Browse Source

first commit

Hixon 1 year ago
99 changed files with 11115 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 7 0
  2. 7 0
  3. 166 0
  4. 0 0
  5. 105 0
  6. 0 0
  7. 5426 0
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  13. 38 0
  14. 0 0
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  59. 1 0
  60. 1 0
  61. 12 0
  62. 24 0
  63. 63 0
  64. 80 0
  65. 357 0
  66. 9 0
  67. 14 0
  68. 165 0
  69. 158 0
  70. 19 0
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  77. BIN
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  86. BIN
  87. BIN
  88. BIN
  89. BIN
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  91. 97 0
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  93. 199 0
  94. 55 0
  95. 165 0
  96. 273 0
  97. 2017 0
  98. 46 0
  99. 137 0

+ 7 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+version: 2
+- package-ecosystem: npm
+  directory: "/"
+  schedule:
+    interval: daily
+  open-pull-requests-limit: 20

+ 7 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@

+ 166 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+#! ---------------------------------------------------------------
+#! Aurora Theme for Hexo
+#! ---------------------------------------------------------------
+#! Designed & Coded By TriDiamond
+#! ---------------------------------------------------------------
+#! ---------------------------------------------------------------
+#! Site Configs
+#! @docs
+#! ---------------------------------------------------------------
+  subtitle: Hixon Blog
+  author: Hixon
+  nick: 
+  description:
+  link: '/'
+  language: cn
+  multi_language: true
+  logo:
+  avatar:
+  beian:
+    number: '粤ICP备2023021419号-1'
+    link: ''
+  police_beian:
+    number: ''
+    link: ''
+#! ---------------------------------------------------------------
+#! Authors Configs
+#! @docs
+#! ---------------------------------------------------------------
+  ##! example
+  # TriDiamond:
+  #   name: TriDiamond
+  #   avatar:
+  #   link:
+  #   description: 'Think like an artist, code like an artisan.'
+  #   socials:
+  #     github:
+#! ---------------------------------------------------------------
+#! Menu Configs
+#! @docs
+#! ---------------------------------------------------------------
+  About: true
+  Tags: true
+  Archives: true
+#! ---------------------------------------------------------------
+#! Theme Config
+#! @docs
+#! ---------------------------------------------------------------
+  dark_mode: true
+  profile_shape: diamond # support `circle`, `diamond`, `rounded`
+  feature: true
+  gradient:
+    color_1: '#24c6dc'
+    color_2: '#5433ff'
+    color_3: '#ff0099'
+#! ---------------------------------------------------------------
+#! Social Configs
+#! @docs
+#! ---------------------------------------------------------------
+  customs:
+  ##! Example:
+  ##! --- Using SVG
+  # bilibili:
+  #   icon: http://localhost:4000/svg/bilibili.svg
+  #   link:
+  ##! --- Using IconFont
+  # baidu:
+  #   icon: iconfont icon-baidu
+  #   link:
+  ##! --- Using FontAwesome
+  # book:
+  #   icon: far fa-address-book
+  #   link:
+#! ---------------------------------------------------------------
+#! Site Meta Configs
+#! @docs
+#! ---------------------------------------------------------------
+  cdn: cn
+  favicon:
+  description: ''
+  keywords: ''
+  author: ''
+#! ---------------------------------------------------------------
+#! Plugins
+#! @docs
+#! ---------------------------------------------------------------
+# For local development only!
+  enable: true
+  autoExpand: true
+  clientID: ''
+  clientSecret: ''
+  repo: 'dev-blog-comments'
+  owner: 'TriDiamond'
+  admin: ['TriDiamond']
+  id: uid
+  language: en
+  distractionFreeMode: true
+  recentComment: true
+  proxy: ''
+# Valine comment plugin (recommended!)
+# see
+  enable: false
+  app_id:
+  app_key:
+  avatar: ''
+  placeholder: Leave your thoughts behind~
+  visitor: true
+  lang: en
+  avatarForce: false
+  meta: ['nick', 'mail']
+  requiredFields: []
+  admin: 'TriDiamond'
+  recentComment: true
+# Enable Busuanzi statistic plugin
+# see
+  enable: true
+  enable: true
+  author:
+    cn: 作者
+    en: Author
+  link:
+    cn: 本文来自于
+    en: Article is from
+  license:
+    cn: 博客内容遵循 署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 4.0 国际 (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) 协议
+    en: This content is shared under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 protocol (Non-Commercial)
+#! ---------------------------------------------------------------
+#! Enable Aurora Bot Dia
+#! @docs
+#! ---------------------------------------------------------------
+  enable: false
+  locale: en
+  bot_type: dia
+  tips:
+#! ---------------------------------------------------------------
+#! Injections
+#! @docs
+#! ---------------------------------------------------------------
+  scripts:
+  css:

+ 0 - 0

+ 105 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# Hexo Configuration
+## Docs:
+## Source:
+# Site
+title: Hixon Blog
+subtitle: ''
+description: ''
+author: Hixon
+language: en
+timezone: ''
+# URL
+## Set your site url here. For example, if you use GitHub Page, set url as ''
+permalink: /post/:title.html
+  trailing_index: true # Set to false to remove trailing 'index.html' from permalinks
+  trailing_html: true # Set to false to remove trailing '.html' from permalinks
+# Directory
+source_dir: source
+public_dir: public
+tag_dir: tags
+archive_dir: archives
+category_dir: categories
+code_dir: downloads/code
+i18n_dir: :lang
+# Writing
+new_post_name: # File name of new posts
+default_layout: post
+titlecase: false # Transform title into titlecase
+  enable: true # Open external links in new tab
+  field: site # Apply to the whole site
+  exclude: ''
+filename_case: 0
+render_drafts: false
+post_asset_folder: false
+relative_link: false
+future: true
+  enable: false
+  line_number: true
+  auto_detect: false
+  tab_replace: ''
+  wrap: true
+  hljs: false
+  enable: true
+  preprocess: false
+  line_number: true
+  tab_replace: ''
+# Home page setting
+# path: Root path for your blogs index page. (default = '')
+# per_page: Posts displayed per page. (0 = disable pagination)
+# order_by: Posts order. (Order by date descending by default)
+  path: ''
+  per_page: 10
+  order_by: -date
+# Category & Tag
+default_category: uncategorized
+# Metadata elements
+meta_generator: true
+# Date / Time format
+## Hexo uses Moment.js to parse and display date
+## You can customize the date format as defined in
+date_format: YYYY-MM-DD
+time_format: HH:mm:ss
+## updated_option supports 'mtime', 'date', 'empty'
+updated_option: 'mtime'
+# Pagination
+## Set per_page to 0 to disable pagination
+per_page: 10
+pagination_dir: page
+# Include / Exclude file(s)
+## include:/exclude: options only apply to the 'source/' folder
+# Extensions
+## Plugins:
+## Themes:
+theme: aurora
+# Deployment
+## Docs:
+  type: ''

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 0 - 0

+ 5426 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,5426 @@
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+      "deprecated": "Cuid and other k-sortable and non-cryptographic ids (Ulid, ObjectId, KSUID, all UUIDs) are all insecure. Use @paralleldrive/cuid2 instead."
+    },
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+            "picocolors": "^1.0.0"
+          }
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+    }
+  }

+ 28 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+  "name": "hexo-site",
+  "version": "0.0.0",
+  "private": true,
+  "scripts": {
+    "build": "hexo generate",
+    "clean": "hexo clean",
+    "deploy": "hexo deploy",
+    "server": "hexo server"
+  },
+  "hexo": {
+    "version": "5.4.2"
+  },
+  "dependencies": {
+    "hexo": "^5.0.0",
+    "hexo-deployer-git": "^4.0.0",
+    "hexo-generator-archive": "^1.0.0",
+    "hexo-generator-category": "^1.0.0",
+    "hexo-generator-index": "^2.0.0",
+    "hexo-generator-tag": "^1.0.0",
+    "hexo-renderer-ejs": "^2.0.0",
+    "hexo-renderer-marked": "^6.0.0",
+    "hexo-renderer-stylus": "^2.0.0",
+    "hexo-server": "^2.0.0",
+    "hexo-theme-aurora": "^1.5.5",
+    "hexo-theme-landscape": "^0.0.3"
+  }

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+title: {{ title }}

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+title: {{ title }}
+date: {{ date }}

+ 5 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+title: {{ title }}
+date: {{ date }}

+ 5 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+title: Hixon
+date: 2023-03-24 22:52:42

+ 38 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+title: Hello World
+Welcome to [Hexo](! This is your very first post. Check [documentation]( for more info. If you get any problems when using Hexo, you can find the answer in [troubleshooting]( or you can ask me on [GitHub](
+## Quick Start
+### Create a new post
+``` bash
+$ hexo new "My New Post"
+More info: [Writing](
+### Run server
+``` bash
+$ hexo server
+More info: [Server](
+### Generate static files
+``` bash
+$ hexo generate
+More info: [Generating](
+### Deploy to remote sites
+``` bash
+$ hexo deploy
+More info: [Deployment](

+ 0 - 0

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

+ 46 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+module.exports = function(grunt){
+  grunt.initConfig({
+    gitclone: {
+      fontawesome: {
+        options: {
+          repository: '',
+          directory: 'tmp/fontawesome'
+        },
+      },
+      fancybox: {
+        options: {
+          repository: '',
+          directory: 'tmp/fancybox'
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    copy: {
+      fontawesome: {
+        expand: true,
+        cwd: 'tmp/fontawesome/fonts/',
+        src: ['**'],
+        dest: 'source/css/fonts/'
+      },
+      fancybox: {
+        expand: true,
+        cwd: 'tmp/fancybox/source/',
+        src: ['**'],
+        dest: 'source/fancybox/'
+      }
+    },
+    _clean: {
+      tmp: ['tmp'],
+      fontawesome: ['source/css/fonts'],
+      fancybox: ['source/fancybox']
+    }
+  });
+  require('load-grunt-tasks')(grunt);
+  grunt.renameTask('clean', '_clean');
+  grunt.registerTask('fontawesome', ['gitclone:fontawesome', 'copy:fontawesome', '_clean:tmp']);
+  grunt.registerTask('fancybox', ['gitclone:fancybox', 'copy:fancybox', '_clean:tmp']);
+  grunt.registerTask('default', ['gitclone', 'copy', '_clean:tmp']);
+  grunt.registerTask('clean', ['_clean']);

+ 7 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Copyright (c) 2013 Tommy Chen
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

+ 112 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# Landscape
+A brand new default theme for [Hexo].
+- [Preview](
+## Installation
+### Install
+``` bash
+$ git clone themes/landscape
+**Landscape requires Hexo 2.4 and above.** If you would like to enable the RSS, the [hexo-generate-feed] plugin is also required.
+### Enable
+Modify `theme` setting in `_config.yml` to `landscape`.
+### Update
+``` bash
+cd themes/landscape
+git pull
+## Configuration
+``` yml
+# Header
+  Home: /
+  Archives: /archives
+rss: /atom.xml
+# Content
+excerpt_link: Read More
+fancybox: true
+# Sidebar
+sidebar: right
+- category
+- tag
+- tagcloud
+- archives
+- recent_posts
+# Miscellaneous
+favicon: /favicon.png
+- **menu** - Navigation menu
+- **rss** - RSS link
+- **excerpt_link** - "Read More" link at the bottom of excerpted articles. `false` to hide the link.
+- **fancybox** - Enable [Fancybox]
+- **sidebar** - Sidebar style. You can choose `left`, `right`, `bottom` or `false`.
+- **widgets** - Widgets displaying in sidebar
+- **google_analytics** - Google Analytics ID
+- **favicon** - Favicon path
+- **twitter** - Twiiter ID
+- **google_plus** - Google+ ID
+## Features
+### Fancybox
+Landscape uses [Fancybox] to showcase your photos. You can use Markdown syntax or fancybox tag plugin to add your photos.
+![img caption](img url)
+{% fancybox img_url [img_thumbnail] [img_caption] %}
+### Sidebar
+You can put your sidebar in left side, right side or bottom of your site by editing `sidebar` setting.
+Landscape provides 5 built-in widgets:
+- category
+- tag
+- tagcloud
+- archives
+- recent_posts
+All of them are enabled by default. You can edit them in `widget` setting.
+## Development
+### Requirements
+- [Grunt] 0.4+
+- Hexo 2.4+
+### Grunt tasks
+- **default** - Download [Fancybox] and [Font Awesome].
+- **fontawesome** - Only download [Font Awesome].
+- **fancybox** - Only download [Fancybox].
+- **clean** - Clean temporarily files and downloaded files.
+[Font Awesome]:

+ 37 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# Header
+  Home: /
+  Archives: /archives
+rss: /atom.xml
+# Content
+excerpt_link: Read More
+fancybox: true
+# Sidebar
+sidebar: right
+- category
+- tag
+- tagcloud
+- archive
+- recent_posts
+# display widgets at the bottom of index pages (pagination == 2)
+# - category
+# - tagcloud
+# - archive
+# widget behavior
+archive_type: 'monthly'
+show_count: false
+# Miscellaneous
+favicon: /favicon.png

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+categories: Kategorien
+search: Suche
+tags: Tags
+tagcloud: Tag Cloud
+tweets: Tweets
+prev: zurück
+next: weiter
+comment: Kommentare
+archive_a: Archiv
+archive_b: "Archive: %s"
+page: Seite %d
+recent_posts: letzter Beitrag
+newer: Neuer
+older: Älter
+share: Teilen
+powered_by: Powered by
+rss_feed: RSS Feed
+category: Kategorie
+tag: Tag

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+categories: Categories
+search: Search
+tags: Tags
+tagcloud: Tag Cloud
+tweets: Tweets
+prev: Prev
+next: Next
+comment: Comments
+archive_a: Archives
+archive_b: "Archives: %s"
+page: Page %d
+recent_posts: Recent Posts
+newer: Newer
+older: Older
+share: Share
+powered_by: Powered by
+rss_feed: RSS Feed
+category: Category
+tag: Tag

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+categories: Categorías
+search: Buscar
+tags: Tags
+tagcloud: Nube de Tags
+tweets: Tweets
+prev: Previo
+next: Siguiente
+comment: Comentarios
+archive_a: Archivos
+archive_b: "Archivos: %s"
+page: Página %d
+recent_posts: Posts recientes
+newer: Nuevo
+older: Viejo
+share: Compartir
+powered_by: Construido por
+rss_feed: RSS
+category: Categoría
+tag: Tag

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+categories: Catégories
+search: Rechercher
+tags: Mot-clés
+tagcloud: Nuage de mot-clés
+tweets: Tweets
+prev: Précédent
+next: Suivant
+comment: Commentaires
+archive_a: Archives
+archive_b: "Archives: %s"
+page: Page %d
+recent_posts: Articles récents
+newer: Récent
+older: Ancien
+share: Partager
+powered_by: Propulsé par
+rss_feed: Flux RSS
+category: Catégorie
+tag: Mot-clé

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+categories: カテゴリ
+search: 検索
+tags: タグ
+tagcloud: タグクラウド
+tweets: ツイート
+prev: 戻る
+next: 次へ
+comment: コメント
+archive_a: アーカイブ
+archive_b: "アーカイブ: %s"
+page: ページ %d
+recent_posts: 最近の投稿
+newer: 次の記事
+older: 前の記事
+share: 共有
+powered_by: Powered by
+rss_feed: RSSフィード
+category: カテゴリ
+tag: タグ

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+categories: 카테고리
+search: 검색
+tags: 태그
+tagcloud: 태그 클라우드
+tweets: 트윗
+prev: 이전
+next: 다음
+comment: 댓글
+archive_a: 아카이브
+archive_b: "아카이브: %s"
+page: 페이지 %d
+recent_posts: 최근 포스트
+newer: 최신
+older: 이전
+share: 공유
+powered_by: Powered by
+rss_feed: RSS Feed
+category: 카테고리
+tag: 태그

+ 20 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+categories: Categorieën
+search: Zoeken
+tags: Labels
+tagcloud: Tag Cloud
+tweets: Tweets
+prev: Vorige
+next: Volgende
+comment: Commentaren
+archive_a: Archieven
+archive_b: "Archieven: %s"
+page: Pagina %d
+recent_posts: Recente berichten
+newer: Nieuwer
+older: Ouder
+share: Delen
+powered_by: Powered by
+rss_feed: RSS Feed
+category: Categorie
+tag: Label

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+categories: Kategorier
+search: Søk
+tags: Tags
+tagcloud: Tag Cloud
+tweets: Tweets
+prev: Forrige
+next: Neste
+comment: Kommentarer
+archive_a: Arkiv
+archive_b: "Arkiv: %s"
+page: Side %d
+recent_posts: Siste innlegg
+newer: Newer
+older: Older
+share: Share
+powered_by: Powered by
+rss_feed: RSS Feed
+category: Category
+tag: Tag

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+categories: Categorias
+search: Buscar
+tags: Tags
+tagcloud: Nuvem de Tags
+tweets: Tweets
+prev: Anterior
+next: Próximo
+comment: Comentários
+archive_a: Arquivos
+archive_b: "Arquivos: %s"
+page: Página %d
+recent_posts: Postagens Recentes
+newer: Mais Recente
+older: Mais Antigo
+share: Compartilhar
+powered_by: Desenvolvido por
+rss_feed: Feed RSS
+category: Categoria
+tag: Tag

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+categories: Категории
+search: Поиск
+tags: Метки
+tagcloud: Облако меток
+tweets: Твиты
+prev: Назад
+next: Вперед
+comment: Комментарии
+archive_a: Архив
+archive_b: "Архив: %s"
+page: Страница %d
+recent_posts: Недавние записи
+newer: Следующий
+older: Предыдущий
+share: Поделиться
+powered_by: Создано с помощью
+rss_feed: RSS-каналы
+category: Категория
+tag: Метка

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+categories: 分类
+search: 搜索
+tags: 标签
+tagcloud: 标签云
+tweets: 推文
+prev: 上一页
+next: 下一页
+comment: 留言
+archive_a: 归档
+archive_b: 归档:%s
+page: 第 %d 页
+recent_posts: 最新文章
+newer: Newer
+older: Older
+share: Share
+powered_by: Powered by
+rss_feed: RSS Feed
+category: Category
+tag: Tag

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+categories: 分類
+search: 搜尋
+tags: 標籤
+tagcloud: 標籤雲
+tweets: 推文
+prev: 上一頁
+next: 下一頁
+comment: 留言
+archive_a: 彙整
+archive_b: 彙整:%s
+page: 第 %d 頁
+recent_posts: 最新文章
+newer: Newer
+older: Older
+share: Share
+powered_by: Powered by
+rss_feed: RSS Feed
+category: Category
+tag: Tag

+ 25 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<% if (config.disqus_shortname){ %>
+  var disqus_shortname = '<%= config.disqus_shortname %>';
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+  })();
+<% } %>
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+  <%- css('fancybox/jquery.fancybox') %>
+  <%- js('fancybox/jquery.fancybox.pack') %>
+<% } %>
+<%- js('js/script') %>
+<%- partial('gauges-analytics') %>

+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<article class="archive-article archive-type-<%= post.layout %>">
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+    <header class="archive-article-header">
+      <%- partial('post/date', {class_name: 'archive-article-date', date_format: 'MMM D'}) %>
+      <%- partial('post/title', {class_name: 'archive-article-title'}) %>
+    </header>
+  </div>

+ 34 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+<% if (pagination == 2){ %>
+  <% page.posts.each(function(post){ %>
+    <%- partial('article', {post: post, index: true}) %>
+  <% }) %>
+<% } else { %>
+  <% var last; %>
+  <% page.posts.each(function(post, i){ %>
+    <% var year =; %>
+    <% if (last != year){ %>
+      <% if (last != null){ %>
+        </div></section>
+      <% } %>
+      <% last = year; %>
+      <section class="archives-wrap">
+        <div class="archive-year-wrap">
+          <a href="<%- url_for(config.archive_dir + '/' + year) %>" class="archive-year"><%= year %></a>
+        </div>
+        <div class="archives">
+    <% } %>
+    <%- partial('archive-post', {post: post, even: i % 2 == 0}) %>
+  <% }) %>
+  <% if (page.posts.length){ %>
+    </div></section>
+  <% } %>
+<% } %>
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+    <%- paginator({
+      prev_text: prev_text,
+      next_text: next_text
+    }) %>
+  </nav>
+<% } %>

+ 44 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+<article id="<%= post.layout %>-<%= post.slug %>" class="article article-type-<%= post.layout %>" itemscope itemprop="blogPost">
+  <div class="article-meta">
+    <%- partial('post/date', {class_name: 'article-date', date_format: null}) %>
+    <%- partial('post/category') %>
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+    <%- partial('post/gallery') %>
+    <% if ( || post.title){ %>
+      <header class="article-header">
+        <%- partial('post/title', {class_name: 'article-title'}) %>
+      </header>
+    <% } %>
+    <div class="article-entry" itemprop="articleBody">
+      <% if (post.excerpt && index){ %>
+        <%- post.excerpt %>
+        <% if (theme.excerpt_link){ %>
+          <p class="article-more-link">
+            <a href="<%- url_for(post.path) %>#more"><%= theme.excerpt_link %></a>
+          </p>
+        <% } %>
+      <% } else { %>
+        <%- post.content %>
+      <% } %>
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+        <a href="<%- post.permalink %>#disqus_thread" class="article-comment-link"><%= __('comment') %></a>
+      <% } %>
+      <%- partial('post/tag') %>
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+  <% if (!index){ %>
+    <%- partial('post/nav') %>
+  <% } %>
+<% if (!index && post.comments && config.disqus_shortname){ %>
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+    <noscript>Please enable JavaScript to view the <a href="//">comments powered by Disqus.</a></noscript>
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+<% } %>

+ 11 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<footer id="footer">
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+ 18 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<% if (theme.gauges_analytics){ %>
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+<% } %>

+ 14 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
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+ga('send', 'pageview');
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+<% } %>

+ 36 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
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+  if (is_archive()){
+    title = __('archive_a');
+    if (is_month()){
+      title += ': ' + page.year + '/' + page.month;
+    } else if (is_year()){
+      title += ': ' + page.year;
+    }
+  } else if (is_category()){
+    title = __('category') + ': ' + page.category;
+  } else if (is_tag()){
+    title = __('tag') + ': ' + page.tag;
+  }
+  %>
+  <title><% if (title){ %><%= title %> | <% } %><%= config.title %></title>
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+    <link href="//" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
+  <% } %>
+  <%- css('css/style') %>

+ 32 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<header id="header">
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+        <h2 id="subtitle-wrap">
+          <a href="<%- url_for() %>" id="subtitle"><%= theme.subtitle %></a>
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+ 5 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<nav id="mobile-nav">
+  <% for (var i in{ %>
+    <a href="<%- url_for([i]) %>" class="mobile-nav-link"><%= i %></a>
+  <% } %>

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<% if (post.categories && post.categories.length){ %>
+  <div class="article-category">
+    <%- list_categories(post.categories, {
+      show_count: false,
+      class: 'article-category',
+      style: 'none',
+      separator: '►'
+    }) %>
+  </div>
+<% } %>

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<a href="<%- url_for(post.path) %>" class="<%= class_name %>">
+  <time datetime="<%= date_xml( %>" itemprop="datePublished"><%= date(, date_format) %></time>

+ 11 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<% if ( &&{ %>
+<div class="article-gallery">
+  <div class="article-gallery-photos">
+    <%, i){ %>
+      <a class="article-gallery-img fancybox" href="<%- url_for(photo) %>" rel="gallery_<%= post._id %>">
+        <img src="<%- url_for(photo) %>" itemprop="image">
+      </a>
+    <% }) %>
+  </div>
+<% } %>

+ 22 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<% if (post.prev ||{ %>
+<nav id="article-nav">
+  <% if (post.prev){ %>
+    <a href="<%- url_for(post.prev.path) %>" id="article-nav-newer" class="article-nav-link-wrap">
+      <strong class="article-nav-caption"><%= __('newer') %></strong>
+      <div class="article-nav-title">
+        <% if (post.prev.title){ %>
+          <%= post.prev.title %>
+        <% } else { %>
+          (no title)
+        <% } %>
+      </div>
+    </a>
+  <% } %>
+  <% if ({ %>
+    <a href="<%- url_for( %>" id="article-nav-older" class="article-nav-link-wrap">
+      <strong class="article-nav-caption"><%= __('older') %></strong>
+      <div class="article-nav-title"><%= %></div>
+    </a>
+  <% } %>
+<% } %>

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<% if (post.tags && post.tags.length){ %>
+  <%- list_tags(post.tags, {
+    show_count: false,
+    class: 'article-tag'
+  }) %>
+<% } %>

+ 15 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<% if ({ %>
+  <h1 itemprop="name">
+    <a class="<%= class_name %>" href="<%- url_for( %>" target="_blank" itemprop="url"><%= post.title %></a>
+  </h1>
+<% } else if (post.title){ %>
+  <% if (index){ %>
+    <h1 itemprop="name">
+      <a class="<%= class_name %>" href="<%- url_for(post.path) %>"><%= post.title %></a>
+    </h1>
+  <% } else { %>
+    <h1 class="<%= class_name %>" itemprop="name">
+      <%= post.title %>
+    </h1>
+  <% } %>
+<% } %>

+ 5 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<aside id="sidebar"<% if (theme.sidebar === 'bottom'){ %> class="outer"<% } %>>
+  <% theme.widgets.forEach(function(widget){ %>
+    <%- partial('_widget/' + widget) %>
+  <% }) %>

+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<% if (site.posts.length){ %>
+  <div class="widget-wrap">
+    <h3 class="widget-title"><%= __('archive_a') %></h3>
+    <div class="widget">
+      <%- list_archives({show_count: theme.show_count, type: theme.archive_type}) %>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+<% } %>

+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<% if (site.categories.length){ %>
+  <div class="widget-wrap">
+    <h3 class="widget-title"><%= __('categories') %></h3>
+    <div class="widget">
+      <%- list_categories({show_count: theme.show_count}) %>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+<% } %>

+ 14 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<% if (site.posts.length){ %>
+  <div class="widget-wrap">
+    <h3 class="widget-title"><%= __('recent_posts') %></h3>
+    <div class="widget">
+      <ul>
+        <% site.posts.sort('date', -1).limit(5).each(function(post){ %>
+          <li>
+            <a href="<%- url_for(post.path) %>"><%= post.title || '(no title)' %></a>
+          </li>
+        <% }) %>
+      </ul>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+<% } %>

+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<% if (site.tags.length){ %>
+  <div class="widget-wrap">
+    <h3 class="widget-title"><%= __('tags') %></h3>
+    <div class="widget">
+      <%- list_tags({show_count: theme.show_count}) %>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+<% } %>

+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<% if (site.tags.length){ %>
+  <div class="widget-wrap">
+    <h3 class="widget-title"><%= __('tagcloud') %></h3>
+    <div class="widget tagcloud">
+      <%- tagcloud() %>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+<% } %>

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<%- partial('_partial/archive', {pagination: config.archive, index: true}) %>

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<%- partial('_partial/archive', {pagination: config.category, index: true}) %>

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<%- partial('_partial/archive', {pagination: 2, index: true}) %>

+ 18 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<%- partial('_partial/head') %>
+  <div id="container">
+    <div id="wrap">
+      <%- partial('_partial/header', null, {cache: !config.relative_link}) %>
+      <div class="outer">
+        <section id="main"><%- body %></section>
+        <% if (theme.sidebar && theme.sidebar !== 'bottom'){ %>
+          <%- partial('_partial/sidebar', null, {cache: !config.relative_link}) %>
+        <% } %>
+      </div>
+      <%- partial('_partial/footer', null, {cache: !config.relative_link}) %>
+    </div>
+    <%- partial('_partial/mobile-nav', null, {cache: !config.relative_link}) %>
+    <%- partial('_partial/after-footer') %>
+  </div>

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<%- partial('_partial/article', {post: page, index: false}) %>

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<%- partial('_partial/article', {post: page, index: false}) %>

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<%- partial('_partial/archive', {pagination: config.tag, index: true}) %>

+ 12 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+  "name": "hexo-theme-landscape",
+  "version": "0.0.2",
+  "private": true,
+  "devDependencies": {
+    "grunt": "~0.4.2",
+    "load-grunt-tasks": "~0.2.0",
+    "grunt-git": "~0.2.2",
+    "grunt-contrib-clean": "~0.5.0",
+    "grunt-contrib-copy": "~0.4.1"
+  }

+ 24 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+var rUrl = /((([A-Za-z]{3,9}:(?:\/\/)?)(?:[-;:&=\+\$,\w]+@)?[A-Za-z0-9.-]+|(?:www.|[-;:&=\+\$,\w]+@)[A-Za-z0-9.-]+)((?:\/[\+~%\/.\w-_]*)?\??(?:[-\+=&;%@.\w_]*)#?(?:[.\!\/\\w]*))?)/;
+* Fancybox tag
+* Syntax:
+*   {% fancybox /path/to/image [/path/to/thumbnail] [title] %}
+hexo.extend.tag.register('fancybox', function(args){
+  var original = args.shift(),
+    thumbnail = '';
+  if (args.length && rUrl.test(args[0])){
+    thumbnail = args.shift();
+  }
+  var title = args.join(' ');
+  return '<a class="fancybox" href="' + original + '" title="' + title + '">' +
+    '<img src="' + (thumbnail || original) + '" alt="' + title + '">'
+    '</a>' +
+    (title ? '<span class="caption">' + title + '</span>' : '');

+ 63 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+  text-decoration: none
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+  ol
+    list-style: decimal
+  dt
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+ 80 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
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+  color: color-grey
+  text-decoration: none
+  font-size: 0.85em
+  line-height: 1em
+  margin-bottom: 0.5em
+  display: block
+  clearfix()
+  margin: block-margin auto
+  background: #fff
+  box-shadow: 1px 2px 3px #ddd
+  border: 1px solid color-border
+  border-radius: 3px
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+  a
+    color: color-grey
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+      background: color-grey
+      color: #fff
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+  .next
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+      display: none
+  .current
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+  .space
+    color: color-border

+ 357 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+  margin: block-margin 0
+  @extend $block
+  overflow: hidden
+  clearfix()
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+  float: left
+  float: left
+  line-height: 1em
+  color: #ccc
+  text-shadow: 0 1px #fff
+  margin-left: 8px
+  &:before
+    content: "\2022"
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+  margin: 0 12px 1em
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+  line-height: line-height-title
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+  a&:hover
+    color: color-link
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+  clearfix()
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+  p, table
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+  iframe
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+  table
+    width: 100%
+    border-collapse: collapse
+    border-spacing: 0
+  th
+    font-weight: bold
+    border-bottom: 3px solid color-border
+    padding-bottom: 0.5em
+  td
+    border-bottom: 1px solid color-border
+    padding: 10px 0
+  blockquote
+    font-family: font-serif
+    font-size: 1.4em
+    margin: line-height 20px
+    text-align: center
+    footer
+      font-size: font-size
+      margin: line-height 0
+      font-family: font-sans
+      cite
+        &:before
+          content: "—"
+          padding: 0 0.5em
+  .pullquote
+    text-align: left
+    width: 45%
+    margin: 0
+    &.left
+      margin-left: 0.5em
+      margin-right: 1em
+    &.right
+      margin-right: 0.5em
+      margin-left: 1em
+  .caption
+    color: color-grey
+    display: block
+    font-size: 0.9em
+    margin-top: 0.5em
+    position: relative
+    text-align: center
+  //
+  .video-container
+    position: relative
+    padding-top: (9 / 16 * 100)% // 16:9 ratio
+    height: 0
+    overflow: hidden
+    iframe, object, embed
+      position: absolute
+      top: 0
+      left: 0
+      width: 100%
+      height: 100%
+      margin-top: 0
+.article-more-link a
+  display: inline-block
+  line-height: 1em
+  padding: 6px 15px
+  border-radius: 15px
+  background: color-background
+  color: color-grey
+  text-shadow: 0 1px #fff
+  text-decoration: none
+  &:hover
+    background: color-link
+    color: #fff
+    text-decoration: none
+    text-shadow: 0 1px darken(color-link, 20%)
+  clearfix()
+  font-size: 0.85em
+  line-height: line-height
+  border-top: 1px solid color-border
+  padding-top: line-height
+  margin: 0 article-padding article-padding
+  a
+    color: color-grey
+    text-decoration: none
+    &:hover
+      color: color-default
+  float: left
+  margin-right: 10px
+  &:before
+    content: "#"
+  float: right
+  &:before
+    content: "\f075"
+    font-family: font-icon
+    padding-right: 8px
+  cursor: pointer
+  float: right
+  margin-left: 20px
+  &:before
+    content: "\f064"
+    font-family: font-icon
+    padding-right: 6px
+  clearfix()
+  position: relative
+  @media mq-normal
+    margin: block-margin 0
+    &:before
+      absolute-center(8px)
+      content: ""
+      border-radius: 50%
+      background: color-border
+      box-shadow: 0 1px 2px #fff
+  text-decoration: none
+  text-shadow: 0 1px #fff
+  color: color-grey
+  box-sizing: border-box
+  margin-top: block-margin
+  text-align: center
+  display: block
+  &:hover
+    color: color-default
+  @media mq-normal
+    width: 50%
+    margin-top: 0
+  @media mq-normal
+    float: left
+    text-align: right
+    padding-right: 20px
+  @media mq-normal
+    float: right
+    text-align: left
+    padding-left: 20px
+  text-transform: uppercase
+  letter-spacing: 2px
+  color: color-border
+  line-height: 1em
+  font-weight: bold
+  #article-nav-newer &
+    margin-right: -2px
+  font-size: 0.85em
+  line-height: line-height
+  margin-top: 0.5em
+  position: absolute
+  display: none
+  background: #fff
+  box-shadow: 1px 2px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)
+  border-radius: 3px
+  margin-left: -145px
+  overflow: hidden
+  z-index: 1
+  &.on
+    display: block
+  width: 100%
+  background: none
+  box-sizing: border-box
+  font: 14px font-sans
+  padding: 0 15px
+  color: color-default
+  outline: none
+  border: 1px solid color-border
+  border-radius: 3px 3px 0 0
+  height: 36px
+  line-height: 36px
+  clearfix()
+  background: color-background
+  width: 50px
+  height: 36px
+  display: block
+  float: left
+  position: relative
+  color: #999
+  text-shadow: 0 1px #fff
+  &:before
+    font-size: 20px
+    font-family: font-icon
+    absolute-center(@font-size)
+    text-align: center
+  &:hover
+    color: #fff
+  @extend $article-share-link
+  &:before
+    content: "\f099"
+  &:hover
+    background: color-twitter
+    text-shadow: 0 1px darken(color-twitter, 20%)
+  @extend $article-share-link
+  &:before
+    content: "\f09a"
+  &:hover
+    background: color-facebook
+    text-shadow: 0 1px darken(color-facebook, 20%)
+  @extend $article-share-link
+  &:before
+    content: "\f0d2"
+  &:hover
+    background: color-pinterest
+    text-shadow: 0 1px darken(color-pinterest, 20%)
+  @extend $article-share-link
+  &:before
+    content: "\f0d5"
+  &:hover
+    background: color-google
+    text-shadow: 0 1px darken(color-google, 20%)
+  background: #000
+  position: relative
+  position: relative
+  overflow: hidden
+  display: none
+  max-width: 100%
+  &:first-child
+    display: block
+  &.loaded
+    position: absolute
+    display: block
+  img
+    display: block
+    max-width: 100%
+    margin: 0 auto
+  position: absolute
+  top: 0
+  height: 100%
+  width: 60px
+  color: #fff
+  text-shadow: 0 0 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)
+  opacity: 0.3
+  transition: opacity 0.2s
+  cursor: pointer
+  &:hover
+    opacity: 0.8
+  &:before
+    font-size: 30px
+    font-family: font-icon
+    position: absolute
+    top: 50%
+    margin-top: @font-size * -0.5
+  @extend $article-gallery-ctrl
+  left: 0
+  &:before
+    content: "\f053"
+    left: 15px
+  @extend $article-gallery-ctrl
+  right: 0
+  &:before
+    content: "\f054"
+    right: 15px*/

+ 9 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+  background: #fff
+  box-shadow: 1px 2px 3px #ddd
+  padding: article-padding
+  border: 1px solid color-border
+  border-radius: 3px
+  margin: block-margin 0
+  a
+    color: color-link

+ 14 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+  background: color-footer-background
+  padding: 50px 0
+  border-top: 1px solid color-border
+  color: color-grey
+  a
+    color: color-link
+    text-decoration: none
+    &:hover
+      text-decoration: underline
+  line-height: line-height
+  font-size: 0.85em

+ 165 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+  height: banner-height
+  position: relative
+  border-bottom: 1px solid color-border
+  &:before, &:after
+    content: ""
+    position: absolute
+    left: 0
+    right: 0
+    height: 40px
+  &:before
+    top: 0
+    background: linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), transparent)
+  &:after
+    bottom: 0
+    background: linear-gradient(transparent, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2))
+  height: 100%
+  position: relative
+  position: relative
+  overflow: hidden
+  position: absolute
+  top: 0
+  left: 0
+  width: 100%
+  height: 100%
+  background: url(banner-url) center #000
+  background-size: cover
+  z-index: -1
+  text-align: center
+  height: logo-size
+  position: absolute
+  top: 50%
+  left: 0
+  margin-top: logo-size * -0.5
+  text-decoration: none
+  color: #fff
+  font-weight: 300
+  text-shadow: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)
+  @extend $logo-text
+  font-size: logo-size
+  line-height: logo-size
+  letter-spacing: 2px
+  @extend $logo-text
+  font-size: subtitle-size
+  line-height: subtitle-size
+  letter-spacing: 1px
+  margin-top: subtitle-size
+  float: left
+  margin-left: -15px
+  float: left
+  color: #fff
+  opacity: 0.6
+  text-decoration: none
+  text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)
+  transition: opacity 0.2s
+  display: block
+  padding: 20px 15px
+  &:hover
+    opacity: 1
+  @extend $nav-link
+  font-family: font-icon
+  text-align: center
+  font-size: font-size
+  width: font-size
+  height: font-size
+  padding: 20px 15px
+  position: relative
+  cursor: pointer
+  @extend $nav-link
+  font-weight: 300
+  letter-spacing: 1px
+  @media mq-mobile
+    display: none
+  display: none
+  &:before
+    content: "\f0c9"
+  @media mq-mobile
+    display: block
+  float: right
+  margin-right: -15px
+  &:before
+    content: "\f09e"
+  &:before
+    content: "\f002"
+  position: absolute
+  top: 15px
+  width: 150px
+  height: 30px
+  right: -150px
+  opacity: 0
+  transition: 0.2s ease-out
+  &.on
+    opacity: 1
+    right: 0
+  @media mq-mobile
+    width: 100%
+    right: -100%
+  position: absolute
+  top: 0
+  left: 0
+  right: 0
+  background: #fff
+  padding: 5px 15px
+  border-radius: 15px
+  box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)
+  border: none
+  background: none
+  color: color-default
+  width: 100%
+  font: 13px font-sans
+  outline: none
+  &::-webkit-search-results-decoration
+  &::-webkit-search-cancel-button
+    -webkit-appearance: none
+  position: absolute
+  top: 50%
+  right: 10px
+  margin-top: -7px
+  font: 13px font-icon
+  border: none
+  background: none
+  color: #bbb
+  cursor: pointer
+  &:hover, &:focus
+    color: #777

+ 158 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+highlight-background = #2d2d2d
+highlight-current-line = #393939
+highlight-selection = #515151
+highlight-foreground = #cccccc
+highlight-comment = #999999
+highlight-red = #f2777a
+highlight-orange = #f99157
+highlight-yellow = #ffcc66
+highlight-green = #99cc99
+highlight-aqua = #66cccc
+highlight-blue = #6699cc
+highlight-purple = #cc99cc
+  background: highlight-background
+  margin: 0 article-padding * -1
+  padding: 15px article-padding
+  border-style: solid
+  border-color: color-border
+  border-width: 1px 0
+  overflow: auto
+  color: highlight-foreground
+  line-height: font-size * line-height
+  color: #666
+  font-size: 0.85em
+  pre, code
+    font-family: font-mono
+  code
+    background: color-background
+    text-shadow: 0 1px #fff
+    padding: 0 0.3em
+  pre
+    @extend $code-block
+    code
+      background: none
+      text-shadow: none
+      padding: 0
+  .highlight
+    @extend $code-block
+    pre
+      border: none
+      margin: 0
+      padding: 0
+    table
+      margin: 0
+      width: auto
+    td
+      border: none
+      padding: 0
+    figcaption
+      clearfix()
+      font-size: 0.85em
+      color: highlight-comment
+      line-height: 1em
+      margin-bottom: 1em
+      a
+        float: right
+    .gutter pre
+      @extend $line-numbers
+      text-align: right
+      padding-right: 20px
+    .line
+      height: font-size * line-height
+    .line.marked
+      background: highlight-selection
+  .gist
+    margin: 0 article-padding * -1
+    border-style: solid
+    border-color: color-border
+    border-width: 1px 0
+    background: highlight-background
+    padding: 15px article-padding 15px 0
+    .gist-file
+      border: none
+      font-family: font-mono
+      margin: 0
+      .gist-data
+        background: none
+        border: none
+        .line-numbers
+          @extend $line-numbers
+          background: none
+          border: none
+          padding: 0 20px 0 0
+        .line-data
+          padding: 0 !important
+      .highlight
+        margin: 0
+        padding: 0
+        border: none
+      .gist-meta
+        background: highlight-background
+        color: highlight-comment
+        font: 0.85em font-sans
+        text-shadow: 0 0
+        padding: 0
+        margin-top: 1em
+        margin-left: article-padding
+        a
+          color: color-link
+          font-weight: normal
+          &:hover
+            text-decoration: underline
+  .comment
+  .title
+    color: highlight-comment
+  .variable
+  .attribute
+  .tag
+  .regexp
+  .ruby .constant
+  .xml .tag .title
+  .xml .pi
+  .xml .doctype
+  .html .doctype
+  .css .id
+  .css .class
+  .css .pseudo
+    color: highlight-red
+  .number
+  .preprocessor
+  .built_in
+  .literal
+  .params
+  .constant
+    color: highlight-orange
+  .class
+  .ruby .class .title
+  .css .rules .attribute
+    color: highlight-green
+  .string
+  .value
+  .inheritance
+  .header
+  .ruby .symbol
+  .xml .cdata
+    color: highlight-green
+  .css .hexcolor
+    color: highlight-aqua
+  .function
+  .python .decorator
+  .python .title
+  .ruby .function .title
+  .ruby .title .keyword
+  .perl .sub
+  .javascript .title
+  .coffeescript .title
+    color: highlight-blue
+  .keyword
+  .javascript .function
+    color: highlight-purple

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+@media mq-mobile
+  #mobile-nav
+    position: absolute
+    top: 0
+    left: 0
+    width: mobile-nav-width
+    height: 100%
+    background: color-mobile-nav-background
+    border-right: 1px solid #fff
+@media mq-mobile
+  .mobile-nav-link
+    display: block
+    color: color-grey
+    text-decoration: none
+    padding: 15px 20px
+    font-weight: bold
+    &:hover
+      color: #fff

+ 27 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+  @media mq-normal
+    column(sidebar-column)
+  margin: block-margin 0
+  @extend $block-caption
+  color: color-sidebar-text
+  text-shadow: 0 1px #fff
+  background: color-widget-background
+  box-shadow: 0 -1px 4px color-widget-border inset
+  border: 1px solid color-widget-border
+  padding: 15px
+  border-radius: 3px
+  a
+    color: color-link
+    text-decoration: none
+    &:hover
+      text-decoration: underline
+  ul, ol, dl
+    ul, ol, dl
+      margin-left: 15px
+      list-style: disc

+ 27 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+  margin-bottom: block-margin !important
+  @media mq-normal
+    column(main-column)
+  color: #ccc
+  text-transform: uppercase
+  letter-spacing: 2px
+  margin-bottom: .5em
+  line-height: 1em
+  font-weight: bold
+  color: color-grey
+  ul, ol
+    li
+      display: inline-block
+      zoom:1
+      *display:inline
+      padding-right: .75em
+/* Having problems getting balanced white space between items
+    li:before
+      content: " | "
+    li:first-child:before
+      content: none
+ */

+ 35 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+if sidebar is bottom
+  @import "sidebar-bottom"
+  @import "sidebar-aside"
+  @extend $base-style
+  line-height: line-height
+  word-wrap: break-word
+  font-size: 0.9em
+  ul, ol
+    list-style: none
+    margin: 0
+    ul, ol
+      margin: 0 20px
+    ul
+      list-style: disc
+    ol
+      list-style: decimal
+  padding-left: 5px
+  color: color-grey
+  font-size: 0.85em
+  &:before
+    content: "("
+  &:after
+    content: ")"
+  a
+    margin-right: 5px
+    display: inline-block

+ 38 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+// // for Stylus:
+// Utility function — you should never need to modify this
+// _gridsystem-width = (column-width + gutter-width) * columns
+gridsystem-width(_columns = columns)
+  (column-width + gutter-width) * _columns
+// Set @total-width to 100% for a fluid layout
+// total-width = gridsystem-width(columns)
+total-width = 100%
+// GRID //
+  clearfix()
+  width: 100%
+row(_columns = columns)
+  clearfix()
+  display: block
+  width: total-width * ((gutter-width + gridsystem-width(_columns)) / gridsystem-width(_columns))
+  margin: 0 total-width * (((gutter-width * .5) / gridsystem-width(_columns)) * -1)
+column(x, _columns = columns)
+  display: inline
+  float: left
+  width: total-width * ((((gutter-width + column-width) * x) - gutter-width) / gridsystem-width(_columns))
+  margin: 0 total-width * ((gutter-width * .5) / gridsystem-width(_columns))
+push(offset = 1)
+  margin-left: total-width * (((gutter-width + column-width) * offset) / gridsystem-width(columns))
+pull(offset = 1)
+  margin-right: total-width * (((gutter-width + column-width) * offset) / gridsystem-width(columns))

+ 31 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+  text-indent: 100%
+  white-space: nowrap
+  overflow: hidden
+absolute-center(width, height = width)
+  // margin: auto
+  // position: absolute
+  // top: 50%
+  // top: 0
+  // left: 0
+  // bottom: 0
+  // right: 0
+  // width: width
+  // height: height
+  // overflow: auto
+  width: width
+  height: height
+  position: absolute
+  top: 50%
+  left: 50%
+  margin-top: width * -0.5
+  margin-left: height * -0.5
+  vendor("column-break-inside", avoid, only: webkit)
+  page-break-inside: avoid // for firefox
+  overflow: hidden // fix for firefox
+  break-inside: avoid-column

+ 63 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+// Config
+support-for-ie = false
+vendor-prefixes = webkit moz ms official
+// Colors
+color-default = #555
+color-grey = #999
+color-border = #ddd
+color-link = #258fb8
+color-background = #eee
+color-sidebar-text = #777
+color-widget-background = #ddd
+color-widget-border = #ccc
+color-footer-background = #262a30
+color-mobile-nav-background = #191919
+color-twitter = #00aced
+color-facebook = #3b5998
+color-pinterest = #cb2027
+color-google = #dd4b39
+// Fonts
+font-sans = -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont,
+    "Segoe UI", "Roboto", "Oxygen", "Ubuntu", "Cantarell",
+    "Fira Sans", "Droid Sans", "Helvetica Neue",
+    sans-serif
+font-serif = Georgia, "Times New Roman", serif
+font-mono = "Source Code Pro", Consolas, Monaco, Menlo, Consolas, monospace
+font-icon = FontAwesome
+font-icon-path = "fonts/fontawesome-webfont"
+font-icon-version = "4.0.3"
+font-size = 14px
+line-height = 1.6em
+line-height-title = 1.1em
+// Header
+logo-size = 40px
+subtitle-size = 16px
+banner-height = 300px
+banner-url = "images/banner.jpg"
+sidebar = hexo-config("sidebar")
+// Layout
+block-margin = 50px
+article-padding = 20px
+mobile-nav-width = 280px
+main-column = 9
+sidebar-column = 3
+if sidebar and sidebar isnt bottom
+  _sidebar-column = sidebar-column
+  _sidebar-column = 0
+// Grids
+column-width = 80px
+gutter-width = 20px
+columns = main-column + _sidebar-column
+// Media queries
+mq-mobile = "screen and (max-width: 479px)"
+mq-tablet = "screen and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 767px)"
+mq-normal = "screen and (min-width: 768px)"



File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 195 - 0




+ 89 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+@import "nib"
+@import "_variables"
+@import "_util/mixin"
+@import "_util/grid"
+input, button
+  margin: 0
+  padding: 0
+  &::-moz-focus-inner
+    border: 0
+    padding: 0
+  font-family: FontAwesome
+  font-style: normal
+  font-weight: normal
+  src: url(font-icon-path + ".eot?v=#" + font-icon-version)
+  src: url(font-icon-path + ".eot?#iefix&v=#" + font-icon-version) format("embedded-opentype"),
+       url(font-icon-path + ".woff?v=#" + font-icon-version) format("woff"),
+       url(font-icon-path + ".ttf?v=#" + font-icon-version) format("truetype"),
+       url(font-icon-path + ".svg#fontawesomeregular?v=#" + font-icon-version) format("svg")
+html, body, #container
+  height: 100%
+  background: color-background
+  font: font-size font-sans
+  -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%
+  clearfix()
+  max-width: (column-width + gutter-width) * columns + gutter-width
+  margin: 0 auto
+  padding: 0 gutter-width
+  column(columns)
+.left, .alignleft
+  float: left
+.right, .alignright
+  float: right
+  clear: both
+  position: relative
+  overflow: hidden
+  height: 100%
+  width: 100%
+  position: absolute
+  top: 0
+  left: 0
+  transition: 0.2s ease-out
+  z-index: 1
+  background: color-background
+  .mobile-nav-on &
+    left: mobile-nav-width
+if sidebar and sidebar isnt bottom
+  #main
+    @media mq-normal
+      column(main-column)
+if sidebar is left
+  @media mq-normal
+    #main
+      float: right
+@import "_extend"
+@import "_partial/header"
+@import "_partial/article"
+@import "_partial/comment"
+@import "_partial/archive"
+@import "_partial/footer"
+@import "_partial/highlight"
+@import "_partial/mobile"
+if sidebar
+  @import "_partial/sidebar"








+ 97 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+#fancybox-buttons {
+	position: fixed;
+	left: 0;
+	width: 100%;
+	z-index: 8050;
+ {
+	top: 10px;
+#fancybox-buttons.bottom {
+	bottom: 10px;
+#fancybox-buttons ul {
+	display: block;
+	width: 166px;
+	height: 30px;
+	margin: 0 auto;
+	padding: 0;
+	list-style: none;
+	border: 1px solid #111;
+	border-radius: 3px;
+	-webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(255,255,255,.05);
+	   -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(255,255,255,.05);
+	        box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(255,255,255,.05);
+	background: rgb(50,50,50);
+	background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgb(68,68,68) 0%, rgb(52,52,52) 50%, rgb(41,41,41) 50%, rgb(51,51,51) 100%);
+	background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%,rgb(68,68,68)), color-stop(50%,rgb(52,52,52)), color-stop(50%,rgb(41,41,41)), color-stop(100%,rgb(51,51,51)));
+	background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgb(68,68,68) 0%,rgb(52,52,52) 50%,rgb(41,41,41) 50%,rgb(51,51,51) 100%);
+	background: -o-linear-gradient(top, rgb(68,68,68) 0%,rgb(52,52,52) 50%,rgb(41,41,41) 50%,rgb(51,51,51) 100%);
+	background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, rgb(68,68,68) 0%,rgb(52,52,52) 50%,rgb(41,41,41) 50%,rgb(51,51,51) 100%);
+	background: linear-gradient(top, rgb(68,68,68) 0%,rgb(52,52,52) 50%,rgb(41,41,41) 50%,rgb(51,51,51) 100%);
+	filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#444444', endColorstr='#222222',GradientType=0 );
+#fancybox-buttons ul li {
+	float: left;
+	margin: 0;
+	padding: 0;
+#fancybox-buttons a {
+	display: block;
+	width: 30px;
+	height: 30px;
+	text-indent: -9999px;
+	background-color: transparent;
+	background-image: url('fancybox_buttons.png');
+	background-repeat: no-repeat;
+	outline: none;
+	opacity: 0.8;
+#fancybox-buttons a:hover {
+	opacity: 1;
+#fancybox-buttons a.btnPrev {
+	background-position: 5px 0;
+#fancybox-buttons a.btnNext {
+	background-position: -33px 0;
+	border-right: 1px solid #3e3e3e;
+#fancybox-buttons a.btnPlay {
+	background-position: 0 -30px;
+#fancybox-buttons a.btnPlayOn {
+	background-position: -30px -30px;
+#fancybox-buttons a.btnToggle {
+	background-position: 3px -60px;
+	border-left: 1px solid #111;
+	border-right: 1px solid #3e3e3e;
+	width: 35px
+#fancybox-buttons a.btnToggleOn {
+	background-position: -27px -60px;
+#fancybox-buttons a.btnClose {
+	border-left: 1px solid #111;
+	width: 35px;
+	background-position: -56px 0px;
+#fancybox-buttons a.btnDisabled {
+	opacity : 0.4;
+	cursor: default;

+ 122 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+ /*!
+ * Buttons helper for fancyBox
+ * version: 1.0.5 (Mon, 15 Oct 2012)
+ * @requires fancyBox v2.0 or later
+ *
+ * Usage:
+ *     $(".fancybox").fancybox({
+ *         helpers : {
+ *             buttons: {
+ *                 position : 'top'
+ *             }
+ *         }
+ *     });
+ *
+ */
+;(function ($) {
+	//Shortcut for fancyBox object
+	var F = $.fancybox;
+	//Add helper object
+	F.helpers.buttons = {
+		defaults : {
+			skipSingle : false, // disables if gallery contains single image
+			position   : 'top', // 'top' or 'bottom'
+			tpl        : '<div id="fancybox-buttons"><ul><li><a class="btnPrev" title="Previous" href="javascript:;"></a></li><li><a class="btnPlay" title="Start slideshow" href="javascript:;"></a></li><li><a class="btnNext" title="Next" href="javascript:;"></a></li><li><a class="btnToggle" title="Toggle size" href="javascript:;"></a></li><li><a class="btnClose" title="Close" href="javascript:;"></a></li></ul></div>'
+		},
+		list : null,
+		buttons: null,
+		beforeLoad: function (opts, obj) {
+			//Remove self if gallery do not have at least two items
+			if (opts.skipSingle && < 2) {
+				obj.helpers.buttons = false;
+				obj.closeBtn = true;
+				return;
+			}
+			//Increase top margin to give space for buttons
+			obj.margin[ opts.position === 'bottom' ? 2 : 0 ] += 30;
+		},
+		onPlayStart: function () {
+			if (this.buttons) {
+'title', 'Pause slideshow').addClass('btnPlayOn');
+			}
+		},
+		onPlayEnd: function () {
+			if (this.buttons) {
+'title', 'Start slideshow').removeClass('btnPlayOn');
+			}
+		},
+		afterShow: function (opts, obj) {
+			var buttons = this.buttons;
+			if (!buttons) {
+				this.list = $(opts.tpl).addClass(opts.position).appendTo('body');
+				buttons = {
+					prev   : this.list.find('.btnPrev').click( F.prev ),
+					next   : this.list.find('.btnNext').click( ),
+					play   : this.list.find('.btnPlay').click( ),
+					toggle : this.list.find('.btnToggle').click( F.toggle ),
+					close  : this.list.find('.btnClose').click( F.close )
+				}
+			}
+			//Prev
+			if (obj.index > 0 || obj.loop) {
+				buttons.prev.removeClass('btnDisabled');
+			} else {
+				buttons.prev.addClass('btnDisabled');
+			}
+			//Next / Play
+			if (obj.loop || obj.index < - 1) {
+			} else {
+			}
+			this.buttons = buttons;
+			this.onUpdate(opts, obj);
+		},
+		onUpdate: function (opts, obj) {
+			var toggle;
+			if (!this.buttons) {
+				return;
+			}
+			toggle = this.buttons.toggle.removeClass('btnDisabled btnToggleOn');
+			//Size toggle button
+			if (obj.canShrink) {
+				toggle.addClass('btnToggleOn');
+			} else if (!obj.canExpand) {
+				toggle.addClass('btnDisabled');
+			}
+		},
+		beforeClose: function () {
+			if (this.list) {
+				this.list.remove();
+			}
+			this.list    = null;
+			this.buttons = null;
+		}
+	};

+ 199 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+ * Media helper for fancyBox
+ * version: 1.0.6 (Fri, 14 Jun 2013)
+ * @requires fancyBox v2.0 or later
+ *
+ * Usage:
+ *     $(".fancybox").fancybox({
+ *         helpers : {
+ *             media: true
+ *         }
+ *     });
+ *
+ * Set custom URL parameters:
+ *     $(".fancybox").fancybox({
+ *         helpers : {
+ *             media: {
+ *                 youtube : {
+ *                     params : {
+ *                         autoplay : 0
+ *                     }
+ *                 }
+ *             }
+ *         }
+ *     });
+ *
+ * Or:
+ *     $(".fancybox").fancybox({,
+ *         helpers : {
+ *             media: true
+ *         },
+ *         youtube : {
+ *             autoplay: 0
+ *         }
+ *     });
+ *
+ *  Supports:
+ *
+ *      Youtube
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *      Vimeo
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *      Metacafe
+ *
+ *
+ *      Dailymotion
+ *
+ *      Twitvid
+ *
+ *      Twitpic
+ *
+ *      Instagram
+ *
+ *
+ *      Google maps
+ *,+Avenue+Gustave+Eiffel,+Paris,+France&t=h&z=17
+ *,2.294297&spn=0.007666,0.021136&t=m&z=16
+ *,2.292626&spn=0.000965,0.002642&t=m&z=19&layer=c&cbll=48.859524,2.292532&panoid=YJ0lq28OOy3VT2IqIuVY0g&cbp=12,151.58,,0,-15.56
+ */
+;(function ($) {
+	"use strict";
+	//Shortcut for fancyBox object
+	var F = $.fancybox,
+		format = function( url, rez, params ) {
+			params = params || '';
+			if ( $.type( params ) === "object" ) {
+				params = $.param(params, true);
+			}
+			$.each(rez, function(key, value) {
+				url = url.replace( '$' + key, value || '' );
+			});
+			if (params.length) {
+				url += ( url.indexOf('?') > 0 ? '&' : '?' ) + params;
+			}
+			return url;
+		};
+	//Add helper object
+ = {
+		defaults : {
+			youtube : {
+				matcher : /(youtube\.com|youtu\.be|youtube-nocookie\.com)\/(watch\?v=|v\/|u\/|embed\/?)?(videoseries\?list=(.*)|[\w-]{11}|\?listType=(.*)&list=(.*)).*/i,
+				params  : {
+					autoplay    : 1,
+					autohide    : 1,
+					fs          : 1,
+					rel         : 0,
+					hd          : 1,
+					wmode       : 'opaque',
+					enablejsapi : 1
+				},
+				type : 'iframe',
+				url  : '//$3'
+			},
+			vimeo : {
+				matcher : /(?:vimeo(?:pro)?.com)\/(?:[^\d]+)?(\d+)(?:.*)/,
+				params  : {
+					autoplay      : 1,
+					hd            : 1,
+					show_title    : 1,
+					show_byline   : 1,
+					show_portrait : 0,
+					fullscreen    : 1
+				},
+				type : 'iframe',
+				url  : '//$1'
+			},
+			metacafe : {
+				matcher : /\/(?:watch|fplayer)\/([\w\-]{1,10})/,
+				params  : {
+					autoPlay : 'yes'
+				},
+				type : 'swf',
+				url  : function( rez, params, obj ) {
+					obj.swf.flashVars = 'playerVars=' + $.param( params, true );
+					return '//' + rez[1] + '/.swf';
+				}
+			},
+			dailymotion : {
+				matcher : /\/video\/(.*)\/?(.*)/,
+				params  : {
+					additionalInfos : 0,
+					autoStart : 1
+				},
+				type : 'swf',
+				url  : '//$1'
+			},
+			twitvid : {
+				matcher : /twitvid\.com\/([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\?\=]+)/i,
+				params  : {
+					autoplay : 0
+				},
+				type : 'iframe',
+				url  : '//$1'
+			},
+			twitpic : {
+				matcher : /twitpic\.com\/(?!(?:place|photos|events)\/)([a-zA-Z0-9\?\=\-]+)/i,
+				type : 'image',
+				url  : '//$1/'
+			},
+			instagram : {
+				matcher : /(instagr\.am|instagram\.com)\/p\/([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+)\/?/i,
+				type : 'image',
+				url  : '//$1/p/$2/media/?size=l'
+			},
+			google_maps : {
+				matcher : /maps\.google\.([a-z]{2,3}(\.[a-z]{2})?)\/(\?ll=|maps\?)(.*)/i,
+				type : 'iframe',
+				url  : function( rez ) {
+					return '//' + rez[1] + '/' + rez[3] + '' + rez[4] + '&output=' + (rez[4].indexOf('layer=c') > 0 ? 'svembed' : 'embed');
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		beforeLoad : function(opts, obj) {
+			var url   = obj.href || '',
+				type  = false,
+				what,
+				item,
+				rez,
+				params;
+			for (what in opts) {
+				if (opts.hasOwnProperty(what)) {
+					item = opts[ what ];
+					rez  = url.match( item.matcher );
+					if (rez) {
+						type   = item.type;
+						params = $.extend(true, {}, item.params, obj[ what ] || ($.isPlainObject(opts[ what ]) ? opts[ what ].params : null));
+						url = $.type( item.url ) === "function" ? this, rez, params, obj ) : format( item.url, rez, params );
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if (type) {
+				obj.href = url;
+				obj.type = type;
+				obj.autoHeight = false;
+			}
+		}
+	};

+ 55 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#fancybox-thumbs {
+	position: fixed;
+	left: 0;
+	width: 100%;
+	overflow: hidden;
+	z-index: 8050;
+#fancybox-thumbs.bottom {
+	bottom: 2px;
+ {
+	top: 2px;
+#fancybox-thumbs ul {
+	position: relative;
+	list-style: none;
+	margin: 0;
+	padding: 0;
+#fancybox-thumbs ul li {
+	float: left;
+	padding: 1px;
+	opacity: 0.5;
+#fancybox-thumbs ul {
+	opacity: 0.75;
+	padding: 0;
+	border: 1px solid #fff;
+#fancybox-thumbs ul li:hover {
+	opacity: 1;
+#fancybox-thumbs ul li a {
+	display: block;
+	position: relative;
+	overflow: hidden;
+	border: 1px solid #222;
+	background: #111;
+	outline: none;
+#fancybox-thumbs ul li img {
+	display: block;
+	position: relative;
+	border: 0;
+	padding: 0;
+	max-width: none;

+ 165 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+ /*!
+ * Thumbnail helper for fancyBox
+ * version: 1.0.7 (Mon, 01 Oct 2012)
+ * @requires fancyBox v2.0 or later
+ *
+ * Usage:
+ *     $(".fancybox").fancybox({
+ *         helpers : {
+ *             thumbs: {
+ *                 width  : 50,
+ *                 height : 50
+ *             }
+ *         }
+ *     });
+ *
+ */
+;(function ($) {
+	//Shortcut for fancyBox object
+	var F = $.fancybox;
+	//Add helper object
+	F.helpers.thumbs = {
+		defaults : {
+			width    : 50,       // thumbnail width
+			height   : 50,       // thumbnail height
+			position : 'bottom', // 'top' or 'bottom'
+			source   : function ( item ) {  // function to obtain the URL of the thumbnail image
+				var href;
+				if (item.element) {
+					href = $(item.element).find('img').attr('src');
+				}
+				if (!href && item.type === 'image' && item.href) {
+					href = item.href;
+				}
+				return href;
+			}
+		},
+		wrap  : null,
+		list  : null,
+		width : 0,
+		init: function (opts, obj) {
+			var that = this,
+				list,
+				thumbWidth  = opts.width,
+				thumbHeight = opts.height,
+				thumbSource = opts.source;
+			//Build list structure
+			list = '';
+			for (var n = 0; n <; n++) {
+				list += '<li><a style="width:' + thumbWidth + 'px;height:' + thumbHeight + 'px;" href="javascript:jQuery.fancybox.jumpto(' + n + ');"></a></li>';
+			}
+			this.wrap = $('<div id="fancybox-thumbs"></div>').addClass(opts.position).appendTo('body');
+			this.list = $('<ul>' + list + '</ul>').appendTo(this.wrap);
+			//Load each thumbnail
+			$.each(, function (i) {
+				var el   =[ i ],
+					href = thumbSource( el );
+				if (!href) {
+					return;
+				}
+				$("<img />").load(function () {
+					var width  = this.width,
+						height = this.height,
+						widthRatio, heightRatio, parent;
+					if (!that.list || !width || !height) {
+						return;
+					}
+					//Calculate thumbnail width/height and center it
+					widthRatio  = width / thumbWidth;
+					heightRatio = height / thumbHeight;
+					parent = that.list.children().eq(i).find('a');
+					if (widthRatio >= 1 && heightRatio >= 1) {
+						if (widthRatio > heightRatio) {
+							width  = Math.floor(width / heightRatio);
+							height = thumbHeight;
+						} else {
+							width  = thumbWidth;
+							height = Math.floor(height / widthRatio);
+						}
+					}
+					$(this).css({
+						width  : width,
+						height : height,
+						top    : Math.floor(thumbHeight / 2 - height / 2),
+						left   : Math.floor(thumbWidth / 2 - width / 2)
+					});
+					parent.width(thumbWidth).height(thumbHeight);
+					$(this).hide().appendTo(parent).fadeIn(300);
+				})
+				.attr('src',   href)
+				.attr('title', el.title);
+			});
+			//Set initial width
+			this.width = this.list.children().eq(0).outerWidth(true);
+			this.list.width(this.width * ( + 1)).css('left', Math.floor($(window).width() * 0.5 - (obj.index * this.width + this.width * 0.5)));
+		},
+		beforeLoad: function (opts, obj) {
+			//Remove self if gallery do not have at least two items
+			if ( < 2) {
+				obj.helpers.thumbs = false;
+				return;
+			}
+			//Increase bottom margin to give space for thumbs
+			obj.margin[ opts.position === 'top' ? 0 : 2 ] += ((opts.height) + 15);
+		},
+		afterShow: function (opts, obj) {
+			//Check if exists and create or update list
+			if (this.list) {
+				this.onUpdate(opts, obj);
+			} else {
+				this.init(opts, obj);
+			}
+			//Set active element
+			this.list.children().removeClass('active').eq(obj.index).addClass('active');
+		},
+		//Center list
+		onUpdate: function (opts, obj) {
+			if (this.list) {
+				this.list.stop(true).animate({
+					'left': Math.floor($(window).width() * 0.5 - (obj.index * this.width + this.width * 0.5))
+				}, 150);
+			}
+		},
+		beforeClose: function () {
+			if (this.wrap) {
+				this.wrap.remove();
+			}
+			this.wrap  = null;
+			this.list  = null;
+			this.width = 0;
+		}
+	}

+ 273 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+/*! fancyBox v2.1.5 | */
+.fancybox-wrap iframe,
+.fancybox-wrap object,
+.fancybox-nav span,
+	padding: 0;
+	margin: 0;
+	border: 0;
+	outline: none;
+	vertical-align: top;
+.fancybox-wrap {
+	position: absolute;
+	top: 0;
+	left: 0;
+	z-index: 8020;
+.fancybox-skin {
+	position: relative;
+	background: #f9f9f9;
+	color: #444;
+	text-shadow: none;
+	-webkit-border-radius: 4px;
+	   -moz-border-radius: 4px;
+	        border-radius: 4px;
+.fancybox-opened {
+	z-index: 8030;
+.fancybox-opened .fancybox-skin {
+	-webkit-box-shadow: 0 10px 25px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
+	   -moz-box-shadow: 0 10px 25px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
+	        box-shadow: 0 10px 25px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
+.fancybox-outer, .fancybox-inner {
+	position: relative;
+.fancybox-inner {
+	overflow: hidden;
+.fancybox-type-iframe .fancybox-inner {
+	-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
+.fancybox-error {
+	color: #444;
+	font: 14px/20px "Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;
+	margin: 0;
+	padding: 15px;
+	white-space: nowrap;
+.fancybox-image, .fancybox-iframe {
+	display: block;
+	width: 100%;
+	height: 100%;
+.fancybox-image {
+	max-width: 100%;
+	max-height: 100%;
+#fancybox-loading, .fancybox-close, .fancybox-prev span, .fancybox-next span {
+	background-image: url(fancybox_sprite.png);
+#fancybox-loading {
+	position: fixed;
+	top: 50%;
+	left: 50%;
+	margin-top: -22px;
+	margin-left: -22px;
+	background-position: 0 -108px;
+	opacity: 0.8;
+	cursor: pointer;
+	z-index: 8060;
+#fancybox-loading div {
+	width: 44px;
+	height: 44px;
+	background: url(fancybox_loading.gif) center center no-repeat;
+.fancybox-close {
+	position: absolute;
+	top: -18px;
+	right: -18px;
+	width: 36px;
+	height: 36px;
+	cursor: pointer;
+	z-index: 8040;
+.fancybox-nav {
+	position: absolute;
+	top: 0;
+	width: 40%;
+	height: 100%;
+	cursor: pointer;
+	text-decoration: none;
+	background: transparent url(blank.gif); /* helps IE */
+	-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);
+	z-index: 8040;
+.fancybox-prev {
+	left: 0;
+.fancybox-next {
+	right: 0;
+.fancybox-nav span {
+	position: absolute;
+	top: 50%;
+	width: 36px;
+	height: 34px;
+	margin-top: -18px;
+	cursor: pointer;
+	z-index: 8040;
+	visibility: hidden;
+.fancybox-prev span {
+	left: 10px;
+	background-position: 0 -36px;
+.fancybox-next span {
+	right: 10px;
+	background-position: 0 -72px;
+.fancybox-nav:hover span {
+	visibility: visible;
+.fancybox-tmp {
+	position: absolute;
+	top: -99999px;
+	left: -99999px;
+	max-width: 99999px;
+	max-height: 99999px;
+	overflow: visible !important;
+/* Overlay helper */
+.fancybox-lock {
+    overflow: visible !important;
+    width: auto;
+.fancybox-lock body {
+    overflow: hidden !important;
+.fancybox-lock-test {
+    overflow-y: hidden !important;
+.fancybox-overlay {
+	position: absolute;
+	top: 0;
+	left: 0;
+	overflow: hidden;
+	display: none;
+	z-index: 8010;
+	background: url(fancybox_overlay.png);
+.fancybox-overlay-fixed {
+	position: fixed;
+	bottom: 0;
+	right: 0;
+.fancybox-lock .fancybox-overlay {
+	overflow: auto;
+	overflow-y: scroll;
+/* Title helper */
+.fancybox-title {
+	visibility: hidden;
+	font: normal 13px/20px "Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;
+	position: relative;
+	text-shadow: none;
+	z-index: 8050;
+.fancybox-opened .fancybox-title {
+	visibility: visible;
+.fancybox-title-float-wrap {
+	position: absolute;
+	bottom: 0;
+	right: 50%;
+	margin-bottom: -35px;
+	z-index: 8050;
+	text-align: center;
+.fancybox-title-float-wrap .child {
+	display: inline-block;
+	margin-right: -100%;
+	padding: 2px 20px;
+	background: transparent; /* Fallback for web browsers that doesn't support RGBa */
+	background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
+	-webkit-border-radius: 15px;
+	   -moz-border-radius: 15px;
+	        border-radius: 15px;
+	text-shadow: 0 1px 2px #222;
+	color: #FFF;
+	font-weight: bold;
+	line-height: 24px;
+	white-space: nowrap;
+.fancybox-title-outside-wrap {
+	position: relative;
+	margin-top: 10px;
+	color: #fff;
+.fancybox-title-inside-wrap {
+	padding-top: 10px;
+.fancybox-title-over-wrap {
+	position: absolute;
+	bottom: 0;
+	left: 0;
+	color: #fff;
+	padding: 10px;
+	background: #000;
+	background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .8);
+/*Retina graphics!*/
+@media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5),
+	   only screen and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5),
+	   only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5){
+	#fancybox-loading, .fancybox-close, .fancybox-prev span, .fancybox-next span {
+		background-image: url(fancybox_sprite@2x.png);
+		background-size: 44px 152px; /*The size of the normal image, half the size of the hi-res image*/
+	}
+	#fancybox-loading div {
+		background-image: url(fancybox_loading@2x.gif);
+		background-size: 24px 24px; /*The size of the normal image, half the size of the hi-res image*/
+	}

+ 2017 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2017 @@
+ * fancyBox - jQuery Plugin
+ * version: 2.1.5 (Fri, 14 Jun 2013)
+ * requires jQuery v1.6 or later
+ *
+ * Examples at
+ * License:
+ *
+ * Copyright 2012 Janis Skarnelis -
+ *
+ */
+;(function (window, document, $, undefined) {
+	"use strict";
+	var H = $("html"),
+		W = $(window),
+		D = $(document),
+		F = $.fancybox = function () {
+ this, arguments );
+		},
+		IE =  navigator.userAgent.match(/msie/i),
+		didUpdate	= null,
+		isTouch		= document.createTouch !== undefined,
+		isQuery	= function(obj) {
+			return obj && obj.hasOwnProperty && obj instanceof $;
+		},
+		isString = function(str) {
+			return str && $.type(str) === "string";
+		},
+		isPercentage = function(str) {
+			return isString(str) && str.indexOf('%') > 0;
+		},
+		isScrollable = function(el) {
+			return (el && !( && === 'hidden') && ((el.clientWidth && el.scrollWidth > el.clientWidth) || (el.clientHeight && el.scrollHeight > el.clientHeight)));
+		},
+		getScalar = function(orig, dim) {
+			var value = parseInt(orig, 10) || 0;
+			if (dim && isPercentage(orig)) {
+				value = F.getViewport()[ dim ] / 100 * value;
+			}
+			return Math.ceil(value);
+		},
+		getValue = function(value, dim) {
+			return getScalar(value, dim) + 'px';
+		};
+	$.extend(F, {
+		// The current version of fancyBox
+		version: '2.1.5',
+		defaults: {
+			padding : 15,
+			margin  : 20,
+			width     : 800,
+			height    : 600,
+			minWidth  : 100,
+			minHeight : 100,
+			maxWidth  : 9999,
+			maxHeight : 9999,
+			pixelRatio: 1, // Set to 2 for retina display support
+			autoSize   : true,
+			autoHeight : false,
+			autoWidth  : false,
+			autoResize  : true,
+			autoCenter  : !isTouch,
+			fitToView   : true,
+			aspectRatio : false,
+			topRatio    : 0.5,
+			leftRatio   : 0.5,
+			scrolling : 'auto', // 'auto', 'yes' or 'no'
+			wrapCSS   : '',
+			arrows     : true,
+			closeBtn   : true,
+			closeClick : false,
+			nextClick  : false,
+			mouseWheel : true,
+			autoPlay   : false,
+			playSpeed  : 3000,
+			preload    : 3,
+			modal      : false,
+			loop       : true,
+			ajax  : {
+				dataType : 'html',
+				headers  : { 'X-fancyBox': true }
+			},
+			iframe : {
+				scrolling : 'auto',
+				preload   : true
+			},
+			swf : {
+				wmode: 'transparent',
+				allowfullscreen   : 'true',
+				allowscriptaccess : 'always'
+			},
+			keys  : {
+				next : {
+					13 : 'left', // enter
+					34 : 'up',   // page down
+					39 : 'left', // right arrow
+					40 : 'up'    // down arrow
+				},
+				prev : {
+					8  : 'right',  // backspace
+					33 : 'down',   // page up
+					37 : 'right',  // left arrow
+					38 : 'down'    // up arrow
+				},
+				close  : [27], // escape key
+				play   : [32], // space - start/stop slideshow
+				toggle : [70]  // letter "f" - toggle fullscreen
+			},
+			direction : {
+				next : 'left',
+				prev : 'right'
+			},
+			scrollOutside  : true,
+			// Override some properties
+			index   : 0,
+			type    : null,
+			href    : null,
+			content : null,
+			title   : null,
+			// HTML templates
+			tpl: {
+				wrap     : '<div class="fancybox-wrap" tabIndex="-1"><div class="fancybox-skin"><div class="fancybox-outer"><div class="fancybox-inner"></div></div></div></div>',
+				image    : '<img class="fancybox-image" src="{href}" alt="" />',
+				iframe   : '<iframe id="fancybox-frame{rnd}" name="fancybox-frame{rnd}" class="fancybox-iframe" frameborder="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen' + (IE ? ' allowtransparency="true"' : '') + '></iframe>',
+				error    : '<p class="fancybox-error">The requested content cannot be loaded.<br/>Please try again later.</p>',
+				closeBtn : '<a title="Close" class="fancybox-item fancybox-close" href="javascript:;"></a>',
+				next     : '<a title="Next" class="fancybox-nav fancybox-next" href="javascript:;"><span></span></a>',
+				prev     : '<a title="Previous" class="fancybox-nav fancybox-prev" href="javascript:;"><span></span></a>'
+			},
+			// Properties for each animation type
+			// Opening fancyBox
+			openEffect  : 'fade', // 'elastic', 'fade' or 'none'
+			openSpeed   : 250,
+			openEasing  : 'swing',
+			openOpacity : true,
+			openMethod  : 'zoomIn',
+			// Closing fancyBox
+			closeEffect  : 'fade', // 'elastic', 'fade' or 'none'
+			closeSpeed   : 250,
+			closeEasing  : 'swing',
+			closeOpacity : true,
+			closeMethod  : 'zoomOut',
+			// Changing next gallery item
+			nextEffect : 'elastic', // 'elastic', 'fade' or 'none'
+			nextSpeed  : 250,
+			nextEasing : 'swing',
+			nextMethod : 'changeIn',
+			// Changing previous gallery item
+			prevEffect : 'elastic', // 'elastic', 'fade' or 'none'
+			prevSpeed  : 250,
+			prevEasing : 'swing',
+			prevMethod : 'changeOut',
+			// Enable default helpers
+			helpers : {
+				overlay : true,
+				title   : true
+			},
+			// Callbacks
+			onCancel     : $.noop, // If canceling
+			beforeLoad   : $.noop, // Before loading
+			afterLoad    : $.noop, // After loading
+			beforeShow   : $.noop, // Before changing in current item
+			afterShow    : $.noop, // After opening
+			beforeChange : $.noop, // Before changing gallery item
+			beforeClose  : $.noop, // Before closing
+			afterClose   : $.noop  // After closing
+		},
+		//Current state
+		group    : {}, // Selected group
+		opts     : {}, // Group options
+		previous : null,  // Previous element
+		coming   : null,  // Element being loaded
+		current  : null,  // Currently loaded element
+		isActive : false, // Is activated
+		isOpen   : false, // Is currently open
+		isOpened : false, // Have been fully opened at least once
+		wrap  : null,
+		skin  : null,
+		outer : null,
+		inner : null,
+		player : {
+			timer    : null,
+			isActive : false
+		},
+		// Loaders
+		ajaxLoad   : null,
+		imgPreload : null,
+		// Some collections
+		transitions : {},
+		helpers     : {},
+		/*
+		 *	Static methods
+		 */
+		open: function (group, opts) {
+			if (!group) {
+				return;
+			}
+			if (!$.isPlainObject(opts)) {
+				opts = {};
+			}
+			// Close if already active
+			if (false === F.close(true)) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// Normalize group
+			if (!$.isArray(group)) {
+				group = isQuery(group) ? $(group).get() : [group];
+			}
+			// Recheck if the type of each element is `object` and set content type (image, ajax, etc)
+			$.each(group, function(i, element) {
+				var obj = {},
+					href,
+					title,
+					content,
+					type,
+					rez,
+					hrefParts,
+					selector;
+				if ($.type(element) === "object") {
+					// Check if is DOM element
+					if (element.nodeType) {
+						element = $(element);
+					}
+					if (isQuery(element)) {
+						obj = {
+							href    :'fancybox-href') || element.attr('href'),
+							title   : $('<div/>').text('fancybox-title') || element.attr('title') ).html(),
+							isDom   : true,
+							element : element
+						};
+						if ($.metadata) {
+							$.extend(true, obj, element.metadata());
+						}
+					} else {
+						obj = element;
+					}
+				}
+				href  = opts.href  || obj.href || (isString(element) ? element : null);
+				title = opts.title !== undefined ? opts.title : obj.title || '';
+				content = opts.content || obj.content;
+				type    = content ? 'html' : (opts.type  || obj.type);
+				if (!type && obj.isDom) {
+					type ='fancybox-type');
+					if (!type) {
+						rez  = element.prop('class').match(/fancybox\.(\w+)/);
+						type = rez ? rez[1] : null;
+					}
+				}
+				if (isString(href)) {
+					// Try to guess the content type
+					if (!type) {
+						if (F.isImage(href)) {
+							type = 'image';
+						} else if (F.isSWF(href)) {
+							type = 'swf';
+						} else if (href.charAt(0) === '#') {
+							type = 'inline';
+						} else if (isString(element)) {
+							type    = 'html';
+							content = element;
+						}
+					}
+					// Split url into two pieces with source url and content selector, e.g,
+					// "/mypage.html #my_id" will load "/mypage.html" and display element having id "my_id"
+					if (type === 'ajax') {
+						hrefParts = href.split(/\s+/, 2);
+						href      = hrefParts.shift();
+						selector  = hrefParts.shift();
+					}
+				}
+				if (!content) {
+					if (type === 'inline') {
+						if (href) {
+							content = $( isString(href) ? href.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, '') : href ); //strip for ie7
+						} else if (obj.isDom) {
+							content = element;
+						}
+					} else if (type === 'html') {
+						content = href;
+					} else if (!type && !href && obj.isDom) {
+						type    = 'inline';
+						content = element;
+					}
+				}
+				$.extend(obj, {
+					href     : href,
+					type     : type,
+					content  : content,
+					title    : title,
+					selector : selector
+				});
+				group[ i ] = obj;
+			});
+			// Extend the defaults
+			F.opts = $.extend(true, {}, F.defaults, opts);
+			// All options are merged recursive except keys
+			if (opts.keys !== undefined) {
+				F.opts.keys = opts.keys ? $.extend({}, F.defaults.keys, opts.keys) : false;
+			}
+ = group;
+			return F._start(F.opts.index);
+		},
+		// Cancel image loading or abort ajax request
+		cancel: function () {
+			var coming = F.coming;
+			if (coming && false === F.trigger('onCancel')) {
+				return;
+			}
+			F.hideLoading();
+			if (!coming) {
+				return;
+			}
+			if (F.ajaxLoad) {
+				F.ajaxLoad.abort();
+			}
+			F.ajaxLoad = null;
+			if (F.imgPreload) {
+				F.imgPreload.onload = F.imgPreload.onerror = null;
+			}
+			if (coming.wrap) {
+				coming.wrap.stop(true, true).trigger('onReset').remove();
+			}
+			F.coming = null;
+			// If the first item has been canceled, then clear everything
+			if (!F.current) {
+				F._afterZoomOut( coming );
+			}
+		},
+		// Start closing animation if is open; remove immediately if opening/closing
+		close: function (event) {
+			F.cancel();
+			if (false === F.trigger('beforeClose')) {
+				return;
+			}
+			F.unbindEvents();
+			if (!F.isActive) {
+				return;
+			}
+			if (!F.isOpen || event === true) {
+				$('.fancybox-wrap').stop(true).trigger('onReset').remove();
+				F._afterZoomOut();
+			} else {
+				F.isOpen = F.isOpened = false;
+				F.isClosing = true;
+				$('.fancybox-item, .fancybox-nav').remove();
+				F.wrap.stop(true, true).removeClass('fancybox-opened');
+				F.transitions[ F.current.closeMethod ]();
+			}
+		},
+		// Manage slideshow:
+		//   $; - toggle slideshow
+		//   $ true ); - start
+		//   $ false ); - stop
+		play: function ( action ) {
+			var clear = function () {
+					clearTimeout(F.player.timer);
+				},
+				set = function () {
+					clear();
+					if (F.current && F.player.isActive) {
+						F.player.timer = setTimeout(, F.current.playSpeed);
+					}
+				},
+				stop = function () {
+					clear();
+					D.unbind('.player');
+					F.player.isActive = false;
+					F.trigger('onPlayEnd');
+				},
+				start = function () {
+					if (F.current && (F.current.loop || F.current.index < - 1)) {
+						F.player.isActive = true;
+						D.bind({
+							'onCancel.player beforeClose.player' : stop,
+							'onUpdate.player'   : set,
+							'beforeLoad.player' : clear
+						});
+						set();
+						F.trigger('onPlayStart');
+					}
+				};
+			if (action === true || (!F.player.isActive && action !== false)) {
+				start();
+			} else {
+				stop();
+			}
+		},
+		// Navigate to next gallery item
+		next: function ( direction ) {
+			var current = F.current;
+			if (current) {
+				if (!isString(direction)) {
+					direction =;
+				}
+				F.jumpto(current.index + 1, direction, 'next');
+			}
+		},
+		// Navigate to previous gallery item
+		prev: function ( direction ) {
+			var current = F.current;
+			if (current) {
+				if (!isString(direction)) {
+					direction = current.direction.prev;
+				}
+				F.jumpto(current.index - 1, direction, 'prev');
+			}
+		},
+		// Navigate to gallery item by index
+		jumpto: function ( index, direction, router ) {
+			var current = F.current;
+			if (!current) {
+				return;
+			}
+			index = getScalar(index);
+			F.direction = direction || current.direction[ (index >= current.index ? 'next' : 'prev') ];
+			F.router    = router || 'jumpto';
+			if (current.loop) {
+				if (index < 0) {
+					index = + (index %;
+				}
+				index = index %;
+			}
+			if ([ index ] !== undefined) {
+				F.cancel();
+				F._start(index);
+			}
+		},
+		// Center inside viewport and toggle position type to fixed or absolute if needed
+		reposition: function (e, onlyAbsolute) {
+			var current = F.current,
+				wrap    = current ? current.wrap : null,
+				pos;
+			if (wrap) {
+				pos = F._getPosition(onlyAbsolute);
+				if (e && e.type === 'scroll') {
+					delete pos.position;
+					wrap.stop(true, true).animate(pos, 200);
+				} else {
+					wrap.css(pos);
+					current.pos = $.extend({}, current.dim, pos);
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		update: function (e) {
+			var type = (e && e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.type),
+				anyway = !type || type === 'orientationchange';
+			if (anyway) {
+				clearTimeout(didUpdate);
+				didUpdate = null;
+			}
+			if (!F.isOpen || didUpdate) {
+				return;
+			}
+			didUpdate = setTimeout(function() {
+				var current = F.current;
+				if (!current || F.isClosing) {
+					return;
+				}
+				F.wrap.removeClass('fancybox-tmp');
+				if (anyway || type === 'load' || (type === 'resize' && current.autoResize)) {
+					F._setDimension();
+				}
+				if (!(type === 'scroll' && current.canShrink)) {
+					F.reposition(e);
+				}
+				F.trigger('onUpdate');
+				didUpdate = null;
+			}, (anyway && !isTouch ? 0 : 300));
+		},
+		// Shrink content to fit inside viewport or restore if resized
+		toggle: function ( action ) {
+			if (F.isOpen) {
+				F.current.fitToView = $.type(action) === "boolean" ? action : !F.current.fitToView;
+				// Help browser to restore document dimensions
+				if (isTouch) {
+					F.wrap.removeAttr('style').addClass('fancybox-tmp');
+					F.trigger('onUpdate');
+				}
+				F.update();
+			}
+		},
+		hideLoading: function () {
+			D.unbind('.loading');
+			$('#fancybox-loading').remove();
+		},
+		showLoading: function () {
+			var el, viewport;
+			F.hideLoading();
+			el = $('<div id="fancybox-loading"><div></div></div>').click(F.cancel).appendTo('body');
+			// If user will press the escape-button, the request will be canceled
+			D.bind('keydown.loading', function(e) {
+				if ((e.which || e.keyCode) === 27) {
+					e.preventDefault();
+					F.cancel();
+				}
+			});
+			if (!F.defaults.fixed) {
+				viewport = F.getViewport();
+				el.css({
+					position : 'absolute',
+					top  : (viewport.h * 0.5) + viewport.y,
+					left : (viewport.w * 0.5) + viewport.x
+				});
+			}
+			F.trigger('onLoading');
+		},
+		getViewport: function () {
+			var locked = (F.current && F.current.locked) || false,
+				rez    = {
+					x: W.scrollLeft(),
+					y: W.scrollTop()
+				};
+			if (locked && locked.length) {
+				rez.w = locked[0].clientWidth;
+				rez.h = locked[0].clientHeight;
+			} else {
+				// See
+				rez.w = isTouch && window.innerWidth  ? window.innerWidth  : W.width();
+				rez.h = isTouch && window.innerHeight ? window.innerHeight : W.height();
+			}
+			return rez;
+		},
+		// Unbind the keyboard / clicking actions
+		unbindEvents: function () {
+			if (F.wrap && isQuery(F.wrap)) {
+				F.wrap.unbind('.fb');
+			}
+			D.unbind('.fb');
+			W.unbind('.fb');
+		},
+		bindEvents: function () {
+			var current = F.current,
+				keys;
+			if (!current) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// Changing document height on iOS devices triggers a 'resize' event,
+			// that can change document height... repeating infinitely
+			W.bind('orientationchange.fb' + (isTouch ? '' : ' resize.fb') + (current.autoCenter && !current.locked ? ' scroll.fb' : ''), F.update);
+			keys = current.keys;
+			if (keys) {
+				D.bind('keydown.fb', function (e) {
+					var code   = e.which || e.keyCode,
+						target = || e.srcElement;
+					// Skip esc key if loading, because showLoading will cancel preloading
+					if (code === 27 && F.coming) {
+						return false;
+					}
+					// Ignore key combinations and key events within form elements
+					if (!e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey && !e.shiftKey && !e.metaKey && !(target && (target.type || $(target).is('[contenteditable]')))) {
+						$.each(keys, function(i, val) {
+							if ( > 1 && val[ code ] !== undefined) {
+								F[ i ]( val[ code ] );
+								e.preventDefault();
+								return false;
+							}
+							if ($.inArray(code, val) > -1) {
+								F[ i ] ();
+								e.preventDefault();
+								return false;
+							}
+						});
+					}
+				});
+			}
+			if ($.fn.mousewheel && current.mouseWheel) {
+				F.wrap.bind('mousewheel.fb', function (e, delta, deltaX, deltaY) {
+					var target = || null,
+						parent = $(target),
+						canScroll = false;
+					while (parent.length) {
+						if (canScroll ||'.fancybox-skin') ||'.fancybox-wrap')) {
+							break;
+						}
+						canScroll = isScrollable( parent[0] );
+						parent    = $(parent).parent();
+					}
+					if (delta !== 0 && !canScroll) {
+						if ( > 1 && !current.canShrink) {
+							if (deltaY > 0 || deltaX > 0) {
+								F.prev( deltaY > 0 ? 'down' : 'left' );
+							} else if (deltaY < 0 || deltaX < 0) {
+ deltaY < 0 ? 'up' : 'right' );
+							}
+							e.preventDefault();
+						}
+					}
+				});
+			}
+		},
+		trigger: function (event, o) {
+			var ret, obj = o || F.coming || F.current;
+			if (obj) {
+				if ($.isFunction( obj[event] )) {
+					ret = obj[event].apply(obj,, 1));
+				}
+				if (ret === false) {
+					return false;
+				}
+				if (obj.helpers) {
+					$.each(obj.helpers, function (helper, opts) {
+						if (opts && F.helpers[helper] && $.isFunction(F.helpers[helper][event])) {
+							F.helpers[helper][event]($.extend(true, {}, F.helpers[helper].defaults, opts), obj);
+						}
+					});
+				}
+			}
+			D.trigger(event);
+		},
+		isImage: function (str) {
+			return isString(str) && str.match(/(^data:image\/.*,)|(\.(jp(e|g|eg)|gif|png|bmp|webp|svg)((\?|#).*)?$)/i);
+		},
+		isSWF: function (str) {
+			return isString(str) && str.match(/\.(swf)((\?|#).*)?$/i);
+		},
+		_start: function (index) {
+			var coming = {},
+				obj,
+				href,
+				type,
+				margin,
+				padding;
+			index = getScalar( index );
+			obj   =[ index ] || null;
+			if (!obj) {
+				return false;
+			}
+			coming = $.extend(true, {}, F.opts, obj);
+			// Convert margin and padding properties to array - top, right, bottom, left
+			margin  = coming.margin;
+			padding = coming.padding;
+			if ($.type(margin) === 'number') {
+				coming.margin = [margin, margin, margin, margin];
+			}
+			if ($.type(padding) === 'number') {
+				coming.padding = [padding, padding, padding, padding];
+			}
+			// 'modal' propery is just a shortcut
+			if (coming.modal) {
+				$.extend(true, coming, {
+					closeBtn   : false,
+					closeClick : false,
+					nextClick  : false,
+					arrows     : false,
+					mouseWheel : false,
+					keys       : null,
+					helpers: {
+						overlay : {
+							closeClick : false
+						}
+					}
+				});
+			}
+			// 'autoSize' property is a shortcut, too
+			if (coming.autoSize) {
+				coming.autoWidth = coming.autoHeight = true;
+			}
+			if (coming.width === 'auto') {
+				coming.autoWidth = true;
+			}
+			if (coming.height === 'auto') {
+				coming.autoHeight = true;
+			}
+			/*
+			 * Add reference to the group, so it`s possible to access from callbacks, example:
+			 * afterLoad : function() {
+			 *     this.title = 'Image ' + (this.index + 1) + ' of ' + + (this.title ? ' - ' + this.title : '');
+			 * }
+			 */
+  =;
+			coming.index  = index;
+			// Give a chance for callback or helpers to update coming item (type, title, etc)
+			F.coming = coming;
+			if (false === F.trigger('beforeLoad')) {
+				F.coming = null;
+				return;
+			}
+			type = coming.type;
+			href = coming.href;
+			if (!type) {
+				F.coming = null;
+				//If we can not determine content type then drop silently or display next/prev item if looping through gallery
+				if (F.current && F.router && F.router !== 'jumpto') {
+					F.current.index = index;
+					return F[ F.router ]( F.direction );
+				}
+				return false;
+			}
+			F.isActive = true;
+			if (type === 'image' || type === 'swf') {
+				coming.autoHeight = coming.autoWidth = false;
+				coming.scrolling  = 'visible';
+			}
+			if (type === 'image') {
+				coming.aspectRatio = true;
+			}
+			if (type === 'iframe' && isTouch) {
+				coming.scrolling = 'scroll';
+			}
+			// Build the neccessary markup
+			coming.wrap = $(coming.tpl.wrap).addClass('fancybox-' + (isTouch ? 'mobile' : 'desktop') + ' fancybox-type-' + type + ' fancybox-tmp ' + coming.wrapCSS).appendTo( coming.parent || 'body' );
+			$.extend(coming, {
+				skin  : $('.fancybox-skin',  coming.wrap),
+				outer : $('.fancybox-outer', coming.wrap),
+				inner : $('.fancybox-inner', coming.wrap)
+			});
+			$.each(["Top", "Right", "Bottom", "Left"], function(i, v) {
+'padding' + v, getValue(coming.padding[ i ]));
+			});
+			F.trigger('onReady');
+			// Check before try to load; 'inline' and 'html' types need content, others - href
+			if (type === 'inline' || type === 'html') {
+				if (!coming.content || !coming.content.length) {
+					return F._error( 'content' );
+				}
+			} else if (!href) {
+				return F._error( 'href' );
+			}
+			if (type === 'image') {
+				F._loadImage();
+			} else if (type === 'ajax') {
+				F._loadAjax();
+			} else if (type === 'iframe') {
+				F._loadIframe();
+			} else {
+				F._afterLoad();
+			}
+		},
+		_error: function ( type ) {
+			$.extend(F.coming, {
+				type       : 'html',
+				autoWidth  : true,
+				autoHeight : true,
+				minWidth   : 0,
+				minHeight  : 0,
+				scrolling  : 'no',
+				hasError   : type,
+				content    : F.coming.tpl.error
+			});
+			F._afterLoad();
+		},
+		_loadImage: function () {
+			// Reset preload image so it is later possible to check "complete" property
+			var img = F.imgPreload = new Image();
+			img.onload = function () {
+				this.onload = this.onerror = null;
+				F.coming.width  = this.width / F.opts.pixelRatio;
+				F.coming.height = this.height / F.opts.pixelRatio;
+				F._afterLoad();
+			};
+			img.onerror = function () {
+				this.onload = this.onerror = null;
+				F._error( 'image' );
+			};
+			img.src = F.coming.href;
+			if (img.complete !== true) {
+				F.showLoading();
+			}
+		},
+		_loadAjax: function () {
+			var coming = F.coming;
+			F.showLoading();
+			F.ajaxLoad = $.ajax($.extend({}, coming.ajax, {
+				url: coming.href,
+				error: function (jqXHR, textStatus) {
+					if (F.coming && textStatus !== 'abort') {
+						F._error( 'ajax', jqXHR );
+					} else {
+						F.hideLoading();
+					}
+				},
+				success: function (data, textStatus) {
+					if (textStatus === 'success') {
+						coming.content = data;
+						F._afterLoad();
+					}
+				}
+			}));
+		},
+		_loadIframe: function() {
+			var coming = F.coming,
+				iframe = $(coming.tpl.iframe.replace(/\{rnd\}/g, new Date().getTime()))
+					.attr('scrolling', isTouch ? 'auto' : coming.iframe.scrolling)
+					.attr('src', coming.href);
+			// This helps IE
+			$(coming.wrap).bind('onReset', function () {
+				try {
+					$(this).find('iframe').hide().attr('src', '//about:blank').end().empty();
+				} catch (e) {}
+			});
+			if (coming.iframe.preload) {
+				F.showLoading();
+'load', function() {
+					$(this).data('ready', 1);
+					// iOS will lose scrolling if we resize
+					if (!isTouch) {
+						$(this).bind('load.fb', F.update);
+					}
+					// Without this trick:
+					//   - iframe won't scroll on iOS devices
+					//   - IE7 sometimes displays empty iframe
+					$(this).parents('.fancybox-wrap').width('100%').removeClass('fancybox-tmp').show();
+					F._afterLoad();
+				});
+			}
+			coming.content = iframe.appendTo( coming.inner );
+			if (!coming.iframe.preload) {
+				F._afterLoad();
+			}
+		},
+		_preloadImages: function() {
+			var group   =,
+				current = F.current,
+				len     = group.length,
+				cnt     = current.preload ? Math.min(current.preload, len - 1) : 0,
+				item,
+				i;
+			for (i = 1; i <= cnt; i += 1) {
+				item = group[ (current.index + i ) % len ];
+				if (item.type === 'image' && item.href) {
+					new Image().src = item.href;
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		_afterLoad: function () {
+			var coming   = F.coming,
+				previous = F.current,
+				placeholder = 'fancybox-placeholder',
+				current,
+				content,
+				type,
+				scrolling,
+				href,
+				embed;
+			F.hideLoading();
+			if (!coming || F.isActive === false) {
+				return;
+			}
+			if (false === F.trigger('afterLoad', coming, previous)) {
+				coming.wrap.stop(true).trigger('onReset').remove();
+				F.coming = null;
+				return;
+			}
+			if (previous) {
+				F.trigger('beforeChange', previous);
+				previous.wrap.stop(true).removeClass('fancybox-opened')
+					.find('.fancybox-item, .fancybox-nav')
+					.remove();
+			}
+			F.unbindEvents();
+			current   = coming;
+			content   = coming.content;
+			type      = coming.type;
+			scrolling = coming.scrolling;
+			$.extend(F, {
+				wrap  : current.wrap,
+				skin  :,
+				outer : current.outer,
+				inner : current.inner,
+				current  : current,
+				previous : previous
+			});
+			href = current.href;
+			switch (type) {
+				case 'inline':
+				case 'ajax':
+				case 'html':
+					if (current.selector) {
+						content = $('<div>').html(content).find(current.selector);
+					} else if (isQuery(content)) {
+						if (! {
+, $('<div class="' + placeholder + '"></div>').insertAfter( content ).hide() );
+						}
+						content =;
+						current.wrap.bind('onReset', function () {
+							if ($(this).find(content).length) {
+								content.hide().replaceAll( ).data(placeholder, false);
+							}
+						});
+					}
+				break;
+				case 'image':
+					content = current.tpl.image.replace(/\{href\}/g, href);
+				break;
+				case 'swf':
+					content = '<object id="fancybox-swf" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="100%" height="100%"><param name="movie" value="' + href + '"></param>';
+					embed   = '';
+					$.each(current.swf, function(name, val) {
+						content += '<param name="' + name + '" value="' + val + '"></param>';
+						embed   += ' ' + name + '="' + val + '"';
+					});
+					content += '<embed src="' + href + '" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%" height="100%"' + embed + '></embed></object>';
+				break;
+			}
+			if (!(isQuery(content) && content.parent().is(current.inner))) {
+				current.inner.append( content );
+			}
+			// Give a chance for helpers or callbacks to update elements
+			F.trigger('beforeShow');
+			// Set scrolling before calculating dimensions
+			current.inner.css('overflow', scrolling === 'yes' ? 'scroll' : (scrolling === 'no' ? 'hidden' : scrolling));
+			// Set initial dimensions and start position
+			F._setDimension();
+			F.reposition();
+			F.isOpen = false;
+			F.coming = null;
+			F.bindEvents();
+			if (!F.isOpened) {
+				$('.fancybox-wrap').not( current.wrap ).stop(true).trigger('onReset').remove();
+			} else if (previous.prevMethod) {
+				F.transitions[ previous.prevMethod ]();
+			}
+			F.transitions[ F.isOpened ? current.nextMethod : current.openMethod ]();
+			F._preloadImages();
+		},
+		_setDimension: function () {
+			var viewport   = F.getViewport(),
+				steps      = 0,
+				canShrink  = false,
+				canExpand  = false,
+				wrap       = F.wrap,
+				skin       =,
+				inner      = F.inner,
+				current    = F.current,
+				width      = current.width,
+				height     = current.height,
+				minWidth   = current.minWidth,
+				minHeight  = current.minHeight,
+				maxWidth   = current.maxWidth,
+				maxHeight  = current.maxHeight,
+				scrolling  = current.scrolling,
+				scrollOut  = current.scrollOutside ? current.scrollbarWidth : 0,
+				margin     = current.margin,
+				wMargin    = getScalar(margin[1] + margin[3]),
+				hMargin    = getScalar(margin[0] + margin[2]),
+				wPadding,
+				hPadding,
+				wSpace,
+				hSpace,
+				origWidth,
+				origHeight,
+				origMaxWidth,
+				origMaxHeight,
+				ratio,
+				width_,
+				height_,
+				maxWidth_,
+				maxHeight_,
+				iframe,
+				body;
+			// Reset dimensions so we could re-check actual size
+			wrap.add(skin).add(inner).width('auto').height('auto').removeClass('fancybox-tmp');
+			wPadding = getScalar(skin.outerWidth(true)  - skin.width());
+			hPadding = getScalar(skin.outerHeight(true) - skin.height());
+			// Any space between content and viewport (margin, padding, border, title)
+			wSpace = wMargin + wPadding;
+			hSpace = hMargin + hPadding;
+			origWidth  = isPercentage(width)  ? (viewport.w - wSpace) * getScalar(width)  / 100 : width;
+			origHeight = isPercentage(height) ? (viewport.h - hSpace) * getScalar(height) / 100 : height;
+			if (current.type === 'iframe') {
+				iframe = current.content;
+				if (current.autoHeight &&'ready') === 1) {
+					try {
+						if (iframe[0].contentWindow.document.location) {
+							inner.width( origWidth ).height(9999);
+							body = iframe.contents().find('body');
+							if (scrollOut) {
+								body.css('overflow-x', 'hidden');
+							}
+							origHeight = body.outerHeight(true);
+						}
+					} catch (e) {}
+				}
+			} else if (current.autoWidth || current.autoHeight) {
+				inner.addClass( 'fancybox-tmp' );
+				// Set width or height in case we need to calculate only one dimension
+				if (!current.autoWidth) {
+					inner.width( origWidth );
+				}
+				if (!current.autoHeight) {
+					inner.height( origHeight );
+				}
+				if (current.autoWidth) {
+					origWidth = inner.width();
+				}
+				if (current.autoHeight) {
+					origHeight = inner.height();
+				}
+				inner.removeClass( 'fancybox-tmp' );
+			}
+			width  = getScalar( origWidth );
+			height = getScalar( origHeight );
+			ratio  = origWidth / origHeight;
+			// Calculations for the content
+			minWidth  = getScalar(isPercentage(minWidth) ? getScalar(minWidth, 'w') - wSpace : minWidth);
+			maxWidth  = getScalar(isPercentage(maxWidth) ? getScalar(maxWidth, 'w') - wSpace : maxWidth);
+			minHeight = getScalar(isPercentage(minHeight) ? getScalar(minHeight, 'h') - hSpace : minHeight);
+			maxHeight = getScalar(isPercentage(maxHeight) ? getScalar(maxHeight, 'h') - hSpace : maxHeight);
+			// These will be used to determine if wrap can fit in the viewport
+			origMaxWidth  = maxWidth;
+			origMaxHeight = maxHeight;
+			if (current.fitToView) {
+				maxWidth  = Math.min(viewport.w - wSpace, maxWidth);
+				maxHeight = Math.min(viewport.h - hSpace, maxHeight);
+			}
+			maxWidth_  = viewport.w - wMargin;
+			maxHeight_ = viewport.h - hMargin;
+			if (current.aspectRatio) {
+				if (width > maxWidth) {
+					width  = maxWidth;
+					height = getScalar(width / ratio);
+				}
+				if (height > maxHeight) {
+					height = maxHeight;
+					width  = getScalar(height * ratio);
+				}
+				if (width < minWidth) {
+					width  = minWidth;
+					height = getScalar(width / ratio);
+				}
+				if (height < minHeight) {
+					height = minHeight;
+					width  = getScalar(height * ratio);
+				}
+			} else {
+				width = Math.max(minWidth, Math.min(width, maxWidth));
+				if (current.autoHeight && current.type !== 'iframe') {
+					inner.width( width );
+					height = inner.height();
+				}
+				height = Math.max(minHeight, Math.min(height, maxHeight));
+			}
+			// Try to fit inside viewport (including the title)
+			if (current.fitToView) {
+				inner.width( width ).height( height );
+				wrap.width( width + wPadding );
+				// Real wrap dimensions
+				width_  = wrap.width();
+				height_ = wrap.height();
+				if (current.aspectRatio) {
+					while ((width_ > maxWidth_ || height_ > maxHeight_) && width > minWidth && height > minHeight) {
+						if (steps++ > 19) {
+							break;
+						}
+						height = Math.max(minHeight, Math.min(maxHeight, height - 10));
+						width  = getScalar(height * ratio);
+						if (width < minWidth) {
+							width  = minWidth;
+							height = getScalar(width / ratio);
+						}
+						if (width > maxWidth) {
+							width  = maxWidth;
+							height = getScalar(width / ratio);
+						}
+						inner.width( width ).height( height );
+						wrap.width( width + wPadding );
+						width_  = wrap.width();
+						height_ = wrap.height();
+					}
+				} else {
+					width  = Math.max(minWidth,  Math.min(width,  width  - (width_  - maxWidth_)));
+					height = Math.max(minHeight, Math.min(height, height - (height_ - maxHeight_)));
+				}
+			}
+			if (scrollOut && scrolling === 'auto' && height < origHeight && (width + wPadding + scrollOut) < maxWidth_) {
+				width += scrollOut;
+			}
+			inner.width( width ).height( height );
+			wrap.width( width + wPadding );
+			width_  = wrap.width();
+			height_ = wrap.height();
+			canShrink = (width_ > maxWidth_ || height_ > maxHeight_) && width > minWidth && height > minHeight;
+			canExpand = current.aspectRatio ? (width < origMaxWidth && height < origMaxHeight && width < origWidth && height < origHeight) : ((width < origMaxWidth || height < origMaxHeight) && (width < origWidth || height < origHeight));
+			$.extend(current, {
+				dim : {
+					width	: getValue( width_ ),
+					height	: getValue( height_ )
+				},
+				origWidth  : origWidth,
+				origHeight : origHeight,
+				canShrink  : canShrink,
+				canExpand  : canExpand,
+				wPadding   : wPadding,
+				hPadding   : hPadding,
+				wrapSpace  : height_ - skin.outerHeight(true),
+				skinSpace  : skin.height() - height
+			});
+			if (!iframe && current.autoHeight && height > minHeight && height < maxHeight && !canExpand) {
+				inner.height('auto');
+			}
+		},
+		_getPosition: function (onlyAbsolute) {
+			var current  = F.current,
+				viewport = F.getViewport(),
+				margin   = current.margin,
+				width    = F.wrap.width()  + margin[1] + margin[3],
+				height   = F.wrap.height() + margin[0] + margin[2],
+				rez      = {
+					position: 'absolute',
+					top  : margin[0],
+					left : margin[3]
+				};
+			if (current.autoCenter && current.fixed && !onlyAbsolute && height <= viewport.h && width <= viewport.w) {
+				rez.position = 'fixed';
+			} else if (!current.locked) {
+  += viewport.y;
+				rez.left += viewport.x;
+			}
+  = getValue(Math.max(,  + ((viewport.h - height) * current.topRatio)));
+			rez.left = getValue(Math.max(rez.left, rez.left + ((viewport.w - width)  * current.leftRatio)));
+			return rez;
+		},
+		_afterZoomIn: function () {
+			var current = F.current;
+			if (!current) {
+				return;
+			}
+			F.isOpen = F.isOpened = true;
+			F.wrap.css('overflow', 'visible').addClass('fancybox-opened').hide().show(0);
+			F.update();
+			// Assign a click event
+			if ( current.closeClick || (current.nextClick && > 1) ) {
+				F.inner.css('cursor', 'pointer').bind('click.fb', function(e) {
+					if (!$('a') && !$('a')) {
+						e.preventDefault();
+						F[ current.closeClick ? 'close' : 'next' ]();
+					}
+				});
+			}
+			// Create a close button
+			if (current.closeBtn) {
+				$(current.tpl.closeBtn).appendTo('click.fb', function(e) {
+					e.preventDefault();
+					F.close();
+				});
+			}
+			// Create navigation arrows
+			if (current.arrows && > 1) {
+				if (current.loop || current.index > 0) {
+					$(current.tpl.prev).appendTo(F.outer).bind('click.fb', F.prev);
+				}
+				if (current.loop || current.index < - 1) {
+					$('click.fb',;
+				}
+			}
+			F.trigger('afterShow');
+			// Stop the slideshow if this is the last item
+			if (!current.loop && current.index === - 1) {
+ false );
+			} else if (F.opts.autoPlay && !F.player.isActive) {
+				F.opts.autoPlay = false;
+			}
+		},
+		_afterZoomOut: function ( obj ) {
+			obj = obj || F.current;
+			$('.fancybox-wrap').trigger('onReset').remove();
+			$.extend(F, {
+				group  : {},
+				opts   : {},
+				router : false,
+				current   : null,
+				isActive  : false,
+				isOpened  : false,
+				isOpen    : false,
+				isClosing : false,
+				wrap   : null,
+				skin   : null,
+				outer  : null,
+				inner  : null
+			});
+			F.trigger('afterClose', obj);
+		}
+	});
+	/*
+	 *	Default transitions
+	 */
+	F.transitions = {
+		getOrigPosition: function () {
+			var current  = F.current,
+				element  = current.element,
+				orig     = current.orig,
+				pos      = {},
+				width    = 50,
+				height   = 50,
+				hPadding = current.hPadding,
+				wPadding = current.wPadding,
+				viewport = F.getViewport();
+			if (!orig && current.isDom &&':visible')) {
+				orig = element.find('img:first');
+				if (!orig.length) {
+					orig = element;
+				}
+			}
+			if (isQuery(orig)) {
+				pos = orig.offset();
+				if ('img')) {
+					width  = orig.outerWidth();
+					height = orig.outerHeight();
+				}
+			} else {
+  = viewport.y + (viewport.h - height) * current.topRatio;
+				pos.left = viewport.x + (viewport.w - width)  * current.leftRatio;
+			}
+			if (F.wrap.css('position') === 'fixed' || current.locked) {
+  -= viewport.y;
+				pos.left -= viewport.x;
+			}
+			pos = {
+				top     : getValue(  - hPadding * current.topRatio),
+				left    : getValue(pos.left - wPadding * current.leftRatio),
+				width   : getValue(width  + wPadding),
+				height  : getValue(height + hPadding)
+			};
+			return pos;
+		},
+		step: function (now, fx) {
+			var ratio,
+				padding,
+				value,
+				prop       = fx.prop,
+				current    = F.current,
+				wrapSpace  = current.wrapSpace,
+				skinSpace  = current.skinSpace;
+			if (prop === 'width' || prop === 'height') {
+				ratio = fx.end === fx.start ? 1 : (now - fx.start) / (fx.end - fx.start);
+				if (F.isClosing) {
+					ratio = 1 - ratio;
+				}
+				padding = prop === 'width' ? current.wPadding : current.hPadding;
+				value   = now - padding;
+[ prop ](  getScalar( prop === 'width' ?  value : value - (wrapSpace * ratio) ) );
+				F.inner[ prop ]( getScalar( prop === 'width' ?  value : value - (wrapSpace * ratio) - (skinSpace * ratio) ) );
+			}
+		},
+		zoomIn: function () {
+			var current  = F.current,
+				startPos = current.pos,
+				effect   = current.openEffect,
+				elastic  = effect === 'elastic',
+				endPos   = $.extend({opacity : 1}, startPos);
+			// Remove "position" property that breaks older IE
+			delete endPos.position;
+			if (elastic) {
+				startPos = this.getOrigPosition();
+				if (current.openOpacity) {
+					startPos.opacity = 0.1;
+				}
+			} else if (effect === 'fade') {
+				startPos.opacity = 0.1;
+			}
+			F.wrap.css(startPos).animate(endPos, {
+				duration : effect === 'none' ? 0 : current.openSpeed,
+				easing   : current.openEasing,
+				step     : elastic ? this.step : null,
+				complete : F._afterZoomIn
+			});
+		},
+		zoomOut: function () {
+			var current  = F.current,
+				effect   = current.closeEffect,
+				elastic  = effect === 'elastic',
+				endPos   = {opacity : 0.1};
+			if (elastic) {
+				endPos = this.getOrigPosition();
+				if (current.closeOpacity) {
+					endPos.opacity = 0.1;
+				}
+			}
+			F.wrap.animate(endPos, {
+				duration : effect === 'none' ? 0 : current.closeSpeed,
+				easing   : current.closeEasing,
+				step     : elastic ? this.step : null,
+				complete : F._afterZoomOut
+			});
+		},
+		changeIn: function () {
+			var current   = F.current,
+				effect    = current.nextEffect,
+				startPos  = current.pos,
+				endPos    = { opacity : 1 },
+				direction = F.direction,
+				distance  = 200,
+				field;
+			startPos.opacity = 0.1;
+			if (effect === 'elastic') {
+				field = direction === 'down' || direction === 'up' ? 'top' : 'left';
+				if (direction === 'down' || direction === 'right') {
+					startPos[ field ] = getValue(getScalar(startPos[ field ]) - distance);
+					endPos[ field ]   = '+=' + distance + 'px';
+				} else {
+					startPos[ field ] = getValue(getScalar(startPos[ field ]) + distance);
+					endPos[ field ]   = '-=' + distance + 'px';
+				}
+			}
+			// Workaround for
+			if (effect === 'none') {
+				F._afterZoomIn();
+			} else {
+				F.wrap.css(startPos).animate(endPos, {
+					duration : current.nextSpeed,
+					easing   : current.nextEasing,
+					complete : F._afterZoomIn
+				});
+			}
+		},
+		changeOut: function () {
+			var previous  = F.previous,
+				effect    = previous.prevEffect,
+				endPos    = { opacity : 0.1 },
+				direction = F.direction,
+				distance  = 200;
+			if (effect === 'elastic') {
+				endPos[ direction === 'down' || direction === 'up' ? 'top' : 'left' ] = ( direction === 'up' || direction === 'left' ? '-' : '+' ) + '=' + distance + 'px';
+			}
+			previous.wrap.animate(endPos, {
+				duration : effect === 'none' ? 0 : previous.prevSpeed,
+				easing   : previous.prevEasing,
+				complete : function () {
+					$(this).trigger('onReset').remove();
+				}
+			});
+		}
+	};
+	/*
+	 *	Overlay helper
+	 */
+	F.helpers.overlay = {
+		defaults : {
+			closeClick : true,      // if true, fancyBox will be closed when user clicks on the overlay
+			speedOut   : 200,       // duration of fadeOut animation
+			showEarly  : true,      // indicates if should be opened immediately or wait until the content is ready
+			css        : {},        // custom CSS properties
+			locked     : !isTouch,  // if true, the content will be locked into overlay
+			fixed      : true       // if false, the overlay CSS position property will not be set to "fixed"
+		},
+		overlay : null,      // current handle
+		fixed   : false,     // indicates if the overlay has position "fixed"
+		el      : $('html'), // element that contains "the lock"
+		// Public methods
+		create : function(opts) {
+			var parent;
+			opts = $.extend({}, this.defaults, opts);
+			if (this.overlay) {
+				this.close();
+			}
+			parent = F.coming ? F.coming.parent : opts.parent;
+			this.overlay = $('<div class="fancybox-overlay"></div>').appendTo( parent && parent.lenth ? parent : 'body' );
+			this.fixed   = false;
+			if (opts.fixed && F.defaults.fixed) {
+				this.overlay.addClass('fancybox-overlay-fixed');
+				this.fixed = true;
+			}
+		},
+		open : function(opts) {
+			var that = this;
+			opts = $.extend({}, this.defaults, opts);
+			if (this.overlay) {
+				this.overlay.unbind('.overlay').width('auto').height('auto');
+			} else {
+				this.create(opts);
+			}
+			if (!this.fixed) {
+				W.bind('resize.overlay', $.proxy( this.update, this) );
+				this.update();
+			}
+			if (opts.closeClick) {
+				this.overlay.bind('click.overlay', function(e) {
+					if ($('fancybox-overlay')) {
+						if (F.isActive) {
+							F.close();
+						} else {
+							that.close();
+						}
+						return false;
+					}
+				});
+			}
+			this.overlay.css( opts.css ).show();
+		},
+		close : function() {
+			W.unbind('resize.overlay');
+			if (this.el.hasClass('fancybox-lock')) {
+				$('.fancybox-margin').removeClass('fancybox-margin');
+				this.el.removeClass('fancybox-lock');
+				W.scrollTop( this.scrollV ).scrollLeft( this.scrollH );
+			}
+			$('.fancybox-overlay').remove().hide();
+			$.extend(this, {
+				overlay : null,
+				fixed   : false
+			});
+		},
+		// Private, callbacks
+		update : function () {
+			var width = '100%', offsetWidth;
+			// Reset width/height so it will not mess
+			this.overlay.width(width).height('100%');
+			// jQuery does not return reliable result for IE
+			if (IE) {
+				offsetWidth = Math.max(document.documentElement.offsetWidth, document.body.offsetWidth);
+				if (D.width() > offsetWidth) {
+					width = D.width();
+				}
+			} else if (D.width() > W.width()) {
+				width = D.width();
+			}
+			this.overlay.width(width).height(D.height());
+		},
+		// This is where we can manipulate DOM, because later it would cause iframes to reload
+		onReady : function (opts, obj) {
+			var overlay = this.overlay;
+			$('.fancybox-overlay').stop(true, true);
+			if (!overlay) {
+				this.create(opts);
+			}
+			if (opts.locked && this.fixed && obj.fixed) {
+				obj.locked = this.overlay.append( obj.wrap );
+				obj.fixed  = false;
+			}
+			if (opts.showEarly === true) {
+				this.beforeShow.apply(this, arguments);
+			}
+		},
+		beforeShow : function(opts, obj) {
+			if (obj.locked && !this.el.hasClass('fancybox-lock')) {
+				if (this.fixPosition !== false) {
+					$('*').filter(function(){
+						return ($(this).css('position') === 'fixed' && !$(this).hasClass("fancybox-overlay") && !$(this).hasClass("fancybox-wrap") );
+					}).addClass('fancybox-margin');
+				}
+				this.el.addClass('fancybox-margin');
+				this.scrollV = W.scrollTop();
+				this.scrollH = W.scrollLeft();
+				this.el.addClass('fancybox-lock');
+				W.scrollTop( this.scrollV ).scrollLeft( this.scrollH );
+			}
+		},
+		onUpdate : function() {
+			if (!this.fixed) {
+				this.update();
+			}
+		},
+		afterClose: function (opts) {
+			// Remove overlay if exists and fancyBox is not opening
+			// (e.g., it is not being open using afterClose callback)
+			if (this.overlay && !F.coming) {
+				this.overlay.fadeOut(opts.speedOut, $.proxy( this.close, this ));
+			}
+		}
+	};
+	/*
+	 *	Title helper
+	 */
+	F.helpers.title = {
+		defaults : {
+			type     : 'float', // 'float', 'inside', 'outside' or 'over',
+			position : 'bottom' // 'top' or 'bottom'
+		},
+		beforeShow: function (opts) {
+			var current = F.current,
+				text    = current.title,
+				type    = opts.type,
+				title,
+				target;
+			if ($.isFunction(text)) {
+				text =, current);
+			}
+			if (!isString(text) || $.trim(text) === '') {
+				return;
+			}
+			title = $('<div class="fancybox-title fancybox-title-' + type + '-wrap">' + text + '</div>');
+			switch (type) {
+				case 'inside':
+					target =;
+				break;
+				case 'outside':
+					target = F.wrap;
+				break;
+				case 'over':
+					target = F.inner;
+				break;
+				default: // 'float'
+					target =;
+					title.appendTo('body');
+					if (IE) {
+						title.width( title.width() );
+					}
+					title.wrapInner('<span class="child"></span>');
+					//Increase bottom margin so this title will also fit into viewport
+					F.current.margin[2] += Math.abs( getScalar(title.css('margin-bottom')) );
+				break;
+			}
+			title[ (opts.position === 'top' ? 'prependTo'  : 'appendTo') ](target);
+		}
+	};
+	// jQuery plugin initialization
+	$.fn.fancybox = function (options) {
+		var index,
+			that     = $(this),
+			selector = this.selector || '',
+			run      = function(e) {
+				var what = $(this).blur(), idx = index, relType, relVal;
+				if (!(e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.shiftKey || e.metaKey) && !'.fancybox-wrap')) {
+					relType = options.groupAttr || 'data-fancybox-group';
+					relVal  = what.attr(relType);
+					if (!relVal) {
+						relType = 'rel';
+						relVal  = what.get(0)[ relType ];
+					}
+					if (relVal && relVal !== '' && relVal !== 'nofollow') {
+						what = selector.length ? $(selector) : that;
+						what = what.filter('[' + relType + '="' + relVal + '"]');
+						idx  = what.index(this);
+					}
+					options.index = idx;
+					// Stop an event from bubbling if everything is fine
+					if (, options) !== false) {
+						e.preventDefault();
+					}
+				}
+			};
+		options = options || {};
+		index   = options.index || 0;
+		if (!selector || === false) {
+			that.unbind('click.fb-start').bind('click.fb-start', run);
+		} else {
+			D.undelegate(selector, 'click.fb-start').delegate(selector + ":not('.fancybox-item, .fancybox-nav')", 'click.fb-start', run);
+		}
+		this.filter('[data-fancybox-start=1]').trigger('click');
+		return this;
+	};
+	// Tests that need a body at doc ready
+	D.ready(function() {
+		var w1, w2;
+		if ( $.scrollbarWidth === undefined ) {
+			//
+			$.scrollbarWidth = function() {
+				var parent = $('<div style="width:50px;height:50px;overflow:auto"><div/></div>').appendTo('body'),
+					child  = parent.children(),
+					width  = child.innerWidth() - child.height( 99 ).innerWidth();
+				parent.remove();
+				return width;
+			};
+		}
+		if ( $.support.fixedPosition === undefined ) {
+			$.support.fixedPosition = (function() {
+				var elem  = $('<div style="position:fixed;top:20px;"></div>').appendTo('body'),
+					fixed = ( elem[0].offsetTop === 20 || elem[0].offsetTop === 15 );
+				elem.remove();
+				return fixed;
+			}());
+		}
+		$.extend(F.defaults, {
+			scrollbarWidth : $.scrollbarWidth(),
+			fixed  : $.support.fixedPosition,
+			parent : $('body')
+		});
+		//Get real width of page scroll-bar
+		w1 = $(window).width();
+		H.addClass('fancybox-lock-test');
+		w2 = $(window).width();
+		H.removeClass('fancybox-lock-test');
+		$("<style type='text/css'>.fancybox-margin{margin-right:" + (w2 - w1) + "px;}</style>").appendTo("head");
+	});
+}(window, document, jQuery));

+ 46 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+/*! fancyBox v2.1.5 | */
+(function(s,H,f,w){var K=f("html"),q=f(s),p=f(H),b=f.fancybox=function(){,arguments)},J=navigator.userAgent.match(/msie/i),C=null,t=H.createTouch!==w,u=function(a){return a&&a.hasOwnProperty&&a instanceof f},r=function(a){return a&&"string"===f.type(a)},F=function(a){return r(a)&&0<a.indexOf("%")},m=function(a,d){var e=parseInt(a,10)||0;d&&F(a)&&(e*=b.getViewport()[d]/100);return Math.ceil(e)},x=function(a,b){return m(a,b)+"px"};f.extend(b,{version:"2.1.5",defaults:{padding:15,margin:20,
+keys:{next:{13:"left",34:"up",39:"left",40:"up"},prev:{8:"right",33:"down",37:"right",38:"down"},close:[27],play:[32],toggle:[70]},direction:{next:"left",prev:"right"},scrollOutside:!0,index:0,type:null,href:null,content:null,title:null,tpl:{wrap:'<div class="fancybox-wrap" tabIndex="-1"><div class="fancybox-skin"><div class="fancybox-outer"><div class="fancybox-inner"></div></div></div></div>',image:'<img class="fancybox-image" src="{href}" alt="" />',iframe:'<iframe id="fancybox-frame{rnd}" name="fancybox-frame{rnd}" class="fancybox-iframe" frameborder="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen'+
+(J?' allowtransparency="true"':"")+"></iframe>",error:'<p class="fancybox-error">The requested content cannot be loaded.<br/>Please try again later.</p>',closeBtn:'<a title="Close" class="fancybox-item fancybox-close" href="javascript:;"></a>',next:'<a title="Next" class="fancybox-nav fancybox-next" href="javascript:;"><span></span></a>',prev:'<a title="Previous" class="fancybox-nav fancybox-prev" href="javascript:;"><span></span></a>'},openEffect:"fade",openSpeed:250,openEasing:"swing",openOpacity:!0,
+isOpen:!1,isOpened:!1,wrap:null,skin:null,outer:null,inner:null,player:{timer:null,isActive:!1},ajaxLoad:null,imgPreload:null,transitions:{},helpers:{},open:function(a,d){if(a&&(f.isPlainObject(d)||(d={}),!1!==b.close(!0)))return f.isArray(a)||(a=u(a)?f(a).get():[a]),f.each(a,function(e,c){var l={},g,h,k,n,m;"object"===f.type(c)&&(c.nodeType&&(c=f(c)),u(c)?(l={"fancybox-href")||c.attr("href"),title:f("<div/>").text("fancybox-title")||c.attr("title")).html(),isDom:!0,element:c},
+"html"===n?k=g:n||g||!l.isDom||(n="inline",k=c));f.extend(l,{href:g,type:n,content:k,title:h,selector:m});a[e]=l}),b.opts=f.extend(!0,{},b.defaults,d),d.keys!==w&&(b.opts.keys=d.keys?f.extend({},b.defaults.keys,d.keys):!1),,b._start(b.opts.index)},cancel:function(){var a=b.coming;a&&!1===b.trigger("onCancel")||(b.hideLoading(),a&&(b.ajaxLoad&&b.ajaxLoad.abort(),b.ajaxLoad=null,b.imgPreload&&(b.imgPreload.onload=b.imgPreload.onerror=null),a.wrap&&a.wrap.stop(!0,!0).trigger("onReset").remove(),
+b.coming=null,b.current||b._afterZoomOut(a)))},close:function(a){b.cancel();!1!==b.trigger("beforeClose")&&(b.unbindEvents(),b.isActive&&(b.isOpen&&!0!==a?(b.isOpen=b.isOpened=!1,b.isClosing=!0,f(".fancybox-item, .fancybox-nav").remove(),b.wrap.stop(!0,!0).removeClass("fancybox-opened"),b.transitions[b.current.closeMethod]()):(f(".fancybox-wrap").stop(!0).trigger("onReset").remove(),b._afterZoomOut())))},play:function(a){var d=function(){clearTimeout(b.player.timer)},e=function(){d();b.current&&b.player.isActive&&
+(b.player.timer=setTimeout(,b.current.playSpeed))},c=function(){d();p.unbind(".player");b.player.isActive=!1;b.trigger("onPlayEnd")};!0===a||!b.player.isActive&&!1!==a?b.current&&(b.current.loop||b.current.index<!0,p.bind({"onCancel.player beforeClose.player":c,"onUpdate.player":e,"beforeLoad.player":d}),e(),b.trigger("onPlayStart")):c()},next:function(a){var d=b.current;d&&(r(a)||(,b.jumpto(d.index+1,a,"next"))},prev:function(a){var d=
+b.current;d&&(r(a)||(a=d.direction.prev),b.jumpto(d.index-1,a,"prev"))},jumpto:function(a,d,e){var c=b.current;c&&(a=m(a),b.direction=d||c.direction[a>=c.index?"next":"prev"],b.router=e||"jumpto",c.loop&&(0>a&&(,,[a]!==w&&(b.cancel(),b._start(a)))},reposition:function(a,d){var e=b.current,c=e?e.wrap:null,l;c&&(l=b._getPosition(d),a&&"scroll"===a.type?(delete l.position,c.stop(!0,!0).animate(l,200)):(c.css(l),e.pos=f.extend({},e.dim,l)))},
+update:function(a){var d=a&&a.originalEvent&&a.originalEvent.type,e=!d||"orientationchange"===d;e&&(clearTimeout(C),C=null);b.isOpen&&!C&&(C=setTimeout(function(){var c=b.current;c&&!b.isClosing&&(b.wrap.removeClass("fancybox-tmp"),(e||"load"===d||"resize"===d&&c.autoResize)&&b._setDimension(),"scroll"===d&&c.canShrink||b.reposition(a),b.trigger("onUpdate"),C=null)},e&&!t?0:300))},toggle:function(a){b.isOpen&&(b.current.fitToView="boolean"===f.type(a)?a:!b.current.fitToView,t&&(b.wrap.removeAttr("style").addClass("fancybox-tmp"),
+b.trigger("onUpdate")),b.update())},hideLoading:function(){p.unbind(".loading");f("#fancybox-loading").remove()},showLoading:function(){var a,d;b.hideLoading();a=f('<div id="fancybox-loading"><div></div></div>').click(b.cancel).appendTo("body");p.bind("keydown.loading",function(a){27===(a.which||a.keyCode)&&(a.preventDefault(),b.cancel())});b.defaults.fixed||(d=b.getViewport(),a.css({position:"absolute",top:0.5*d.h+d.y,left:0.5*d.w+d.x}));b.trigger("onLoading")},getViewport:function(){var a=b.current&&
+b.current.locked||!1,d={x:q.scrollLeft(),y:q.scrollTop()};a&&a.length?(d.w=a[0].clientWidth,d.h=a[0].clientHeight):(d.w=t&&s.innerWidth?s.innerWidth:q.width(),d.h=t&&s.innerHeight?s.innerHeight:q.height());return d},unbindEvents:function(){b.wrap&&u(b.wrap)&&b.wrap.unbind(".fb");p.unbind(".fb");q.unbind(".fb")},bindEvents:function(){var a=b.current,d;a&&(q.bind("orientationchange.fb"+(t?"":" resize.fb")+(a.autoCenter&&!a.locked?" scroll.fb":""),b.update),(d=a.keys)&&p.bind("keydown.fb",function(e){var c=
+e.which||e.keyCode,||e.srcElement;if(27===c&&b.coming)return!1;e.ctrlKey||e.altKey||e.shiftKey||e.metaKey||l&&(l.type||f(l).is("[contenteditable]"))||f.each(d,function(d,l){if(1<[c]!==w)return b[d](l[c]),e.preventDefault(),!1;if(-1<f.inArray(c,l))return b[d](),e.preventDefault(),!1})}),f.fn.mousewheel&&a.mouseWheel&&b.wrap.bind("mousewheel.fb",function(d,c,l,g){for(var h=f(||null),k=!1;h.length&&!(k||".fancybox-skin")||".fancybox-wrap"));)k=h[0]&&!(h[0].style.overflow&&
+"hidden"===h[0].style.overflow)&&(h[0].clientWidth&&h[0].scrollWidth>h[0].clientWidth||h[0].clientHeight&&h[0].scrollHeight>h[0].clientHeight),h=f(h).parent();0!==c&&!k&&1<!a.canShrink&&(0<g||0<l?b.prev(0<g?"down":"left"):(0>g||0>l)&&>g?"up":"right"),d.preventDefault())}))},trigger:function(a,d){var e,c=d||b.coming||b.current;if(c){f.isFunction(c[a])&&(e=c[a].apply(c,,1)));if(!1===e)return!1;c.helpers&&f.each(c.helpers,function(d,e){if(e&&
+b.helpers[d]&&f.isFunction(b.helpers[d][a]))b.helpers[d][a](f.extend(!0,{},b.helpers[d].defaults,e),c)})}p.trigger(a)},isImage:function(a){return r(a)&&a.match(/(^data:image\/.*,)|(\.(jp(e|g|eg)|gif|png|bmp|webp|svg)((\?|#).*)?$)/i)},isSWF:function(a){return r(a)&&a.match(/\.(swf)((\?|#).*)?$/i)},_start:function(a){var d={},e,c;a=m(a);[a]||null;if(!e)return!1;d=f.extend(!0,{},b.opts,e);e=d.margin;c=d.padding;"number"===f.type(e)&&(d.margin=[e,e,e,e]);"number"===f.type(c)&&(d.padding=[c,c,
+c,c]);d.modal&&f.extend(!0,d,{closeBtn:!1,closeClick:!1,nextClick:!1,arrows:!1,mouseWheel:!1,keys:null,helpers:{overlay:{closeClick:!1}}});d.autoSize&&(d.autoWidth=d.autoHeight=!0);"auto"===d.width&&(d.autoWidth=!0);"auto"===d.height&&(d.autoHeight=!0);;d.index=a;b.coming=d;if(!1===b.trigger("beforeLoad"))b.coming=null;else{c=d.type;e=d.href;if(!c)return b.coming=null,b.current&&b.router&&"jumpto"!==b.router?(b.current.index=a,b[b.router](b.direction)):!1;b.isActive=!0;if("image"===
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+ 137 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
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Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff