123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239 |
- // Effect Syntax Guide: https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/zh/shader/index.html
- CCEffect %{
- techniques:
- - name: opaque
- passes:
- - vert: standard-vs
- frag: standard-fs
- properties: &props
- mainTexture: { value: grey, target: albedoMap, editor: { displayName: AlbedoMap } }
- mainColor: { value: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], target: albedo, linear: true, editor: { displayName: Albedo, type: color } }
- albedoScale: { value: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], target: albedoScaleAndCutoff.xyz }
- alphaThreshold: { value: 0.5, target: albedoScaleAndCutoff.w, editor: { parent: USE_ALPHA_TEST, slide: true, range: [0, 1.0], step: 0.001 } }
- roughness: { value: 0.8, target: pbrParams.y, editor: { slide: true, range: [0, 1.0], step: 0.001 } }
- metallic: { value: 0.6, target: pbrParams.z, editor: { slide: true, range: [0, 1.0], step: 0.001 } }
- - &forward-add
- vert: standard-vs
- frag: standard-fs
- phase: forward-add
- propertyIndex: 0
- embeddedMacros: { CC_FORWARD_ADD: true }
- depthStencilState:
- depthFunc: equal
- depthTest: true
- depthWrite: false
- blendState:
- targets:
- - blend: true
- blendSrc: one
- blendDst: one
- blendSrcAlpha: zero
- blendDstAlpha: one
- - &shadow-caster
- vert: shadow-caster-vs
- frag: shadow-caster-fs
- phase: shadow-caster
- propertyIndex: 0
- rasterizerState:
- cullMode: front
- properties:
- mainColor: { value: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], target: albedo, editor: { displayName: Albedo, type: color } }
- albedoScale: { value: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], target: albedoScaleAndCutoff.xyz }
- alphaThreshold: { value: 0.5, target: albedoScaleAndCutoff.w, editor: { parent: USE_ALPHA_TEST } }
- mainTexture: { value: grey, target: albedoMap, editor: { displayName: AlbedoMap } }
- - name: transparent
- passes:
- - vert: standard-vs
- frag: standard-fs
- embeddedMacros: { CC_FORCE_FORWARD_SHADING: true }
- depthStencilState:
- depthTest: true
- depthWrite: false
- blendState:
- targets:
- - blend: true
- blendSrc: src_alpha
- blendDst: one_minus_src_alpha
- blendDstAlpha: one_minus_src_alpha
- properties: *props
- - *forward-add
- - *shadow-caster
- }%
- CCProgram shared-ubos %{
- uniform Constants {
- vec4 albedo;
- vec4 albedoScaleAndCutoff;
- vec4 pbrParams;
- };
- }%
- CCProgram macro-remapping %{
- // ui displayed macros
- #pragma define-meta USE_TWOSIDE
- #pragma define-meta USE_VERTEX_COLOR
- }%
- CCProgram surface-vertex %{
- vec3 SurfacesVertexModifyWorldPos(in SurfacesStandardVertexIntermediate In)
- {
- return In.worldPos;
- }
- vec3 SurfacesVertexModifyWorldNormal(in SurfacesStandardVertexIntermediate In)
- {
- return In.worldNormal.xyz;
- }
- void SurfacesVertexModifyUV(inout SurfacesStandardVertexIntermediate In)
- {
- }
- }%
- CCProgram surface-fragment %{
- uniform sampler2D albedoMap;
- #pragma define-meta ALBEDO_UV options([v_uv, v_uv1])
- #endif
- #pragma define-meta ALPHA_TEST_CHANNEL options([a, r])
- #endif
- vec4 SurfacesFragmentModifyBaseColorAndTransparency()
- {
- vec4 baseColor = albedo;
- vec4 texColor = texture(albedoMap, ALBEDO_UV);
- texColor.rgb = SRGBToLinear(texColor.rgb);
- baseColor *= texColor;
- #endif
- if (baseColor.ALPHA_TEST_CHANNEL < albedoScaleAndCutoff.w) discard;
- #endif
- baseColor.rgb *= albedoScaleAndCutoff.xyz;
- return baseColor;
- }
- void SurfacesFragmentAlphaClipOnly()
- {
- float alpha = albedo.ALPHA_TEST_CHANNEL;
- alpha *= FSInput_vertexColor.a;
- #endif
- alpha = texture(albedoMap, ALBEDO_UV).ALPHA_TEST_CHANNEL;
- #endif
- if (alpha < albedoScaleAndCutoff.w) discard;
- #endif
- }
- vec3 SurfacesFragmentModifyWorldNormal()
- {
- return normalize(FSInput_worldNormal);
- }
- vec3 SurfacesFragmentModifyEmissive()
- {
- return vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
- }
- vec4 SurfacesFragmentModifyPBRParams()
- {
- // ao, roughness, metallic, specularIntensity
- return vec4(1.0, pbrParams.y, pbrParams.z, 0.5);
- }
- }%
- CCProgram standard-vs %{
- precision highp float;
- // 1. surface internal macros, for technique usage or remapping some user (material) macros to surface internal macros
- #include <macro-remapping>
- #include <surfaces/effect-macros/common-macros>
- // 2. common include with corresponding shader stage, include before surface functions
- #include <surfaces/includes/common-vs>
- // 3. user surface functions that can use user (effect) parameters (ubo Constants)
- // see surfaces/default-functions/xxx.chunk
- #include <shared-ubos>
- #include <surface-vertex>
- // 4. surface include with corresponding shader stage and shading-model (optional)
- #include <surfaces/includes/standard-vs>
- // 5. shader entry with corresponding shader stage and technique usage/type
- #include <shading-entries/main-functions/render-to-scene/vs>
- }%
- CCProgram shadow-caster-vs %{
- precision highp float;
- #include <surfaces/effect-macros/render-to-shadowmap>
- #include <surfaces/includes/common-vs>
- #include <shared-ubos>
- #include <surface-vertex>
- #include <shading-entries/main-functions/render-to-shadowmap/vs>
- }%
- CCProgram standard-fs %{
- // shading-model : standard
- // lighting-model : standard (isotropy / anisotropy pbr)
- // shader stage : fs
- // technique usage/type : render-to-scene
- precision highp float;
- // 1. surface internal macros, for technique usage or remapping some user (material) macros to surface internal macros
- #include <macro-remapping>
- #include <surfaces/effect-macros/common-macros>
- // 2. common include with corresponding shader stage, include before surface functions
- #include <surfaces/includes/common-fs>
- // 3. user surface functions that can use user (effect) parameters (ubo Constants)
- // see surfaces/default-functions/xxx.chunk
- #include <shared-ubos>
- #include <surface-fragment>
- // 4. lighting-model (optional)
- #include <lighting-models/includes/standard>
- // 5. surface include with corresponding shader stage and shading-model (optional)
- #include <surfaces/includes/standard-fs>
- // 6. shader entry with corresponding shader stage and technique usage/type
- #include <shading-entries/main-functions/render-to-scene/fs>
- }%
- CCProgram shadow-caster-fs %{
- precision highp float;
- #include <surfaces/effect-macros/render-to-shadowmap>
- #include <surfaces/includes/common-fs>
- #include <shared-ubos>
- #include <surface-fragment>
- #include <shading-entries/main-functions/render-to-shadowmap/fs>
- }%