-key="id" lable-key="name">
+              <el-option v-for="item in customerList" :key="" :label="" :value="" />
+            </el-select>
+          </el-form-item>
+        </el-col>
+        <el-col :span="12"><el-form-item label="性别" prop="sex">
+            <el-select v-model="" placeholder="请选择">
+              <el-option
+v-for="dict in getIntDictOptions(DICT_TYPE.SYSTEM_USER_SEX)" :key="dict.value"
+                :label="dict.label" :value="dict.value" />
+            </el-select>
+          </el-form-item></el-col>
+      </el-row>
+      <el-row>
+        <el-col :span="12">
+          <el-form-item label="手机号" prop="mobile">
+            <el-input input-style="width:190px;" v-model="" placeholder="请输入手机号" />
+          </el-form-item>
+        </el-col>
+        <el-col :span="12">
+          <el-form-item label="座机" prop="telephone">
+            <el-input v-model="formData.telephone" placeholder="请输入座机" style="width: 215px" />
+          </el-form-item>
+        </el-col>
+      </el-row>
+      <el-row>
+        <el-col :span="12">
+          <el-form-item label="邮箱" prop="email">
+            <el-input input-style="width:190px;" v-model="" placeholder="请输入邮箱" />
+          </el-form-item>
+        </el-col>
+        <el-col :span="12">
+          <el-form-item label="QQ" prop="qq">
+            <el-input v-model="formData.qq" placeholder="请输入QQ" style="width: 215px" />
+          </el-form-item>
+        </el-col>
+      </el-row>
+      <el-row>
+        <el-col :span="12">
+          <el-form-item label="微信" prop="wechat">
+            <el-input input-style="width:190px;" v-model="formData.wechat" placeholder="请输入微信" />
+          </el-form-item>
+        </el-col>
+        <el-col :span="12"> <el-form-item label="下次联系时间" prop="nextTime">
+            <el-date-picker v-model="formData.nextTime" type="date" value-format="x" placeholder="选择下次联系时间" />
+          </el-form-item>
+        </el-col>
+      </el-row>
+      <el-row>
+        <el-col :span="12">
+          <el-form-item label="所在地" prop="areaId">
+            <el-tree-select
+v-model="formData.areaId" :data="areaList" :props="defaultProps"
+              :render-after-expand="true" />
+          </el-form-item>
+        </el-col>
+        <el-col :span="12">
+          <el-form-item label="地址" prop="address">
+            <el-input input-style="width:190px;" v-model="formData.address" placeholder="请输入地址" />
+          </el-form-item>
+        </el-col>
+      </el-row><el-row>
+        <el-col :span="12">
+          <el-form-item label="直属上级" prop="parentId">
+            <el-select v-model="formData.parentId" placeholder="请选择">
+              <el-option
+v-for="item in allContactList" :key="" :label="" :value=""
+                :disabled=" ==" />
+            </el-select>
+          </el-form-item>
+        </el-col>
+        <el-col :span="12"> <el-form-item label="职位" prop="post">
+            <el-input input-style="width:190px;" v-model="" placeholder="请输入职位" />
+          </el-form-item>
+        </el-col>
+      </el-row><el-row>
+        <el-col :span="12"><el-form-item label="是否关键决策人" prop="master" style="width: 400px">
+            <el-radio-group v-model="formData.master">
+              <el-radio
+v-for="dict in getBoolDictOptions(DICT_TYPE.INFRA_BOOLEAN_STRING)" :key="dict.value"
+                :label="dict.value">
+                {{ dict.label }}
+              </el-radio>
+            </el-radio-group>
+          </el-form-item>
+        </el-col>
+      </el-row>
+      <el-row>
+        <el-col :span="24"><el-form-item label="备注" prop="remark">
+            <el-input v-model="formData.remark" placeholder="请输入备注" />
+          </el-form-item>
+        </el-col>
+      </el-row>
     <template #footer>
       <el-button @click="submitForm" type="primary" :disabled="formLoading">确 定</el-button>
       <el-button @click="dialogVisible = false">取 消</el-button>
-  <OwerSelect
-    ref="owerRef"
-    @confirmOwerSelect="owerSelectValue"
-    :initOwerUser="formData.ownerUserId"
-  />
 <script setup lang="ts">
 import * as ContactApi from '@/api/crm/contact'
 import { DICT_TYPE, getIntDictOptions, getBoolDictOptions } from '@/utils/dict'
-import OwerSelect from './OwerSelect.vue'
 import * as UserApi from '@/api/system/user'
 import * as CustomerApi from '@/api/crm/customer'
 import { ElTable } from 'element-plus'
+import * as AreaApi from '@/api/system/area'
+import { defaultProps } from '@/utils/tree'
 const { t } = useI18n() // 国际化
 const message = useMessage() // 消息弹窗
@@ -172,6 +133,7 @@ const dialogVisible = ref(false) // 弹窗的是否展示
 const dialogTitle = ref('') // 弹窗的标题
 const formLoading = ref(false) // 表单的加载中:1)修改时的数据加载;2)提交的按钮禁用
 const formType = ref('') // 表单的类型:create - 新增;update - 修改
+const areaList = ref([]) // 地区列表
 const formData = ref({
   nextTime: undefined,
   mobile: undefined,
@@ -188,21 +150,10 @@ const formData = ref({
   name: undefined,
   post: undefined,
   qq: undefined,
-  webchat: undefined,
+  wechat: undefined,
   sex: undefined,
-  policyMakers: undefined
-const loading = ref(true) // 列表的加载中
-const total = ref(0) // 列表的总页数
-const list = ref([]) // 列表的数据
-const queryParams = reactive({
-  pageNo: 1,
-  pageSize: 10,
-  name: null,
-  mobile: null,
-  industryId: null,
-  level: null,
-  source: null
+  master: false,
+  areaId: undefined
 const formRules = reactive({
   name: [{ required: true, message: '姓名不能为空', trigger: 'blur' }],
@@ -212,56 +163,33 @@ const formRules = reactive({
 const formRef = ref() // 表单 Ref
 const ownerUserList = ref<any[]>([])
 const userList = ref<UserApi.UserVO[]>([]) // 用户列表
+const customerList = ref<CustomerApi.CustomerVO[]>([]) // 客户列表
+const allContactList = ref([]) // 所有联系人列表
 /** 打开弹窗 */
 const open = async (type: string, id?: number) => {
   dialogVisible.value = true
   dialogTitle.value = t('action.' + type)
   formType.value = type
-  allContactList.value = await ContactApi.simpleAlllist()
+  allContactList.value = await ContactApi.simpleAllList()
+  userList.value = await UserApi.getSimpleUserList()
+  customerList.value = await CustomerApi.queryAllList()
+  areaList.value = await AreaApi.getAreaTree()
   // 修改时,设置数据
   if (id) {
     formLoading.value = true
     try {
       formData.value = await ContactApi.getContact(id)
-      userList.value = await UserApi.getSimpleUserList()
-      await gotOwnerUser(formData.value.ownerUserId)
     } finally {
       formLoading.value = false
 defineExpose({ open }) // 提供 open 方法,用于打开弹窗
-/** 查询列表 */
-const getList = async () => {
-  loading.value = true
-  try {
-    const data = await CustomerApi.getCustomerPage(queryParams)
-    list.value = data.list
-    total.value =
-  } finally {
-    loading.value = false
-  }
-const gotOwnerUser = (owerUserId: any) => {
-  if (owerUserId !== null) {
-    owerUserId.split(',').forEach((item: string) => {
-      userList.value.find((user: { id: any }) => {
-        if ( == item) {
-          ownerUserList.value.push(user)
-        }
-      })
-    })
-  }
 /** 提交表单 */
 const emit = defineEmits(['success']) // 定义 success 事件,用于操作成功后的回调
 const submitForm = async () => {
-  owerSelectValue(ownerUserList)
+  // owerSelectValue(ownerUserList)
   // 校验表单
   if (!formRef) return
   const valid = await formRef.value.validate()
@@ -302,52 +230,11 @@ const resetForm = () => {
     name: undefined,
     post: undefined,
     qq: undefined,
-    webchat: undefined,
+    wechat: undefined,
     sex: undefined,
-    policyMakers: undefined
+    master: false
   ownerUserList.value = []
-/** 添加/修改操作 */
-// TODO @zyna:owner?拼写要注意哈;
-const owerRef = ref()
-const openOwerForm = (type: string) => {
-, ownerUserList.value)
-const owerSelectValue = (value) => {
-  ownerUserList.value = value.value
-  formData.value.ownerUserId = undefined
-  value.value.forEach((item, index) => {
-    if (index != 0) {
-      formData.value.ownerUserId = formData.value.ownerUserId + ',' +
-    } else {
-      formData.value.ownerUserId =
-    }
-  })
-// 选择客户
-const showCustomer = ref(false)
-const openCustomerSelect = () => {
-  showCustomer.value = !showCustomer.value
-  queryParams.pageNo = 1
-  getList()
-const multipleTableRef = ref<InstanceType<typeof ElTable>>()
-const multipleSelection = ref()
-const handleSelectionChange = ({}, row) => {
-  multipleSelection.value = row
-  multipleTableRef.value!.clearSelection()
-  multipleTableRef.value!.toggleRowSelection(row, undefined)
-const selectCustomer = () => {
-  formData.value.customerId =
-  formData.value.customerName =
-  showCustomer.value = !showCustomer.value
-const allContactList = ref([]) // 所有联系人列表
-onMounted(async () => {
-  allContactList.value = await ContactApi.simpleAlllist()

+ 15 - 25

@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+ * @Author: zyna
+ * @Date: 2023-11-26 10:39:46
+ * @LastEditTime: 2023-11-26 20:43:43
+ * @FilePath: \yudao-ui-admin-vue3\src\views\crm\contact\detail\ContactDetails.vue
+ * @Description: 
   <el-collapse v-model="activeNames">
     <el-collapse-item name="basicInfo">
@@ -24,14 +31,17 @@
           {{ contact.qq }}
         <el-descriptions-item label="微信">
-          {{ contact.webchat }}
-        </el-descriptions-item>
-        <el-descriptions-item label="详细地址">
-          {{ contact.address }}
+          {{ contact.wechat }}
         <el-descriptions-item label="下次联系时间">
           {{ contact.nextTime ? formatDate(contact.nextTime) : '空' }}
+        <el-descriptions-item label="所在地">
+          {{ contact.areaName }}
+        </el-descriptions-item>
+        <el-descriptions-item label="详细地址">
+          {{ contact.address }}
+        </el-descriptions-item>
         <el-descriptions-item label="性别">
           <dict-tag :type="DICT_TYPE.SYSTEM_USER_SEX" :value="" />
@@ -46,7 +56,7 @@
       <el-descriptions :column="2">
         <el-descriptions-item label="负责人">
-          {{ gotOwnerUser(contact.ownerUserId) }}
+          {{ contact.ownerUserName }}
         <el-descriptions-item label="创建人">
           {{ contact.creatorName }}
@@ -66,29 +76,9 @@
 import * as ContactApi from '@/api/crm/contact'
 import { DICT_TYPE } from '@/utils/dict'
 import { formatDate } from '@/utils/formatTime'
-import * as UserApi from '@/api/system/user'
 const { contact } = defineProps<{ contact: ContactApi.ContactVO }>()
 // 展示的折叠面板
 const activeNames = ref(['basicInfo', 'systemInfo'])
-const gotOwnerUser = (owerUserId: string) => {
-  let ownerName = ''
-  if (owerUserId !== null && owerUserId != undefined) {
-    owerUserId.split(',').forEach((item: string, index: number) => {
-      if (index != 0) {
-        ownerName =
-          ownerName + ',' + userList.value.find((user: { id: any }) => == item)?.nickname
-      } else {
-        ownerName = userList.value.find((user: { id: any }) => == item)?.nickname || ''
-      }
-    })
-  }
-  return ownerName
-const userList = ref<UserApi.UserVO[]>([]) // 用户列表
-/** 初始化 **/
-onMounted(async () => {
-  userList.value = await UserApi.getSimpleUserList()
 <style scoped lang="scss"></style>

+ 7 - 22

@@ -63,33 +63,18 @@
   <!-- TODO wanwan:这个 tab 拉满哈,可以更好看; -->
   <el-col :span="18">
-      <el-tab-pane label="详细资料">
+      <el-tab-pane label="基本信息">
         <!-- TODO wanwan:这个 ml-2 是不是可以优化下,不要整个左移,而是里面的内容有个几 px 的偏移,不顶在框里 -->
         <ContactDetails class="ml-2" :contact="contact" />
-      <el-tab-pane label="活动" lazy> 活动</el-tab-pane>
-      <el-tab-pane label="邮件" lazy> 邮件</el-tab-pane>
-      <el-tab-pane label="工商信息" lazy> 工商信息</el-tab-pane>
-      <!-- TODO wanwan 以下标签上的数量需要接口统计返回 -->
-      <el-tab-pane label="客户" lazy>
-        <template #label> 客户<el-badge :value="12" class="item" type="primary" /> </template>
-        客户
-      </el-tab-pane>
-      <el-tab-pane label="团队成员" lazy>
-        <template #label> 团队成员<el-badge :value="2" class="item" type="primary" /> </template>
-        团队成员
-      </el-tab-pane>
+      <el-tab-pane label="跟进记录" lazy> 跟进记录</el-tab-pane>
       <el-tab-pane label="商机" lazy> 商机</el-tab-pane>
-      <el-tab-pane label="合同" lazy>
-        <template #label> 合同<el-badge :value="3" class="item" type="primary" /> </template>
-        合同
-      </el-tab-pane>
-      <el-tab-pane label="回款" lazy>
-        <template #label> 回款<el-badge :value="4" class="item" type="primary" /> </template>
-        回款
+      <el-tab-pane label="附件" lazy> 附件</el-tab-pane>
+      <!-- TODO wanwan 以下标签上的数量需要接口统计返回 -->
+      <el-tab-pane label="操作记录" lazy>
+        <template #label> 操作记录<el-badge :value="12" class="item" type="primary" /> </template>
+        操作记录
-      <el-tab-pane label="回访" lazy> 回访</el-tab-pane>
-      <el-tab-pane label="发票" lazy> 发票</el-tab-pane>

+ 9 - 34

@@ -55,9 +55,9 @@
-      <el-form-item label="微信" prop="webchat">
+      <el-form-item label="微信" prop="wechat">
-          v-model="queryParams.webchat"
+          v-model="queryParams.wechat"
@@ -109,20 +109,16 @@
       <el-table-column label="职位" align="center" prop="post" />
-      <el-table-column label="是否关键决策人" align="center" prop="policyMakers">
+      <el-table-column label="是否关键决策人" align="center" prop="master">
         <template #default="scope">
-          <dict-tag :type="DICT_TYPE.INFRA_BOOLEAN_STRING" :value="scope.row.policyMakers" />
-        </template>
-      </el-table-column>
-      <el-table-column label="直属上级" align="center" prop="parentId">
-        <template #default="scope">
-          {{ allContactList.find((contact) => === scope.row.parentId)?.name }}
+          <dict-tag :type="DICT_TYPE.INFRA_BOOLEAN_STRING" :value="scope.row.master" />
+      <el-table-column label="直属上级" align="center" prop="parentName"/>
       <el-table-column label="手机号" align="center" prop="mobile" />
       <el-table-column label="座机" align="center" prop="telephone" />
       <el-table-column label="QQ" align="center" prop="qq" />
-      <el-table-column label="微信" align="center" prop="webchat" />
+      <el-table-column label="微信" align="center" prop="wechat" />
       <el-table-column label="邮箱" align="center" prop="email" />
       <el-table-column label="地址" align="center" prop="address" />
@@ -142,7 +138,7 @@
       <el-table-column label="负责人" align="center" prop="ownerUserId">
         <template #default="scope">
-          {{ gotOwnerUser(scope.row.ownerUserId) }}
+          {{ scope.row.ownerUserName}}
       <!-- <el-table-column label="所属部门" align="center" prop="ownerUserId" /> -->
@@ -239,13 +235,12 @@ const queryParams = reactive({
   name: null,
   post: null,
   qq: null,
-  webchat: null,
+  wechat: null,
   sex: null,
   policyMakers: null
 const queryFormRef = ref() // 搜索的表单
 const exportLoading = ref(false) // 导出的加载中
-const userList = ref<UserApi.UserVO[]>([]) // 用户列表
 /** 查询列表 */
 const getList = async () => {
@@ -305,35 +300,15 @@ const handleExport = async () => {
-// TODO @zyna:这个负责人的读取,放在后端好点
-const gotOwnerUser = (owerUserId: string) => {
-  let ownerName = ''
-  if (owerUserId !== null) {
-    owerUserId.split(',').forEach((item: string, index: number) => {
-      if (index != 0) {
-        ownerName =
-          ownerName + ',' + userList.value.find((user: { id: any }) => == item)?.nickname
-      } else {
-        ownerName = userList.value.find((user: { id: any }) => == item)?.nickname || ''
-      }
-    })
-  }
-  return ownerName
 /** 打开客户详情 */
 const { push } = useRouter()
 const openDetail = (id: number) => {
   push({ name: 'CrmContactDetail', params: { id } })
-// TODO @zyna:这个上级的读取,放在后端读取,更合适;因为可能数据量比较大
-const allContactList = ref([]) //所有联系人列表
-const allCustomerList = ref([]) //客户列表
 /** 初始化 **/
 onMounted(async () => {
   await getList()
-  userList.value = await UserApi.getSimpleUserList()
-  allContactList.value = await ContactApi.simpleAlllist()

+ 27 - 14

@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
         <!-- 右上:按钮 -->
-        <el-button @click="openForm('update'," v-hasPermi="['crm:customer:update']">
+        <el-button v-hasPermi="['crm:customer:update']" @click="openForm('update',">
@@ -16,31 +16,31 @@
     <el-row class="mt-10px">
-        <Icon icon="ph:calendar-fill" class="mr-5px" />
+        <Icon class="mr-5px" icon="ph:calendar-fill" />
-        <Icon icon="carbon:email" class="mr-5px" />
+        <Icon class="mr-5px" icon="carbon:email" />
-        <Icon icon="system-uicons:contacts" class="mr-5px" />
+        <Icon class="mr-5px" icon="system-uicons:contacts" />
-        <Icon icon="ep:opportunity" class="mr-5px" />
+        <Icon class="mr-5px" icon="ep:opportunity" />
-        <Icon icon="clarity:contract-line" class="mr-5px" />
+        <Icon class="mr-5px" icon="clarity:contract-line" />
-        <Icon icon="icon-park:income-one" class="mr-5px" />
+        <Icon class="mr-5px" icon="icon-park:income-one" />
-        <Icon icon="fluent:people-team-add-20-filled" class="mr-5px" />
+        <Icon class="mr-5px" icon="fluent:people-team-add-20-filled" />
@@ -75,20 +75,32 @@
       <el-tab-pane label="客户关系" lazy> 客户关系</el-tab-pane>
       <!-- TODO wanwan 以下标签上的数量需要接口统计返回 -->
       <el-tab-pane label="联系人" lazy>
-        <template #label> 联系人<el-badge class="item" type="primary" /> </template>
+        <template #label>
+          联系人
+          <el-badge class="item" type="primary" />
+        </template>
       <el-tab-pane label="团队成员" lazy>
-        <template #label> 团队成员<el-badge class="item" type="primary" /> </template>
-        团队成员
+        <template #label>
+          团队成员
+          <el-badge class="item" type="primary" />
+        </template>
+        <CrmPermissionList :biz-id="" :biz-type="CrmBizTypeEnum.CRM_CUSTOMER" />
       <el-tab-pane label="商机" lazy> 商机</el-tab-pane>
       <el-tab-pane label="合同" lazy>
-        <template #label> 合同<el-badge class="item" type="primary" /> </template>
+        <template #label>
+          合同
+          <el-badge class="item" type="primary" />
+        </template>
       <el-tab-pane label="回款" lazy>
-        <template #label> 回款<el-badge class="item" type="primary" /> </template>
+        <template #label>
+          回款
+          <el-badge class="item" type="primary" />
+        </template>
       <el-tab-pane label="回访" lazy> 回访</el-tab-pane>
@@ -100,7 +112,7 @@
   <CustomerForm ref="formRef" @success="getCustomerData(id)" />
-<script setup lang="ts">
+<script lang="ts" setup>
 import { ElMessage } from 'element-plus'
 import { useTagsViewStore } from '@/store/modules/tagsView'
 import * as CustomerApi from '@/api/crm/customer'
@@ -108,6 +120,7 @@ import CustomerBasicInfo from '@/views/crm/customer/detail/CustomerBasicInfo.vue
 import { DICT_TYPE } from '@/utils/dict'
 import CustomerDetails from '@/views/crm/customer/detail/CustomerDetails.vue'
 import CustomerForm from '@/views/crm/customer/CustomerForm.vue'
+import { CrmBizTypeEnum, CrmPermissionList } from '@/views/crm/components'
 defineOptions({ name: 'CustomerDetail' })

+ 8 - 9

@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
       <el-table-column align="center" label="手机" prop="mobile" width="120" />
       <el-table-column align="center" label="详细地址" prop="detailAddress" width="200" />
       <el-table-column align="center" label="负责人" prop="ownerUserName" />
-      <el-table-column align="center" label="所属部门" prop="ownerUserDept" />
+      <el-table-column align="center" label="所属部门" prop="ownerUserDeptName" />
       <el-table-column align="center" label="创建人" prop="creatorName" />
@@ -185,8 +185,6 @@
-  <!-- TODO 方便查看效果 TODO 芋艿:先注释了,避免演示环境报错 -->
-  <!--  <CrmTeam :biz-id="1" :biz-type="CrmBizTypeEnum.CRM_CUSTOMER" />-->
   <!-- 表单弹窗:添加/修改 -->
   <CustomerForm ref="formRef" @success="getList" />
@@ -198,7 +196,6 @@ import { dateFormatter } from '@/utils/formatTime'
 import download from '@/utils/download'
 import * as CustomerApi from '@/api/crm/customer'
 import CustomerForm from './CustomerForm.vue'
-import { CrmBizTypeEnum, CrmTeam } from '@/views/crm/components'
 defineOptions({ name: 'CrmCustomer' })
@@ -211,11 +208,12 @@ const list = ref([]) // 列表的数据
 const queryParams = reactive({
   pageNo: 1,
   pageSize: 10,
-  name: null,
-  mobile: null,
-  industryId: null,
-  level: null,
-  source: null
+  pool: false,
+  name: '',
+  mobile: '',
+  industryId: undefined,
+  level: undefined,
+  source: undefined
 const queryFormRef = ref() // 搜索的表单
 const exportLoading = ref(false) // 导出的加载中
@@ -241,6 +239,7 @@ const handleQuery = () => {
 /** 重置按钮操作 */
 const resetQuery = () => {
+  queryParams.pool = false

+ 102 - 40

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
   <div class="flex">
+    <!-- 左侧:建立连接、发送消息 -->
     <el-card :gutter="12" class="w-1/2" shadow="always">
       <template #header>
         <div class="card-header">
@@ -11,28 +12,38 @@
         <el-tag :color="getTagColor">{{ status }}</el-tag>
       <hr class="my-4" />
       <div class="flex">
         <el-input v-model="server" disabled>
-          <template #prepend> 服务地址</template>
+          <template #prepend>服务地址</template>
-        <el-button :type="getIsOpen ? 'danger' : 'primary'" @click="toggle">
+        <el-button :type="getIsOpen ? 'danger' : 'primary'" @click="toggleConnectStatus">
           {{ getIsOpen ? '关闭连接' : '开启连接' }}
-      <p class="mt-4 text-lg font-medium">设置</p>
+      <p class="mt-4 text-lg font-medium">消息输入框</p>
       <hr class="my-4" />
-        v-model="sendValue"
+        v-model="sendText"
         :autosize="{ minRows: 2, maxRows: 4 }"
+        placeholder="请输入你要发送的消息"
-      <el-button :disabled="!getIsOpen" block class="mt-4" type="primary" @click="handlerSend">
+      <el-select v-model="sendUserId" class="mt-4" placeholder="请选择发送人">
+        <el-option key="" label="所有人" value="" />
+        <el-option
+          v-for="user in userList"
+          :key=""
+          :label="user.nickname"
+          :value=""
+        />
+      </el-select>
+      <el-button :disabled="!getIsOpen" block class="ml-2 mt-4" type="primary" @click="handlerSend">
+    <!-- 右侧:消息记录 -->
     <el-card :gutter="12" class="w-1/2" shadow="always">
       <template #header>
         <div class="card-header">
@@ -41,13 +52,13 @@
       <div class="max-h-80 overflow-auto">
-          <li v-for="item in getList" :key="item.time" class="mt-2">
+          <li v-for="msg in messageList.reverse()" :key="msg.time" class="mt-2">
             <div class="flex items-center">
               <span class="text-primary mr-2 font-medium">收到消息:</span>
-              <span>{{ formatDate(item.time) }}</span>
+              <span>{{ formatDate(msg.time) }}</span>
-              {{ item.res }}
+              {{ msg.text }}
@@ -57,62 +68,113 @@
 <script lang="ts" setup>
 import { formatDate } from '@/utils/formatTime'
-import { useUserStore } from '@/store/modules/user'
 import { useWebSocket } from '@vueuse/core'
+import { getAccessToken } from '@/utils/auth'
+import * as UserApi from '@/api/system/user'
 defineOptions({ name: 'InfraWebSocket' })
-const userStore = useUserStore()
-const sendValue = ref('')
+const message = useMessage() // 消息弹窗
 const server = ref(
-  (import.meta.env.VITE_BASE_URL + '/websocket/message').replace('http', 'ws') +
-    '?userId=' +
-const state = reactive({
-  recordList: [] as { id: number; time: number; res: string }[]
+  (import.meta.env.VITE_BASE_URL + '/infra/ws').replace('http', 'ws') + '?token=' + getAccessToken()
+) // WebSocket 服务地址
+const getIsOpen = computed(() => status.value === 'OPEN') // WebSocket 连接是否打开
+const getTagColor = computed(() => (getIsOpen.value ? 'success' : 'red')) // WebSocket 连接的展示颜色
+/** 发起 WebSocket 连接 */
 const { status, data, send, close, open } = useWebSocket(server.value, {
   autoReconnect: false,
   heartbeat: true
+/** 监听接收到的数据 */
+const messageList = ref([] as { time: number; text: string }[]) // 消息列表
 watchEffect(() => {
-  if (data.value) {
-    try {
-      const res = JSON.parse(data.value)
-      state.recordList.push(res)
-    } catch (error) {
-      state.recordList.push({
-        res: data.value,
-        id: Math.ceil(Math.random() * 1000),
+  if (!data.value) {
+    return
+  }
+  try {
+    // 1. 收到心跳
+    if (data.value === 'pong') {
+      // state.recordList.push({
+      //   text: '【心跳】',
+      //   time: new Date().getTime()
+      // })
+      return
+    }
+    // 2.1 解析 type 消息类型
+    const jsonMessage = JSON.parse(data.value)
+    const type = jsonMessage.type
+    const content = JSON.parse(jsonMessage.content)
+    if (!type) {
+      message.error('未知的消息类型:' + data.value)
+      return
+    }
+    // 2.2 消息类型:demo-message-receive
+    if (type === 'demo-message-receive') {
+      const single = content.single
+      if (single) {
+        messageList.value.push({
+          text: `【单发】用户编号(${content.fromUserId}):${content.text}`,
+          time: new Date().getTime()
+        })
+      } else {
+        messageList.value.push({
+          text: `【群发】用户编号(${content.fromUserId}):${content.text}`,
+          time: new Date().getTime()
+        })
+      }
+      return
+    }
+    // 2.3 消息类型:notice-push
+    if (type === 'notice-push') {
+      messageList.value.push({
+        text: `【系统通知】:${content.title}`,
         time: new Date().getTime()
+      return
+    message.error('未处理消息:' + data.value)
+  } catch (error) {
+    message.error('处理消息发生异常:' + data.value)
+    console.error(error)
-const getIsOpen = computed(() => status.value === 'OPEN')
-const getTagColor = computed(() => (getIsOpen.value ? 'success' : 'red'))
-const getList = computed(() => {
-  return [...state.recordList].reverse()
-function handlerSend() {
-  send(sendValue.value)
-  sendValue.value = ''
+/** 发送消息 */
+const sendText = ref('') // 发送内容
+const sendUserId = ref('') // 发送人
+const handlerSend = () => {
+  // 1.1 先 JSON 化 message 消息内容
+  const messageContent = JSON.stringify({
+    text: sendText.value,
+    toUserId: sendUserId.value
+  })
+  // 1.2 再 JSON 化整个消息
+  const jsonMessage = JSON.stringify({
+    type: 'demo-message-send',
+    content: messageContent
+  })
+  // 2. 最后发送消息
+  send(jsonMessage)
+  sendText.value = ''
-function toggle() {
+/** 切换 websocket 连接状态 */
+const toggleConnectStatus = () => {
   if (getIsOpen.value) {
   } else {
+/** 初始化 **/
+const userList = ref<any[]>([]) // 用户列表
+onMounted(async () => {
+  // 获取用户列表
+  userList.value = await UserApi.getSimpleUserList()

+ 5 - 26

@@ -8,14 +8,7 @@
       <el-form-item label="商品" prop="spuId">
-        <div @click="handleSelectSpu" class="h-60px w-60px">
-          <div v-if="spuData && spuData.picUrl">
-            <el-image :src="spuData.picUrl" />
-          </div>
-          <div v-else class="select-box">
-            <Icon icon="ep:plus" />
-          </div>
-        </div>
+        <SpuShowcase v-model="formData.spuId" :limit="1" />
       <el-form-item label="商品规格" prop="skuId" v-if="formData.spuId">
         <div @click="handleSelectSku" class="h-60px w-60px">
@@ -51,12 +44,11 @@
       <el-button @click="dialogVisible = false">取 消</el-button>
-  <SpuTableSelect ref="spuTableSelectRef" @change="handleSpuChange" />
-  <SkuTableSelect ref="skuTableSelectRef" @change="handleSkuChange" :spu-id="" />
+  <SkuTableSelect ref="skuTableSelectRef" @change="handleSkuChange" :spu-id="formData.spuId" />
 <script setup lang="ts">
 import * as CommentApi from '@/api/mall/product/comment'
-import SpuTableSelect from '@/views/mall/product/spu/components/SpuTableSelect.vue'
+import SpuShowcase from '@/views/mall/product/spu/components/SpuShowcase.vue'
 import * as ProductSpuApi from '@/api/mall/product/spu'
 import SkuTableSelect from '@/views/mall/product/spu/components/SkuTableSelect.vue'
@@ -72,8 +64,7 @@ const formData = ref({
   userId: undefined,
   userNickname: undefined,
   userAvatar: undefined,
-  spuId: undefined,
-  spuName: undefined,
+  spuId: 0,
   skuId: undefined,
   descriptionScores: 5,
   benefitScores: 5,
@@ -90,7 +81,6 @@ const formRules = reactive({
   benefitScores: [{ required: true, message: '服务星级不能为空', trigger: 'blur' }]
 const formRef = ref() // 表单 Ref
-const spuData = ref<ProductSpuApi.Spu>({})
 const skuData = ref({
   id: -1,
   name: '',
@@ -149,8 +139,7 @@ const resetForm = () => {
     userId: undefined,
     userNickname: undefined,
     userAvatar: undefined,
-    spuId: undefined,
-    spuName: undefined,
+    spuId: 0,
     skuId: undefined,
     descriptionScores: 5,
     benefitScores: 5,
@@ -160,16 +149,6 @@ const resetForm = () => {
-/** SPU 表格选择 */
-const spuTableSelectRef = ref()
-const handleSelectSpu = () => {
-const handleSpuChange = (spu: ProductSpuApi.Spu) => {
-  spuData.value = spu
-  formData.value.spuId =
 /** SKU 表格选择 */
 const skuTableSelectRef = ref()
 const handleSelectSku = () => {

+ 1 - 1

@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
   <!-- 列表 -->
     <el-table v-loading="loading" :data="list" :stripe="true" :show-overflow-tooltip="false">
-      <el-table-column label="评论编号" align="center" prop="id" min-width="50" />
+      <el-table-column label="评论编号" align="center" prop="id" min-width="80" />
       <el-table-column label="商品信息" align="center" min-width="400">
         <template #default="scope">
           <div class="row flex items-center gap-x-4px">

+ 41 - 25

@@ -13,54 +13,64 @@
-    <el-tooltip content="选择商品">
-      <div
-        v-show="!disabled"
-        v-if="!limit || limit <= productSpus.length"
-        class="select-box"
-        @click="openSpuTableSelect"
-      >
+    <el-tooltip content="选择商品" v-if="canAdd">
+      <div class="select-box" @click="openSpuTableSelect">
         <Icon icon="ep:plus" />
   <!-- 商品选择对话框(表格形式) -->
-  <SpuTableSelect ref="spuTableSelectRef" multiple @change="handleSpuSelected" />
+  <SpuTableSelect ref="spuTableSelectRef" :multiple="limit != 1" @change="handleSpuSelected" />
 <script lang="ts" setup>
 import * as ProductSpuApi from '@/api/mall/product/spu'
 import SpuTableSelect from '@/views/mall/product/spu/components/SpuTableSelect.vue'
 import { propTypes } from '@/utils/propTypes'
-import { array } from 'vue-types'
+import { oneOfType } from 'vue-types'
+import { isArray } from '@/utils/is'
 // 商品橱窗,一般用于与商品建立关系时使用
 // 提供功能:展示商品列表、添加商品、移除商品
 defineOptions({ name: 'SpuShowcase' })
 const props = defineProps({
-  modelValue: array<number>().def([]).isRequired,
+  modelValue: oneOfType<number | Array<number>>([Number, Array]).isRequired,
   // 限制数量:默认不限制
-  limit: propTypes.number.def(0),
+  limit: propTypes.number.def(Number.MAX_VALUE),
   disabled: propTypes.bool.def(false)
+// 计算是否可以添加
+const canAdd = computed(() => {
+  // 情况一:禁用时不可以添加
+  if (props.disabled) return false
+  // 情况二:未指定限制数量时,可以添加
+  if (!props.limit) return true
+  // 情况三:检查已添加数量是否小于限制数量
+  return productSpus.value.length < props.limit
 // 商品列表
 const productSpus = ref<ProductSpuApi.Spu[]>([])
   () => props.modelValue,
   async () => {
-    if (props.modelValue.length === 0) {
+    const ids = isArray(props.modelValue)
+      ? // 情况一:多选
+        props.modelValue
+      : // 情况二:单选
+        props.modelValue
+        ? [props.modelValue]
+        : []
+    // 不需要返显
+    if (ids.length === 0) {
       productSpus.value = []
     // 只有商品发生变化之后,才去查询商品
-    if (
-      productSpus.value.length === 0 ||
-      productSpus.value.some((spu) => !props.modelValue.includes(
-    ) {
-      debugger
-      productSpus.value = await ProductSpuApi.getSpuDetailList(props.modelValue)
+    if (productSpus.value.length === 0 || productSpus.value.some((spu) => !ids.includes(!))) {
+      productSpus.value = await ProductSpuApi.getSpuDetailList(ids)
   { immediate: true }
@@ -77,8 +87,8 @@ const openSpuTableSelect = () => {
  * 选择商品后触发
  * @param spus 选中的商品列表
-const handleSpuSelected = (spus: ProductSpuApi.Spu[]) => {
-  productSpus.value = spus
+const handleSpuSelected = (spus: ProductSpuApi.Spu | ProductSpuApi.Spu[]) => {
+  productSpus.value = isArray(spus) ? spus : [spus]
@@ -92,11 +102,17 @@ const handleRemoveSpu = (index: number) => {
 const emit = defineEmits(['update:modelValue', 'change'])
 const emitSpuChange = () => {
-  emit(
-    'update:modelValue',
- =>
-  )
-  emit('change', productSpus.value)
+  if (props.limit === 1) {
+    const spu = productSpus.value.length > 0 ? productSpus.value[0] : null
+    emit('update:modelValue', spu?.id || 0)
+    emit('change', spu)
+  } else {
+    emit(
+      'update:modelValue',
+ =>
+    )
+    emit('change', productSpus.value)
+  }

+ 125 - 73

@@ -1,8 +1,14 @@
   <Dialog v-model="dialogVisible" :appendToBody="true" title="选择商品" width="70%">
-      <el-row :gutter="20" class="mb-10px">
-        <el-col :span="6">
+      <el-form
+        ref="queryFormRef"
+        :inline="true"
+        :model="queryParams"
+        class="-mb-15px"
+        label-width="68px"
+      >
+        <el-form-item label="商品名称" prop="name">
@@ -10,19 +16,19 @@
-        </el-col>
-        <el-col :span="6">
+        </el-form-item>
+        <el-form-item label="商品分类" prop="categoryId">
-            class="w-1/1"
+            class="!w-240px"
-        </el-col>
-        <el-col :span="6">
+        </el-form-item>
+        <el-form-item label="创建时间" prop="createTime">
             :default-time="[new Date('1 00:00:00'), new Date('1 23:59:59')]"
@@ -32,8 +38,8 @@
             value-format="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"
-        </el-col>
-        <el-col :span="6">
+        </el-form-item>
+        <el-form-item>
           <el-button @click="handleQuery">
             <Icon class="mr-5px" icon="ep:search" />
@@ -42,30 +48,32 @@
             <Icon class="mr-5px" icon="ep:refresh" />
-        </el-col>
-      </el-row>
+        </el-form-item>
+      </el-form>
       <el-table v-loading="loading" :data="list" show-overflow-tooltip>
-        <!-- 多选模式 -->
-        <el-table-column key="2" type="selection" width="55" v-if="multiple">
+        <!-- 1. 多选模式(不能使用type="selection",Element会忽略Header插槽) -->
+        <el-table-column width="55" v-if="multiple">
           <template #header>
-              :value="allChecked && checkedPageNos.indexOf(queryParams.pageNo) > -1"
+              v-model="isCheckAll"
+              :indeterminate="isIndeterminate"
           <template #default="{ row }">
-              :value="checkedSpuIds.indexOf( > -1"
-              @change="(checked: boolean) => handleCheckOne(checked, row)"
+              v-model="checkedStatus[]"
+              @change="(checked: boolean) => handleCheckOne(checked, row, true)"
-        <!-- 单选模式 -->
+        <!-- 2. 单选模式 -->
         <el-table-column label="#" width="55" v-else>
           <template #default="{ row }">
-            <el-radio :label="" v-model="selectedSpuId" @change="handleSingleSelected(row)"
-              >&nbsp;</el-radio
-            >
+            <el-radio :label="" v-model="selectedSpuId" @change="handleSingleSelected(row)">
+              <!-- 空格不能省略,是为了让单选框不显示label,如果不指定label不会有选中的效果 -->
+              &nbsp;
+            </el-radio>
         <el-table-column key="id" align="center" label="商品编号" prop="id" min-width="60" />
@@ -102,54 +110,71 @@
 <script lang="ts" setup>
-import { ElTable } from 'element-plus'
 import { defaultProps, handleTree } from '@/utils/tree'
 import * as ProductCategoryApi from '@/api/mall/product/category'
 import * as ProductSpuApi from '@/api/mall/product/spu'
 import { propTypes } from '@/utils/propTypes'
+import { CHANGE_EVENT } from 'element-plus'
 type Spu = Required<ProductSpuApi.Spu>
+ * 商品表格选择对话框
+ * 1. 单选模式:
+ *    1.1 点击表格左侧的单选框时,结束选择,并关闭对话框
+ *    1.2 再次打开时,保持选中状态
+ * 2. 多选模式:
+ *    2.1 点击表格左侧的多选框时,记录选中的商品
+ *    2.2 切换分页时,保持商品的选中的状态
+ *    2.3 点击右下角的确定按钮时,结束选择,关闭对话框
+ *    2.4 再次打开时,保持选中状态
+ */
 defineOptions({ name: 'SpuTableSelect' })
-const props = defineProps({
-  // 多选
+  // 多选模式
   multiple: propTypes.bool.def(false)
-const total = ref(0) // 列表的总页数
-const list = ref<Spu[]>([]) // 列表的数据
-const loading = ref(false) // 列表的加载中
-const dialogVisible = ref(false) // 弹窗的是否展示
+// 列表的总页数
+const total = ref(0)
+// 列表的数据
+const list = ref<Spu[]>([])
+// 列表的加载中
+const loading = ref(false)
+// 弹窗的是否展示
+const dialogVisible = ref(false)
+// 查询参数
 const queryParams = ref({
   pageNo: 1,
   pageSize: 10,
-  tabType: 0, // 默认获取上架的商品
+  // 默认获取上架的商品
+  tabType: 0,
   name: '',
   categoryId: null,
   createTime: []
-}) // 查询参数
-const selectedSpuId = ref() // 选中的商品 spuId
 /** 打开弹窗 */
-const open = (spus?: Spu[]) => {
-  if (spus && spus.length > 0) {
-    // todo check-box不显示选中?
-    checkedSpus.value = [...spus]
-    checkedSpuIds.value = =>
-  } else {
-    checkedSpus.value = []
-    checkedSpuIds.value = []
+const open = (spuList?: Spu[]) => {
+  // 重置
+  checkedSpus.value = []
+  checkedStatus.value = {}
+  isCheckAll.value = false
+  isIndeterminate.value = false
+  // 处理已选中
+  if (spuList && spuList.length > 0) {
+    checkedSpus.value = [...spuList]
+    checkedStatus.value = Object.fromEntries( => [, true]))
-  allChecked.value = false
-  checkedPageNos.value = []
   dialogVisible.value = true
-defineExpose({ open }) // 提供 open 方法,用于打开弹窗
+// 提供 open 方法,用于打开弹窗
+defineExpose({ open })
 /** 查询列表 */
 const getList = async () => {
@@ -158,6 +183,12 @@ const getList = async () => {
     const data = await ProductSpuApi.getSpuPage(queryParams.value)
     list.value = data.list
     total.value =
+    // checkbox绑定undefined会有问题,需要给一个bool值
+    list.value.forEach(
+      (spu) => (checkedStatus.value[] = checkedStatus.value[] || false)
+    )
+    // 计算全选框状态
+    calculateIsCheckAll()
   } finally {
     loading.value = false
@@ -174,7 +205,8 @@ const resetQuery = () => {
   queryParams.value = {
     pageNo: 1,
     pageSize: 10,
-    tabType: 0, // 默认获取上架的商品
+    // 默认获取上架的商品
+    tabType: 0,
     name: '',
     categoryId: null,
     createTime: []
@@ -182,65 +214,85 @@ const resetQuery = () => {
-const allChecked = ref(false) //是否全选
-const checkedPageNos = ref<number[]>([]) //选中的页码
-const checkedSpuIds = ref<number[]>([]) //选中的商品ID
-const checkedSpus = ref<Spu[]>([]) //选中的商品
+// 是否全选
+const isCheckAll = ref(false)
+// 全选框是否处于中间状态:不是全部选中 && 任意一个选中
+const isIndeterminate = ref(false)
+// 选中的商品
+const checkedSpus = ref<Spu[]>([])
+// 选中状态:key为商品ID,value为是否选中
+const checkedStatus = ref<Record<string, boolean>>({})
+// 选中的商品 spuId
+const selectedSpuId = ref()
 /** 单选中时触发 */
-const handleSingleSelected = (row: Spu) => {
-  emits('change', row)
+const handleSingleSelected = (spu: Spu) => {
+  emits(CHANGE_EVENT, spu)
   // 关闭弹窗
   dialogVisible.value = false
   // 记住上次选择的ID
-  selectedSpuId.value =
+  selectedSpuId.value =
 /** 多选完成 */
 const handleEmitChange = () => {
   // 关闭弹窗
   dialogVisible.value = false
-  emits('change', [...checkedSpus.value])
+  emits(CHANGE_EVENT, [...checkedSpus.value])
 /** 确认选择时的触发事件 */
 const emits = defineEmits<{
-  (e: 'change', spu: Spu | Spu[] | any): void
+  change: [spu: Spu | Spu[] | any]
-/** 全选 */
+/** 全选/全不选 */
 const handleCheckAll = (checked: boolean) => {
-  debugger
-  console.log('checkAll', checked)
-  allChecked.value = checked
-  const index = checkedPageNos.value.indexOf(queryParams.value.pageNo)
-  checkedPageNos.value.push(queryParams.value.pageNo)
-  if (index > -1) {
-    checkedPageNos.value.splice(index, 1)
-  }
+  isCheckAll.value = checked
+  isIndeterminate.value = false
-  list.value.forEach((item) => handleCheckOne(checked, item))
+  list.value.forEach((spu) => handleCheckOne(checked, spu, false))
-/** 选中一行 */
-const handleCheckOne = (checked: boolean, spu: Spu) => {
+ * 选中一行
+ * @param checked 是否选中
+ * @param spu 商品
+ * @param isCalcCheckAll 是否计算全选
+ */
+const handleCheckOne = (checked: boolean, spu: Spu, isCalcCheckAll: boolean) => {
   if (checked) {
-    const index = checkedSpuIds.value.indexOf(
-    if (index === -1) {
-      checkedSpuIds.value.push(
-      checkedSpus.value.push(spu)
-    }
+    checkedSpus.value.push(spu)
+    checkedStatus.value[] = true
   } else {
-    const index = checkedSpuIds.value.indexOf(
+    const index = findCheckedIndex(spu)
     if (index > -1) {
-      checkedSpuIds.value.splice(index, 1)
       checkedSpus.value.splice(index, 1)
+      checkedStatus.value[] = false
+      isCheckAll.value = false
+  // 计算全选框状态
+  if (isCalcCheckAll) {
+    calculateIsCheckAll()
+  }
+// 查找商品在已选中商品列表中的索引
+const findCheckedIndex = (spu: Spu) => checkedSpus.value.findIndex((item) => ===
+// 计算全选框状态
+const calculateIsCheckAll = () => {
+  isCheckAll.value = list.value.every((spu) => checkedStatus.value[])
+  // 计算中间状态:不是全部选中 && 任意一个选中
+  isIndeterminate.value = !isCheckAll.value && list.value.some((spu) => checkedStatus.value[])
-const categoryList = ref() // 分类列表
-const categoryTreeList = ref() // 分类树
+// 分类列表
+const categoryList = ref()
+// 分类树
+const categoryTreeList = ref()
 /** 初始化 **/
 onMounted(async () => {
   await getList()

+ 3 - 7

@@ -150,15 +150,14 @@ import {
 } from '@/views/mall/promotion/coupon/formatter'
 import { dateFormatter } from '@/utils/formatTime'
 import * as CouponTemplateApi from '@/api/mall/promotion/coupon/couponTemplate'
-import type { GiveCouponTemplate } from '@/api/mall/product/spu'
 defineOptions({ name: 'CouponSelect' })
-  multipleSelection: GiveCouponTemplate[]
+  multipleSelection: CouponTemplateApi.CouponTemplateVO[]
 const emit = defineEmits<{
-  (e: 'update:multipleSelection', v: GiveCouponTemplate[])
+  (e: 'update:multipleSelection', v: CouponTemplateApi.CouponTemplateVO[])
 const dialogVisible = ref(false) // 弹窗的是否展示
 const dialogTitle = ref('选择优惠卷') // 弹窗的标题
@@ -210,10 +209,7 @@ const open = async () => {
 defineExpose({ open }) // 提供 open 方法,用于打开弹窗
 const handleSelectionChange = (val: CouponTemplateApi.CouponTemplateVO[]) => {
-  emit(
-    'update:multipleSelection',
- => ({ id:, name: }))
-  )
+  emit('update:multipleSelection', val)
 const submitForm = () => {

+ 3 - 58

@@ -26,15 +26,7 @@
-        <div class="flex flex-wrap items-center gap-1">
-          <div v-for="(spu, index) in productSpus" :key="" class="select-box spu-pic">
-            <el-image :src="spu.picUrl" />
-            <Icon class="del-icon" icon="ep:circle-close-filled" @click="handleRemoveSpu(index)" />
-          </div>
-          <div class="select-box" @click="openSpuTableSelect">
-            <Icon icon="ep:plus" />
-          </div>
-        </div>
+        <SpuShowcase v-model="formData.productSpuIds" />
         v-if="formData.productScope === PromotionProductScopeEnum.CATEGORY.scope"
@@ -186,18 +178,16 @@
       <el-button @click="dialogVisible = false">取 消</el-button>
-  <SpuTableSelect ref="spuTableSelectRef" multiple @change="handleSpuSelected" />
 <script lang="ts" setup>
 import { DICT_TYPE, getIntDictOptions } from '@/utils/dict'
 import * as CouponTemplateApi from '@/api/mall/promotion/coupon/couponTemplate'
-import * as ProductSpuApi from '@/api/mall/product/spu'
 import {
 } from '@/utils/constants'
-import SpuTableSelect from '@/views/mall/product/spu/components/SpuTableSelect.vue'
+import SpuShowcase from '@/views/mall/product/spu/components/SpuShowcase.vue'
 import ProductCategorySelect from '@/views/mall/product/category/components/ProductCategorySelect.vue'
 import { convertToInteger, formatToFraction } from '@/utils'
@@ -251,7 +241,6 @@ const formRules = reactive({
   productCategoryIds: [{ required: true, message: '分类不能为空', trigger: 'blur' }]
 const formRef = ref() // 表单 Ref
-const productSpus = ref<ProductSpuApi.Spu[]>([]) // 商品列表
 /** 打开弹窗 */
 const open = async (type: string, id?: number) => {
@@ -354,7 +343,6 @@ const resetForm = () => {
     productCategoryIds: []
-  productSpus.value = []
 /** 获得商品范围 */
@@ -363,8 +351,6 @@ const getProductScope = async () => {
     case PromotionProductScopeEnum.SPU.scope:
       // 设置商品编号
       formData.value.productSpuIds = formData.value.productScopeValues
-      // 获得商品列表
-      productSpus.value = await ProductSpuApi.getSpuDetailList(formData.value.productScopeValues)
     case PromotionProductScopeEnum.CATEGORY.scope:
       await nextTick(() => {
@@ -397,47 +383,6 @@ function setProductScopeValues(data: CouponTemplateApi.CouponTemplateVO) {
-/** 活动商品的按钮 */
-const spuTableSelectRef = ref()
-const openSpuTableSelect = () => {
-/** 选择商品后触发 */
-const handleSpuSelected = (spus: ProductSpuApi.Spu[]) => {
-  productSpus.value = spus
-  formData.value.productSpuIds = => as []
-/** 选择商品后触发 */
-const handleRemoveSpu = (index: number) => {
-  productSpus.value.splice(index, 1)
-  formData.value.productSpuIds.splice(index, 1)
-<style lang="scss" scoped> {
-  display: flex;
-  width: 60px;
-  height: 60px;
-  border: 1px dashed var(--el-border-color-darker);
-  border-radius: 8px;
-  align-items: center;
-  justify-content: center;
-.spu-pic {
-  position: relative;
-.del-icon {
-  position: absolute;
-  top: -10px;
-  right: -10px;
-  z-index: 1;
-  width: 20px !important;
-  height: 20px !important;
+<style lang="scss" scoped></style>

+ 9 - 0

@@ -219,6 +219,8 @@ import { TradeSummaryRespVO, TradeTrendSummaryRespVO } from '@/api/mall/statisti
 import { calculateRelativeRate, fenToYuan } from '@/utils'
 import download from '@/utils/download'
 import { CardTitle } from '@/components/Card'
+import * as DateUtil from '@/utils/formatTime'
+import dayjs from 'dayjs'
 /** 交易统计 */
 defineOptions({ name: 'TradeStatistics' })
@@ -289,6 +291,13 @@ const lineChartOptions = reactive<EChartsOption>({
 /** 处理交易状况查询 */
 const getTradeTrendData = async () => {
   trendLoading.value = true
+  // 1. 处理时间: 开始与截止在同一天的, 折线图出不来, 需要延长一天
+  const times = shortcutDateRangePicker.value.times
+  if (DateUtil.isSameDay(times[0], times[1])) {
+    // 前天
+    times[0] = DateUtil.formatDate(dayjs(times[0]).subtract(1, 'd'))
+  }
+  // 查询数据
   await Promise.all([getTradeTrendSummary(), getTradeStatisticsList()])
   trendLoading.value = false

+ 14 - 0

@@ -87,6 +87,9 @@
+          <el-button link @click="handlePush(" v-hasPermi="['system:notice:update']">
+            推送
+          </el-button>
@@ -168,6 +171,17 @@ const handleDelete = async (id: number) => {
   } catch {}
+/** 推送按钮操作 */
+const handlePush = async (id: number) => {
+  try {
+    // 推送的二次确认
+    await message.confirm('是否推送所选中通知?')
+    // 发起推送
+    await NoticeApi.pushNotice(id)
+    message.success(t('推送成功'))
+  } catch {}
 /** 初始化 **/
 onMounted(() => {